Wesler Campaign Flyer #1

I received my first Wesler Campaign flyer in the mail yesterday and as with the Creech Campaign flyers it is posted below.

Like the other campaign flyers we have received it is a nice flyer. For me the comments from the Lewisburg Mayor Patrick Putnam were worth noting as he thanks David and the other commissioners for their help and support in bringing the Pratt Industries expansion to Lewisburg.  That contradicts claims that the commission did not have anything to do with it.  The commission had to approve the Port Authority agreement with Warren County that was used for the project.  On September 30, 2013 the commission noted receipt of a check from the Port Authority for $37,500. A Commissioner noted that the money would bring the Partnership one step closer to not needing taxpayer money.

Not mentioned on the flyer was Goose Creek. Dave is the only commissioner to be in office for all three JRS rounds of Goose Creek and since it failed it is an issue that can be used politically by those who opposed the project.  I am bringing it up as it was raised again in an ad by the Creech campaign that appeared in this week’s Register Herald.  Rodney decided three years ago to run for commissioner.  In 2012 (just two years ago) the last public battle was fought over Goose Creek. There were a couple of public forums and in August a major meeting at National Trail on the project.  There were letters to the editor, four of the six candidates for the County Commission in the Spring Primary were against the project and in the fall campaign three of the four candidates had positions against it.  There were plenty of opportunities for anyone and everyone to speak out publically at the time  – for or against the project. Scroll over to the 6 minute 35 second mark of this video or listen to this short audio file of what was said on March 17, 2014.  A person who knew they were running for commissioner at the time should have taken a public position at the time and helped one side or the other.

As with Rodney I would like to have seen a position against expanding the Preble County Landfill.

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