Preble County, Ohio
County Commissioners
July 11, 2011
Three Commissioners in attendance
End 3.5 minute mark on CD – 900 KB
Commissioner Wesler – Rick, I have not been able to tell the trustees, Jefferson Township had an emergency meeting Saturday morning and they discussed the transient tax once again. And you at this time chose to take 1.5% to put back into your general fund and 1.5% if and when the CVB is up and running you would like to see a yearly contract go to the county, the county CVB. And ahh but if you pretty much see that there's a good effort being made to ahh attract more people to Preble County and stuff you are not opposed further down the road to possibly giving a little bit more money if the need is shown that it is needed. Is that pretty accurate? Yeah and I called all three of you up and thanked you for leaving it open ended like that. For giving the County CVB at least the opportunity to do that because even though I know the New Paris Chamber would do a fantastic job. The larger pool of working for everybody in the county, I believe will bode better for everybody. So and you will if we get this up and going you will see a benefit I am sure in Jefferson Township. Do you have anything else you would like to say Rick?
Rick Spahr (Jefferson Township Trustee) – Yeah one of the main reasons that I wanted to keep the 1.5% is because of the local government fund we are going to lose and other state taxes that we get. I felt like we definitely need to keep that to protect ourselves. If that had not been cut I would probably have gone for the whole 3%.
Commissioner Day – Sure and I understand that.
Rick Spahr – Meredith did go for the 3 but me and Billy didn't. If it hadn't been for all these cuts I feel like all three of us would have — full 3.
Commissioner Day – I understand that and hopefully ahh we can get some things going here that will bring in some additional tax dollars to help supplement those loses, so. Everybody is looking at the same scenario here and we just got to figure out how to not only bring in additional tax dollars but at least retain what we are losing that goes outside the county so. I think we are all on the same page there.
Commissioner Stonecash – Yeah we appreciate you guys doing that. I am sure that Shawnda will work hard with whoever else we have over there to promote Jefferson Township and New Paris. In fact she has already been doing that. Hopefully you will see some good results.
Rick Spahr – Yeah I hope so. Because we have always just sort of been left out up there.
Commissioner Stonecash – I hope not.
Rick Spahr – On the state line on the county line and we always just felt or I do, Jefferson Township just got locked out of a lot of things up there. Even though of course we didn't have a whole lot to offer.
Commissioner Day – Well I think one of the things that we're working on is trying to get an inventory of what everybody does have to offer. You know we are going to revisit the county wide comprehensive plan and that is when everybody can get what their assets are. So we know what everyone has to promote and how we can help them out.
Rick Spahr – Back in the early 50's or early 60's the stone quarry up there at Natural Springs they used to have on a good Saturday good Sunday it wasn't nothing to see a thousand people there. You couldn't walk on the beach. The lake was full of swimmers. Of course they've privatized it. I understand that they are letting some people in now to swim, but they are charging $8 a day. It is a shame that that guy can't get the price down there where people can afford it.
Commissioner Day – Right.
Rick Spahr – And get the people coming back in. Now maybe he don't want them in there because of the campers. I don't know. It used to really bring people in.
Commissioner Wesler – Well maybe that is when is we get a CVB up and going that is something they can do is help to promote activities and events that will draw more of the people and the public to our area so. There is a lot of possibilities Rick that we are gonna be working on so.
Rick Spahr – Fox 21 out of Dayton they used to come up there about once a month.
Commissioner Day – Well unfortunately times have changed a little bit since the 50's and people don't do the same type of activities. But people may be going back to those type of things and staying local and doing things locally that doesn't cost as much ahhm. Ahh I've seen more and more people that ahh aren't traveling like they used to. They are staying close and hopefully that helps out.
Rick Spahr – With $4 gasoline I hope —-
Commissioner Day – Yeah it teased a little bit getting close to 3 about a week or so and then they raised it right back up.
Commissioner Wesler – Well thanks for coming in Rick and you are welcome to stay longer.
Rick Spahr – I better get back.
Commissioner Wesler – Good luck with your tests.
9.75 minute mark on cd
6.17 minutes – 1.44 MB
RE: PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND – ($5,568.00; $87,950.00)
RE: AUTH. PAYMENT – ENGINEER ($7,642.80); JOB & FAMILY SVS. ($594.00); HELP ME GROW ($166.92; $166.92)
RE: ZONING CASE #1292 TO BE HEARD JULY 25, 2011, 9:30 A.M.
14 minute mark on cd
4.13 minutes – 988KB
Mindy expects local government to be down over $210,000 for 2012.
July 1, Cash Balance – $2,479,732.01
July 8, Cash Balance – $2,390,272.39
Conveyance tax for first 8 days – $1,801.90
22.25 minute mark on cd
8.16 minutes – 1.89 MB
Connie – And I did lay tonight's agenda on your desk. Did you pick those up off of your desks today?
23 Minute mark Commissioners reading unidentified document from Connie.
County Engineer Steve Simmons comes in.
26.5 Minute mark Meeting starts. Kyle Cross starts.
27 Minute mark Covered bridge down by Hueston Woods.
29.5 Minute mark Engineer's Facebook page. Update every day.
Connie asks about PS119???
38.25 Minute mark Kyle turns meeting over to Steve Simmons as topic turns to Fairgrounds
Steve gives cost estimate to Connie.
1 hr. 2.25 Minute mark Steve Simmons thinks everything that is going on at Goose Creek is very positive and has his support for it, full speed ahead.
1 hr. 4 minute mark on cd
41.55 minutes – 9.59 MB
John Jones
Monthly tonnage down approximately 9% compared to last year.
Mike Joseph will take over area for EPA
1 hr. 7.25 Minute mark Leachate collection system.
1 hr. 9 Minute mark Finances at landfill. Wants serious look taken at raising tipping fees and assessments mentioned. May of 2008 was last time that tipping fees were adjusted for operational needs. Did not think that assessments had ever been revised. North Point program discussed.
1 hr. 15.25 Minute mark Steve Simmons – I think what we would find is that we get in 2000 2001 is that we will be the most expensive landfill in the State of Ohio. I think he must have miss spoke on the dates. People knew that then but they wanted to be able to control their own destiny….
1 hr. 18.5 Minute mark Discussion on Sanitary Engineer position.
1 hr. 28 Minute mark Mention of PTI for leachate force main. Mention of comments from Maureen sp?
Office Building meeting shop mentioned.
1 hr. 32.75 Minute mark Trucking of leachate to Lakengren discussed.
1 hr. 34 Minute mark Sewer District 2
1 hr. 37 Minute mark Sewer District 3
1 hr. 39.5 minute mark on cd
35.3 minutes – 8.12 MB
RE: PREBLE CO. LEPC BOARD MEMBERS Commissioner Stonecash had previously alluded to having an issue with one proposed member being accepted on to the board.
1 hr. 47.5 minute mark on cd
8 minutes – 1.83 MB
1 hr. 53.5 Minute mark Meeting begins with Tish Plaugher.
Meth labs.
2 hr. 24 minute mark on cd
36.29 minutes – 8.35 MB
2 hr. 25 Minute mark $40,000 available with up to 100% funding based on income. Resolution needed from Commissioners.
2 hr. 31.25 Minute mark Asks for clarification on repair of parking lot.
Preble ranked 60th in state for health(88 counties).
2 hr. 41.5 minute mark on cd
17.30 minutes – 4 MB
Recess for lunch
Resolution 412 Water Pollution control fund – see file 9
Connie – next I would like to bring to your attention … that on February 19, 2010, summary sheet was only signed by one commissioner.
** Voucher 1550 – Kleingers in the amount of $50,000 – part of the Dayton Development Coalition grant. (Jane Marshall had made a public record request and brought the improperly signed voucher issue to Mindy Robbins)
2 hr. 49 Minute mark Preble County Board of Commissioners Employee Handbook
3 hr. 4 minute mark on cd
22.3 minutes – 5.15MB
Between meeting office noise.
3 hr. 13.75 Minute mark Commissioner Stonecash asks what time Kleingers is coming and Connie replies that they will meet him up at Bob Evans at 4:30. Frank Leone will also be there.
3 hr. 14 Minute mark Katie Worthington comes in room.
Commissioner Wesler and Connie discussing slides (evening meeting at National Trail on Goose Creek).
3 hr. 16 Minute mark Sepsis.
3 hr. 19 Minute mark Commissioner Wesler mentions Shawnda being with Michelle Miller
3 hr. 24 minute mark on cd
20 minutes – 4.58 MB
3 hr. 24 Minute mark 2:30 P.M. – PUBLIC HEARING – BED TAX
I purchased the transcription of this hearing in addition to the daily meeting, to view a .pdf: Bed tax hearing
Below is an OCR of the transcripts and as such probably has misspellings and other mistakes:
The Board of Preble County Commissioners met in regular session at 2:30 p.m. on July 11, 2011 in the
Commission Chambers for the purpose of public input on the proposed bed tax. The following members were present:
Commissioner David Wesler, President
Commissioner Chris Day
Commissioner Robert G. Stonecash
Others present:
Connie Crowell, Clerk
Janet Harsh
David Maynard
(Counte.. 14:35:15)
Shawnda Combs, Ec. Dev. Director
Katie Worthington, Assistant. Pros. Atty.
Tom Jordan
Shawnda Combs: Well, a brief overview would be that I came to you folks a few months ago and suggested
that we look at passing a transient lodging tax for Preble County. And I explained in three areas of the County
it is currently collected, which was Monroe Township, Jefferson Township and Israel Township. And uh, that
the, all though those three were currently collecting 3%, the County could collect an additional 3% on those
areas that were currently collecting, but also 3% across the County, should any future development occur that
would create a new bed and breakfast, hotel, camp site, something where people would travel through Preble
County to stay for lodging purposes. So, the transient lodging tax is just that, it's a tax that we all pay when we
travel. When you call for a room rate, they tell you it's $49.00 a night. You get there, you pay the sales tax plus
whatever the community's lodging tax is. There are only around eight to nine counties in the State that are not
collecting the full percentages of bed tax, so we are one of the few that are remaining. In my suggestion to the
Board to impose a lodging tax, we discussed the revenue that would be collected and, just for reference
purposes, other areas of the State of Ohio collect from the 3% up to 23%. There are some areas of Ohio that
collect 23%. It gets that high because some people have stadiums, sporting complexes, things like that.
Warren County is currently is the process of doing a 1% increase for just that, a sporting complex. So, it's not a
tax on the business, it's a pass through tax. It's paid by the person traveling through and my – I gave you two
different references so you could prep the 2% or the 3% and I gave you the revenues that could be collected.
In the areas that currently are collecting the 3%, the revenues for 2008 was $86,081.00. The 2009 total was
collected $95,071.00 and in 2010 it had increased to $99,853.00. And I know during 2010 those revenues
would have been higher, but we had two of the collectable hotels under construction, so those revenues were
down. That gives you an idea, should you increase it to the 3%, of what the potential revenue would be. The
establishments that would be the most collectable would be Hueston Woods and the Fairfield Inn. Hueston
Woods, down in Israel Township, it's a State Park Lodge, a lot of great things there. And the same thing,
Fairfield Inn, there's a lot of things up in that area that increase the traffic to those establishments. In the
research I did prior to coming to the Board, I identified, I went to all of those establishments to see how they
were marketing themselves in the County. And also how they were marketing the County to increase traffic to
their establishments and if you recall in that meeting, there were zero marketing materials for any County
event. Whether it's the Black Walnut Festival, the Pork Festival, there were – literally nothing. And then in all
the tourism magazines that are attributed to increasing tourism dollars. Zero. And under my door, when I came
back from vacation, there were two publications that were slid under my door that are Ohio Tourism catalogs
that are at hotels, restaurants, all kinds of places. The free magazines that you get, there's zero about Preble
County or even Southwest Ohio in those publications. So, we have many things to do here, we just need to
increase the presence of what to do here. Now, those transient dollars that would be collected, it's a pass
through tax, would be, in my suggestion, the 3% that the County would collect has to be placed into a
convention and visitors bureau entity. And that was my suggestion at that point, that a CVB be created and
then I learned that there was one already created. The money would be placed into that. There would be a
board, a review committee, things that like that comes up with all the ways that we would need to spend the
money on, marketing, online publications, hard copy publications, creating bus tours, creating sporting events.
You see in Amish country, they're known for basketball. They have all the tournaments that go through there
just for basketball tournaments. It brings a lot of money to the Community. A report was just released by the
State that said for every $1.00 you spend on marketing of tourism, the community gets $13.00 back. That's just
on the tourism money spent, so the return on investment of us imposing this tax is only in our favor. It really
only is in our favor. So what I believe we identified, there was over 450 companies in the County that would
benefit from this because it would, hopefully, if the numbers are correct and it works like everybody says it
does, it would increase employment at those establishments because they would have to hire more people to
attend the traffic that these convention and visitor bureaus can bring to a community. The Middletown Journal
over the weekend, there was a story done on the balloon festival. And I've been a part of that balloon festival
since it came back to Middletown back in, I think 2003. It showed their revenue and I believe last year it was
$35 million it brought to the community. There is a return on investment. You just have to tell people what you
have. We have the world's largest Pork Festival. We capture those people for a small time. We need to work to
capture them the entire weekend. So, also in research, not only did I visit establishments, but I talked to many
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people that travel through and visit Preble County, as well as residents that travel and asked if they knew about
Heaven's Corner Zoo, 90% of them said no. 100% of the people I asked did not know Hueston Woods was in
the County. They thought it was in Butler County. The folks in Butler County think it's in Preble County. That's
a paradigm that doesn't work for either of us. That's the case in Fairfield Township, or with Fairfield Inn up in
Jefferson Township. They're on the Preble County side, but Richmond has a bed tax and they do a lot to
promote visitors, their visitor's bureau, but the Fairfield Inn can't capture those opportunities because
Richmond can't collect bed tax from their establishment. They're in a real pickle because we're over here not
doing anything with those dollars, but their competition is. So, obviously our goal would be to market those
establishments that have an existing market around them and the Fairfield Inn is definitely one of them. Their
room rates are either mid or below the price of a stay in Indiana so implementing that transient tax would not
impact their ability to attract visitors.
Commissioner Stonecash: You've already begun to promote the Fairfield Inn and the Hueston Woods Inn. Is
that correct?
Shawnda Combs: Excuse me?
Commissioner Stonecash: You've already promoted them…
Shawnda Combs: Um hmm.
Commissioner Stonecash: Without the benefit of this so far, just through economic development dollars.
Shawnda Combs: Through the partnership, correct, when I submitted my budget to the partnership, obviously,
the partnership is our marketing arm. There are not public dollars to spend on marketing and rightly so, then
that's the benefit of having a public private partnership. When I submitted my budget to the partnership, I
requested a line item for tourism publication. I think it was to the tune of around $2,500.00 and I have stretched
that to the mere bitter end, but one of the one things we did was purchase an online magazine advertorial
space which we get to interchange tiles on monthly. They have over a 9,000 readership base across the
country, very nice. We interchange those tiles once a month. I just did one for the Fair. I created an image and
a tile for the Fair so it's on this national tourism website and it links right to the Fair's website. I track those
visits to, to make sure that we're getting the most for our money, but also so that I can go back to the Fair and
say hey, we did this, at no cost to you. It brought this much traffic to your establishment, and hopefully we'll be
able to, should this be passed, to create groupons to where, similarto what we did with the Bridges, Bikes and
Blues. We were able to offer people that came in for that event a discounted room rate at Fairfield Inn and
some of the additional establishments that jumped in, a discounted room rate if they were to come, staythe
night and say I'm here for the Bridges, Bikes and Blues. That helps us capture the amount of people that find
our marketing, but also give them a discounted room rate for coming to our events. And you have to have
events to get people to travel to those hotels to the extent that it's a revenue generating, for the community,
opportunity, not just for the owner of the establishment. The hotels don't, they don't incorporate into their
marketing budget the Pork Festival, the Bridges, Bikes and Blues. They don't incorporate those things into their
marketing budget. They market, the rooms, you know, you get a refrigerator, with the rooms rates, things like
that. So, if somebody was to say, find Fairfield Inn, right now they can't find anything to do around the Fairfield
Inn and that's something that this money, through CVB, should be spent on. Should be coordinating groupons
and packages for when people come to the Fairfield, they should be able to find rack cards. There's rack cards
for Darke County, Sidney, everybody around us, but nothing about Preble County. And I understand that some
folks think that it the, say Heaven's Corner Zoo's responsibility. Well they are, they are marketing heavily.
They're a 501 (c)(3), they're a not for profit. And a lot of those, you know the fairs and the pork festivals, they do
their level of marketing, but as a community, we have a responsibility to tell people who we are, collectively, as
a community. And I don't expect the Pork Festival to necessarily be over here promoting Heaven's Corner Zoo
or vice versa because the marketing dollars they have are so small. When we capture them in a big pot, it
gives us the ability to market all of the County's events equally and to play on those that will bring in the most
traffic. An average multiplier per family that comes to a town for, say a festival, is $65.00. So, for the Bridges,
Bikes and Sleus, I know the gas stations did very, very well that day because everybody had to fuel up. The…
Commissioner Stonecash: The, you were talking about the hotels, but the, I can't think of the name of it, it
used to be France Park.
Commissioner Wesler: Natural Springs.
Commissioner Stonecash: Natural Springs now, would benefit, if that land owner decides to open it up. That's
private now, is that right?
Shawnda Combs: Oh, I hope it does. That's something in my tours, with many people that we've, today I'm
with the Department of… Michelle Miller's with me all day today and I get, I have the opportunity to share all the
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great things about Preble County and I've been doing this now for a month with a lot of our leadership. And
that is, that's actually one thing that I wish would because there's a lot of history there. And in today's market,
when you look at how families are moved to be more organic, more natural, looking for things that are more
meaningful than the average Disneyland Park, which I love and that's great, I'm not saying anything against
them, but families are looking for something unique. And I think that is a tremendous asset to the County, that
we need to figure out how it fits in with the bigger picture. And I saw Today's Harvest on a shirt. When I was at
Fairfield Inn, doing my research there, and I asked the gentleman, are you aware of,what's around here so
when people come to Fairfield Inn, you can tell them to go to Preble County. He knew nothing. I said, well
Today's Harvest is just literally a rock throw from you and it's a great little place and it would be great if you
could tell families to go up to Today's Harvest to see what they have and, you know, depending on the time of
the year, they have a great corn maze and just let them know the high points of it. Unfortunately, his staff
knows more about Richmond than they know about Preble County, so it's easier for them to say go over here.
And that's unjustifiable when we have something as great as Today's Harvest and all the other things there in
New Paris alone that these people can make a weekend event. We do have a fleet of RV's that are coming in,
I believe it's around 30 that are coming in in late September, October. I am working to create a tour for them.
On top of everything else we do in Economic Development, this is a tough thing because it takes my time. It is
economic development, but right now we have some large fish to fry and it would be nice if we had a CVB,
some help to generate these marketing materials, these opportunities to do that.
Commissioner Stonecash: While you're there, I envision the CVB, as you and I went to Butler County, to be an
independent, stand-alone, organization working together, but the person that we are getting ready to hire
would do the CVB part, promoting the Townships, and the various events, Today's Harvest and the zoo and
that and being a board of five people perhaps, you know, that figure is still up for discussion. And as we say,
we do have a CVB in place, so is that my correct thinking, that it would be an independently, of course that's
up to us, independent, stand-alone committee governed by the people of Preble County and five or six people
as a board, from different, maybe a County Commissioner, maybe a hotel owner, maybe a Today's Harvest
man, that sort of thing?
Shawnda Combs: My understanding of how the boards work is, make sure you can have your executive board
or lead board, however you want to create it, but then there's off-shoots of that because there's some people
that have more knowledge on corn mazes. There's somebody else that has more knowledge on say,
Lakengren and the Triathlon. There's different people with different knowledge, so in my mind, we would have
subcommittees outside of that executive committee. My suggestion is though, because it takes, it's going to
take more than one person to do that job. And I have experience in it and feel very comfortable in what I know
in marketing, that my suggestion is that yes, we have a board, but I would suggest that it be run out of my
office, with a second person that, because I'm already out marketing Preble County. Some of the events are
very similar to one another, that I can be out in one place talking tourism, but also talking economic
development and it would just make more sense to spend our money wisely. You're not going to get the
person you need at 25 hours a week to do what you need to be done with tourism alone. So, my suggestion is
that it be run out of my office. I'd be more than happy to direct it, direct the person, help guide the board with
the knowledge that I have on tourism as well as everybody else that's involved. That way you have two people
actually working on it and at the same time, when I'm out talking about economic development, agri-tourism is
going to be a huge part of our marketing plan. It already is, but if this was to go, agri-tourism is going to be a
pretty big deal. And those are things employers look for. They want to know the quality of life their employees
are going to have. I've talked to you guys many times about the packets that employees, the recruitment
packages that are going out to prospective employees from the Henny Pennys and Silfexes. Right now there's
nothing in those for Preble County. Now that's my job. That's economic development, so I want to make sure
that I'm included in that process of development of those materials so they not only bring new visitors to the
County, but they're also supplying our workforce and our employers with the information they need to create a
talent pool.
Commissioner Stonecash: I see that position as maybe being 25 hours now and maybe 40 hours next year.
Shawnda Combs: It's going to take some time, Bob, to get it. ..
Commissioner Stonecash: There's people out there that do have that expertise also which allows you to do
your job as Economic Development Director and let them do their job as… and that's time for another
discussion. That's not what we're here for today.
Shawnda Combs: No, and that's my understanding. It will take time to ramp up to get to a certain point and I
think, you know, building the board, getting all of the stakeholders aligned, is the right direction to go. There are
plenty of people that have experience in tourism. I'm just, I'm saying the dollars are there for me to travel. I'm
going to Chicago in August with the Dayton Development Coalition. I'll be going to South Carolina in
September with International Economic Development Council. There's money there for me to travel to those
things that wouldn't be here based on the budget we'll have based on the 3%. And that person can't be an in
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the office person. It has to be someone that can attend trade shows. It has to be a person that can do some
things outside of the office. So, I think starting out, I'm just saying, that it might be wise until it gets going and is
successful and then, moving on. That's just my suggestion but, it increases the traffic into, this tax increases let
me back up here. The marketing has the ability to increase traffic into establishments that increase sales
tax, so not only does it increase the sales tax for the police and fire, road, all the things we use sales tax
money for, but it also increases sales to the establishment. It also creates pride in the community. The banner
that's across the street right now for the Fair, when it went up for the Bridges, Bikes and Blues, the Facebook
page just went nuts. We got more traffic out of that week and a half of that banner being up than we did the
whole month before. Those are just small things and those come at a cost, they're not free. And that's what I
would suggest those dollars be used for. I would also suggest, you know, that we partner with the Chamber of
Commerce of all the communities to make sure they're involved in marketing their community. They know their
communities best. I think they should be involved. Obviously, we have the partnership. We have some funding
ability there for things as long as it's tied to economic development and there's many ways that it can. I'd be
happy to answer any questions, or ideas.
Commissioner Wesler: Presently, you brought up the three entities that collect money now. If we were to enact
this, can you please tell me what entities could be collected from potentially? That's to Katie, too.
Shawnda Combs: All the communities in the County can be collected from, just whether there's something to
collect from.
Commissioner Wesler: Campgrounds.
Shawnda Combs: Campground, bed and breakfasts, hotels.
Commissioner Wesler: All hotels.
Shawnda Combs: Um hmm. Correct.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay. And a hotel that are not even thought about yet toqay, but would come in next
year or the year after, you would be privy to the 3%.
Shawnda Combs: Um hmm. Correct. Which is what the City of Eaton has currently done, they put it in place for
future development purposes. Liberty Township, for example, in Butler County, they don't have a hotel, but
they're right between Monroe and West Chester so obviously, development is going to follow. They put it in
place so if and when the opportunity happens they can collect their 3% and the County still gets their 3%. It's
just in place for when it happens.
Commissioner Wesler: And I've talked to several other Counties about how they set up their convention and
visitors bureau. We've got an opinion here that says a couple different ways. That'll be something that, if we
pass this, enact it, that we can still formulate, but as far as a board structure, a committee structure to help
guide, I would absolutely think that somebody at least from each Chamber of Commerce around the entire
County and maybe more so in those [Townships] that are affected, such as Hueston Woods, Israel Township
and some of those others.
Shawnda Combs: Um hmm.
Commissioner Wesler: Plus, representation from businesses that would benefit from some of this tax.
Shawnda Combs: Absolutely, because we would want to incorporate their marketing, but we would also want
to help relieve some of their marketing pressures. And combine and buy group packages when it comes to
marketing. Today's Harvest is purchasing a spread in a particular magazine, the CVB money should be eligible
for that, but also grant purposes, CVBs typically, they hold a certain amount of money aside and they let
events compete for grant money. And the money has to be spent on marketing for their event. It can't be spent
on tables and chairs and table cloths. It has to be spent on marketing. It's a competitive process. There's a
board that reviews, the event coordinator comes. They submit an application. They tell what the event is about,
the proposed traffic it would increase, the, how it was going to be spent and everything, how you would
calculate the visitorship, which is mostly counting license plates and things like that, but also the hotel
numbers. These people could compete for grant money. Say, Today's Harvest, with their corn maze. They
could apply for this grant money, they could be rated by this committee and come out with a $3,000.00 grant,
free and clear for them to market that event. So, and once that would happen, we would want to tie that to the
hotel so that people stay in the Fairfield Inn and other areas while they're here for that, but we want to tie it.
The RV group that's coming in, they want to spend their entire week here in Preble County. So they've asked
me, what can they do in every community because they don't want to travel in all 30 RVs. They want to hop in
one or two, do everything they can while they're here. So, you know, it's a feat.
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Commissioner Wesler: I can see them come across those covered bridges.
(Laughter in the room)
Shawnda Combs: Yeah. Right. So, you know, it's a good thing. That's about alii can say. We'll just loan them
your car. The County car, let me back up a little.
Commissioner Wesler: The other Counties that I've talked to, they've at least had around 15 on their
committee and I would say, this is one case I'd really rather cover the County with a board.
. Shawnda Combs: I think it would be great because I haven't of yet been at any meeting with all our Chambers
of Commerce in one room. So, it would be great.
Commissioner Day: How many chambers we have in the County?
Shawnda Combs: I only know of three.
Commissioner Wesler: I would say four. There's a New Paris, Camden, Lewisburg and Eaton.
Commissioner Day: Camden have one?
Commissioner Wesler: I thought they had one.
Shawnda Combs: Camden has one. Yes, they do.
Commissioner Day: So, Camden, New Paris, Lewisburg…
Shawnda Combs: Some of them are not – they're chambers in name I think because some of them, it's not a
fUlly staffed chamber like you would typically see in a more urban community, but if, you know, the meeting's to
be held at a time when people can attend, it's a great thing, I can't see why anybody would not want to be a
part of it.
Commissioner Wesler: You guys have any other direct questions for Shawnda? Otherwise, we'll … Katie, is
there anything you want to point out or bring up?
Katie Worthington: With this? One of the first meetings we had, we were discussing whether or not bed and
breakfasts would be included in this and they would be. There was a change in statute, the statute states that
we can tax those establishments that have less than five rooms. So that would mean Whispering Oaks, those
type of places, we would be able to tax. Then my other thought was on the campgrounds. Someone was
asking, if they pull in a camper, whether you can tax that. My feeling is, my opinion is that you can't tax a
camper, but if they have cabins or that type of thing up, where you physically are renting that space, then those
you could tax on it. We do have a couple of campgrounds that have that, so.
Shawnda Combs: My familiarity with that is there's no difference between a tent and a camper. So, you know,
there would be some language we'd have to definitely… I think the difference is the lavatory in the camper.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay. Thank you very much. Tom, is there anything you would like to bring?
Tom: Not at this time, there isn't anything.
Commissioner Wesler: And Dave, I trust you came in wanting to know how this may affect your Pleasant
David Maynard: Exactly.
Commissioner Wesler: Shawnda, Katie, would you be able to, Dave Maynard runs the Pleasant Vineyards
campground down there and gets kids in from all over.
Connie Crowell: He's got cabins.
Katie Worthington: My feeling is the cabins would be taxable.
David Maynard: They would?
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Katie Worthington: They would be taxable.
David Maynard: May I address the Commission?
Commissioner Wesler: Come on up.
David Maynard: This is something that's happened across the nation before with camps, is hotel taxes.
Typically when something like that affects a camp, it typically really hurts the camp because we're a non-profit
organization and, you know, we don't make a lot of money, per se. So, when you start adding per bed, you
know, plus per night, since we run summer camps all summer long, then we have guest groups come in. On a
non-profit basis, we're not making much money to begin with, so… 1know some counties have excluded nonprofits
or camps, such as Girl Scout, Boy Scout, summer camp programs, things like that. And within the laws
they've written just because it does affect them in a negative way. So, that would be my concern. If it bumps
me up into having to pay per bed, per night, things like that, it's just going to really kill me down there. That's
kind of my, what I wanted to say is just, I don't know how it's going to play out or what kind of percentage it is
or things like that, but. ..
Commissioner Wesler: Okay.
Commissioner Day: How many, or there any others in the County similar to your operation?
David Maynard: You've got the Boy Scout camp, now they're tenting. I don't know if they have anything outside
of that. I don't know about, if there's anybody else, Cross's Campground. They'd be the same situation, but I
don't know if they're for profit or non-profit. Then there's also Camp America, I'm not sure how they're set up.
They were formed as Camp American, I'm not sure what they're called now, but they have cabin units as well.
I'd like to put on the table, I mean, I'm not sure if it's a possibility to have an exemption for a non-profit
organization such as ours and the Boy Scouts and organizations like that, but I know that's something that has
been done around, other states have done that as well, within our industry.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay. Let us ask that question.
Shawnda Combs: If I could just respond, but you also camp entities outside of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and
non-profit groups because they are already non-profit, not taxable.
David Maynard: Most, Yeah …
ShawndaCombs: Do you understand that it's a tax that's collected, it's not something you're paying. Does that
make sense?
David Maynard: Um, it's a tax that's collected that I have to pass on to my summer campers and I have to pass
it on to … 1understand how it works, but still, nevertheless, I operate on very thin margins and the problem I
face, in the last five years, since 2005 I've seen a decrease in my enrollment, just because of the economy,
because parents, it's basically based on discretionary spending. People who have money will send their kids to
camp, but today, that keeps dropping. I'm down already 15-20% of my enrollment this year alone. If I have to
add a tax on top of this, I don't know what that's going to do to my enrollment again.
Shawnda Combs: What's your price per camp site?
David Maynard: Well, see, we base it on a per week session so we don't charge so much for beds and food
and things like that when we do a summer camp program. It's all based on one set price, so that price varies
from $250.00 to $390.00. And there's a lot of kids we scholarship. We just had 80 kids come in from Over the
Rhine, which I don't charge them a dime to come, you know, there's 80 kids, then I'd have to pay a tax on top
of that. That comes out of my pocket.
Commissioner Wesler: Shawnda, this is something where those kids come to the camp. They don't go out to
the rest of the County. They stay confined in that camp, do camp activities in that week. So, Katie, is there any
provisions that. ..
Katie Worthington: That would still, as long as it's under 30 days it's in there, unless, I guess that is something
you all could do if you wanted to …
Commissioner Wesler: Well, I think I would like to see if, as Dave said, how other Counties work that because
I really don't think that's the, my intent at least, in trying to raise these dollars for tourism for Preble County. I
see Boy Scouts and this being something different.
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Shawnda Combs: They're already, they're non-taxable anyway. Th~¥ ~If~~dy do not ~ay. Those entities woUld
not pay the sales tax or any of that anyway. They're a non-taxable ~ntitY;
David Maynard: We do pay sales tax. Anything with regards, that, s~I~~ t~x w~ do pay.
Katie Worthington: I think what Shawnda's talking about is maybe s6;j,~. of th~ qrg~hi~atidns that would stay
there, like let's, I'm a State employee, if I stay at a hotel on business orfqr the Statelworkj I wouldn't have to
pay for the whole tax on that (inaudible). . …:…… .'
;. -.
. '" /.' ::…. ~:.- :. ',:. ~/ – . .: \,., .'.' – ".' . "
David Maynard: We have, typically we have church groups, church youth gt6J'p~ th~t~t~YQyt~fdUf¢*,H,P. Of
course any kid can come, any parent can send their kid. Of course we haVe p1t>sethatb~ri'~~ff.~rdto J;ome at
all who come. As far as group though, we do the Earth Day, but that's not an overhight tHing; oljtwe do have
outside groups that do come in and do use our property either on a day or a cpuple Claysl Schobls, we do have
schools that come in. We do outdoor education programs so they stay overnight.
Katie Worthington: It sounds like some of your entities may be taxable and some may not.
David Maynard: It could be that some are taxable, not many. Most of them are non-profit organizations already,
like churches, youth groups, but we do have, sometimes we may have a group that comes in that might not be
a non-taxable organization, but that's very seldom.
Shawnda Combs: Can I ask what your marketing budget, what are you doing, how are you marketing your
campsite to groups of, like…
David Maynard: The marketing budget it very small, probably less than $10,000.00 a year. Most of its through
the internet and word of mouth. Most marketing done for camps is word of mouth, you know, because most
people say this is a good camp or, and that's how we get most of business. We do marketing. We do send out
post cards. We do send out some direct mail pieces, not very much anymore. We do primarily internet
Commissioner Wesler: So the church groups would be probably tax exempt, correct?
David Maynard: So that's the way it's set up? Is that the way this law's going to be written. If it's a non-profit
organization coming in to stay at my facility and I don't have to charge them a tax.
Shawnda Combs: If you're not already currently charging them tax, you wouldn't charge them the additional
Katie Worthington: Yeah. If you're not already charging them tax, then under this it would not be charged tax
as well.
David Maynard: Okay. Right.
Katie Worthington: That's the way that works.
Shawnda Combs: So what we do in a situation like yours with a campsite is, I'm not sure when your, I don't
know anything about your campsite, I've..
David Maynard: You need to come down there.
Shawnda Combs: I do.
David Maynard: You need put on the zip line.
Shawnda Combs: That would be a great thing to know. I've lived here nearly all my life and I don't know about
your campsite. So that's something that this particular program would help fix to let people know that Preble
County has a zip line.
David Maynard: Sure.
Shawnda Combs: And to get more companies, possibly, to use your location for outings for leadership
campaigns, things like that because I know the zip line is one of the most consistent things that are done in
leadership programs.
David Maynard: Yeah. I agree.
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Shawnda Combs: So the more people know about your campground the more we can get people into there.
And that's, that's why I asked about your marketing budget.
David Maynard: That has been a difficult. I mean this is our thirtieth year that we've been here in Preble
County. We're celebrating our thirtieth year and it's sad that a lot of people within the County that don't even
know we exist, and so that's something that, we've always run into that. I mean, I've got people in Camden, we
have people lost, they drive into the gas station, where is Pleasant Vineyard, they go well, what's that, you
know. So, it's nothing unusual. It's something that we try to promote through the paper and everything else, it's
just difficult to do.
Commissioner Wesler: So some of the kids you charge a sales tax to?
David Maynard: Well, we have a camp store, so we have to charge sales tax, retail tax.
Commissioner Wesler: I'm talking about staying overnight.
David Maynard: I don't think we do. I don't think we charge any sales tax whatsoever on kids that stay
overnight. That's my question is, do I have to, or how does that work?
Commissioner Wesler: We…
Commissioner Day: You're not for profit?
David Maynard: We're a non-profit organization. Yeah.
Shawnda Combs: Non-taxable.
Commissioner Day: So, pardon?
Commissioner Stonecash: It isn't going to apply.
Shawnda Combs: Non taxable groups. Not all the campsites are (inaudible).
David Maynard: That's our program. Summer camp is our program where we invite kids to come participate.
They pay a fee to come. The fee is all inclusive, so…
Shawnda Combs: So you're actually a program. You're not even a campsite. So, if we were to promote you as
a campsite for, say, a group that's bringing in 50 RVs and they have…
David Maynard: No.
Shawnda Combs: 50 kids that want to camp.
David Maynard: We're not an open campsite. We're not like Cross's where they come in and just camp.
Although we do, like on Labor Day, we have an open camp group that can come out and camp if they want,
but that's one time a year that we do that.
Shawnda Combs: What we would want to know are the programs you're having so that we can get more
people to attend your program …
David Maynard: Sure. Yeah.
Shawnda Combs: And stay. The parents can stay at Fairfield Inn or Hueston Woods or…
David Maynard: Oh, yeah.
Shawnda Combs: To again, work with you on the programs you have so we can bring more people to your
place for your programs, but also throughout the County.
Commissioner Wesler: Katie, it appears, like Dave's saying, if they're tax exempt already, they would pay no
tax. If they're like what he just said, where he's collecting sales tax from them, he should be collecting that on
this tax, too.
Shawnda Combs: The sales tax that he has, I'm sorry Katie, that he sells in the stores…
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Katie Worthington: That's completely different.
Commissioner Wesler: No, staying overnight I'm talking about.
Shawnda Combs: What he's doing is, he's doing it as a total package. He's not doing it as an overnight stay.
Katie Worthington: Honestly, I don't know that off the top of my head. My gut is telling that if he's not, if they're
not being taxed already for that week, then this would also be tax exempt as well because you can't tax that
which wasn't already able to be taxed.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay.
David Maynard: Okay.
Shawnda Combs: But it's good. That was good, that's something I needed to hear. That (inaudible), you're
working on programs and doing great things.
Commissioner Wesler: Once again, Katie, until we get a firm legal opinion from you, we can't say verbatim
today that that's the way it's going to be.
Katie Worthington: That's correct.
David Maynard: Right.
Commissioner Wesler: So we may, we mayor may not act on this today or not. ..
David Maynard: No, I just wanted to bring it up as a question before you guys to see what's going to be
determined or what the law is going to say or legally how it will work out. So, but I didn't want to get caught offguard
and say oh, by the way, and find out later. So, I just wanted to bring it to your attention just to see what's
going to happen.
Commissioner Day: No, it's…
Commissioner Wesler: We're glad you did.
Commissioner Day: Yeah. We're glad, yeah, you did because I never even gave you a thought down there in
trying to make my notes here to see how many that would affect and how many it wouldn't affect.
David Maynard: Okay.
Shawnda Combs: Meanwhile,' some of your information, a card?
(Inaudible conversations throughout room)
Connie Crowell: David, we can make a clarification to it after.
Commissioner Wesler: After…
Katie Worthington: We can do that too. Yes.
Connie Crowell: Right. I'll have the documentation from Katie and then I can make a clarification to the rules
and regulations.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay.
David Maynard: Thanks guys.
Commissioner Day: Good to see you, Dave.
David Maynard: You guys need to come down and see the kids.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay.
David Maynard: When you get a chance. I'll have 90 kids next week, or 100 and some, I don't know.
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Commissioner Wesler: Do you have a card for Shawnda.
David Maynard: You know, I ran out of my house when I found out you guys were meeting and I left all my
Commissioner Wesler: I'll give her your number and information and she can come down there sometime.
Anybody else wishing to give testimony for or against. Janet, come on up. .
Janet Harsh: I've got a question from Mindy.
Commissioner Wesler: You've got to come on up.
Connie Crowell: A question from Mindy.
Commissioner Stonecash: I told you it'd be closer if you just sat up front.
Janet Harsh: I think Shawnda answered it, but Mindy was wanting to know if New Paris, we got a resolution
stating they are going to impose a lodging tax. Then can the County also do that. ..
Commissioner Wesler: Yes.
Jane;t Harsh: With any Village or Township that does that? And she would like something in writing on that.
Katie Worthington: Public Section ….posted under as to whether or not we can collect on top of that.
Connie Crowell: Right. I think they delivered you a copy of theirs this morning, as well as to me.
Katie Worthington: I haven't seen it yet.
Connie Crowell: From their emergency meeting on Saturday.
Janet Harsh: Okay, so…
Commissioner Day: I'll do a clarification on that, it depends on which statute they…
Katie Worthington: They implemented it under as to how that will work out.
Janet Harsh: Okay.
Connie Crowell: And I've got copies of most of the Townships' resolutions, I'm missing one, that I need to get
to Mindy, along with the list of hotels and…
Commissioner Wesler: I believe they received the resolution from Marty, so they would have gotten it right.
Jefferson Township is allowing, they want to keep 1 % % of that additional 3% tax and the additional, the other
1 1/2 % they're going to designate to the CVB.
Katie Worthington: Well, they have to.
Commissioner Wesler: Right, but whether we enact ours or whether they give it to the New Paris Chamber.
One of the two, they're going to enact it and I believe they're going to the CVB if we enact one. You've got a
Shawnda Combs: I do. I have to go, so if nobody doesn't have any questions for me. Do you have any other
questions for me?
Commissioner Wesler: Michelle, good to see you. We'll see you tonight.
Commissioner Stonecash: Bye, Michelle.
Tom Jordan: I just have a quick question.
Commissioner Wesler: Tom, you've got to come up. Sorry.
Tom Jordan: In the other counties, does this pick up any other venues besides the bed and breakfast and the
campground and the….
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Shawnda Combs: Hotels?
Tom Jordan: Hotels?
Shawnda Combs: The transient lodging tax is only on entities that offer lodging to people who travel. So, if
there's other entities, I think Havana has brothels and they could probably do it and we don't have that, so
other than that, no (laughter).
Tom Jordan: Okay.
Katie Worthington: And you don't have to worry about, I know that there's some government programs where
they pay for someone to stay at a place for a long period of time. They would be under this as well, but they
wouldn't be considered transient guests because that's more than 30 days.
Connie Crowell: Shawnda, you bringing the, tonight?
Shawnda Combs: Yes. Sorry, I just…
Connie Crowell: It's okay.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay guys, we've heard Shawnda give testimony once again. We had the public here.
What's your pleasure? I do have a resolution in front of me. This resolution is levying the 3% bed tax pursuant
to 5739.09 (a)(1) of the Ohio Revised Code and adopting Preble County Hotel/Motel rules and regulations for
the collection and disbursement of the bed tax. So, what's your pleasure?
Commissioner Stonecash: What number you got?
Commissioner Wesler: This is Resolution 404.
Commissioner Stonecash: Motion to approve Resolution 404.
Commissioner Day: And I'll second for discussion. You say we can go back and amend this?
Katie Worthington: Yes, you can. Anytime, you don't have to hold a hearing or anything. You can just go and
Commissioner Day: Okay. I mean, I want to make sure we get clarification on a couple of these issues.
Katie Worthington: Well, and I don't think anything's going to be collected until. ..
Connie Crowell: October. The end of October's when the first. ..
Commissioner Day: Third quarter.
Katie Worthington: However, starting this date it will …
Commissioner Stonecash: It will begin immediately.
Katie Worthington: Yes.
Connie Crowell: Yes.
Katie Worthington: The first collection's not until October.
Commissioner Day: So we can research a couple of these items.
Katie Worthington: Yes.
Connie Crowell: Um hmm.
Katie Worthington: And make an amendment right after that if we need to.
Commissioner Day: And, I guess my second question is, we don't have to have a board established to, we're
going to need, if I'm understanding this correctly…
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Katie Worthington: The money just sits in there until there's a Convention and Visitors' Bureau for you to give
that to. You can't use it. It can't sit in general fund. It can only be used for Convention and Visitors' Bureau,
whichever one you designate as the Convention and Visitors' Bureau.
Commissioner Day: And my understanding is we need to create a board and then we're kind of at an arm's
length away from this?
Katie Worthington: I don't know if it would be you all that would create the board or who would create the
board but there needs to be, you need to find those incorporation documents is what you need to do and then
go from there. That will tell you the process, tell the process of what to do. And unfortunately, I cannot,
because that's a not for profit, I do not legal advice, or we do not give legal advice regarding it.
Commissioner Day: So…
Katie Worthington: Because it's not a County board.
Commissioner Day: So, what you're telling me is we would have to get outside council to look at this?
Katie Worthington: Yeah. That's not a County board.
Commissioner Stonecash: In your opinion, can't see it right now, you mentioned the type of organizations or
businesses or whatever that. ..
Katie Worthington: I found most of those…
Commissioner Stonecash: Could serve on this board.
Katie Worthington: Quite frankly, it's whoever that board decides that they want to, that way that, just generally
speaking here, when I was reading the incorporating statutes on it, the initial incorporating documents, you
know, it'll say you know, what the name of the organization is, who's your principle contact, where are you
located and it should also give a name of whoever the directors are, the original directors. It might also then
give more information as far as members as well. And if it doesn't, then after that organization is created, the
Board can hold a meeting and then adopt regulations, which may include how the membership works, how its
organized, that type of thing, but the incorporating documents are, you need that as your starting point and
then from there you can move further.
Commissioner Day: So, we're going to have to get outside council to draw up the…
Katie Worthington: Yes.
Commissioner Day: Or we need to look at what the articles of incorporation currently have.
Katie Worthington: Yes. You need to see what you have. They can always be amended or fixed if you need to,
but I can't help you with any of that.
Commissioner Day: Because?
Katie Worthington: Because I cannot advise, it's not a County board. And there is an AG opinion, I think an '03
opinion, directly on that because someone asked whether or not they could, the Prosecuting Office could
advise a Convention and Visitors' Bureau and the Attorney General said no.
Commissioner Day: So then once, say we collect the funds, this board is formed and basically it's just a pass
through to get to them.
Katie Worthington: That is correct.
Commissioner Day: And if this body feels that they don't like the direction it's going they just withhold the
Katie Worthington: That would be what you can do. You can just withhold the funds and you can designate a
different organization as being the organization or I suppose you could even stop collecting the tax if you
decided to.
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Commissioner Day: But really, at that point in time, our only recourse, if we don't like what's happening, is just
to stop funding whatever agency's receiving that.
Katie Worthington: That is correct.
Commissioner Day: Okay. I wanted to make sure. I read through this …
Katie Worthington: The way the AG opinion that I read on that, that's pretty much what they said, is that if you
don't like what is going on, pretty much, you hold the purse strings as far as those funds go, that they would
just not be sent to them.
Connie Crowell: So we need to establish a new fund entitled Bed Tax Fund.
Commissioner Day: Yes.
Connie Crowell: This Convention and Visitors' Bureau is not a County department.
Katie Worthington: No.
Connie Crowell: Is that. ..
Katie Worthington: That is correct.
Connie Crowell: Is not a County department.
Commissioner Stonecash: Question.
Katie Worthington: Yes.
Commissioner Stonecash: Somebody. We're…
Commissioner Day: We can go out in the hallway and get somebody, Bob.
Commissioner Stonecash: Okay.
Katie Worthington: This is a not for profit corporation.
Connie Crowell: Right.
Katie Worthington: And that makes sense, in a way, in that if they're out there giving grants and this type of
thing, that's not something that really the Commission, there's all sorts of issues then of, not propriety, but
conflict of interest, that type of thing that occur so, it makes sense.
Commissioner Stonecash: We're in the process of interviewing for that position.
Commissioner Wesler: It's a helper for Shawnda.
Commissioner Stonecash: Okay. It is now. I didn't think it should be, but it is now.
Katie Worthington: Well, I, Bob, I think I know where you're going with this. I wrote that earlier opinion last year
about whether or not the Convention and Visitors' Bureau could donate money back to the County for
convention and tourism needs. They can do that specifically.
Commissioner Stonecash: Convention and tourism what?
Katie Worthington: Needs, but it would have to be specifically for, like you know, to pay for the paper to do
Commissioner Day: If they needed, if the Economic Development Department or the, our arm of tourism
needed money for advertising they could donate money back to do the flyer for the Bridges, Bikes and Blues?
Katie Worthington: They could. Exactly. They could do that. They could, here's an example, one county has a
museum and they needed help with some keeping that up and since it is a tourist attraction within that county,
it was permissible for the Convention and Visitors' Bureau to donate money back to the County to be used
exclusively for that museum, because again, that museum's a tourist attraction.
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Commissioner Day: It was County owned.
Katie Worthington: Also, County owned parks. That again is a tourist attraction, so therefore it was okay for
them to donate funds back, so it has to be directly related to tourism. You have to have that tourism
component. Not fljture employment or bringing in businesses, no, it's tourism.
Commissioner Day: Right.
Commissioner Stonecash: Yeah, I understand all that, just. ..
Katie Worthington: Does that answer your question?
Commissioner Stonecash: No.
Katie Worthington: No? Sorry. I'm sorry I cut off then.
Commissioner Day: Well, I guess, the one question that I have, that person could be housed in our facility if
we gave them office space?
Katie Worthington: We'd have to probably set up some kind of lease agreement.
Commissioner Day: But I'm just saying…
Katie Worthington: Similar to what I think we had with the CIC when the CIC was over there.
Commissioner Day: Correct. So that, that person could work out of the building across the street if we provide
office space. Obviously, because looking at this person probably working hand in hand with Economic
Development, the Chambers, all those, so we could still provide them office space if we wanted to do that.
Katie Worthington: We'd have to use a lease agreement. I think we have a format we can use that we used for
the CIC, charge (inaudible).
Commissioner Wesler: When I talked to VanWert County, initially, they started their CVB inside the Economic
Development, then they moved it outside for a period of a few years and now she said they're in the process of
bringing it back into their Economic Development.
Katie Worthington: And as I said, I found Greene County was one that, when I was calling around when I was
checking places that they actually, they were out, the CVB was outside and then they actually pulled it in,
brought it in under the county government umbrella. That was the only one that I was able to find, but I guess
you found another one out there.
Commissioner Stonecash: Now, they brought it back under the county umbrella?
Katie Worthington: Uh huh, and made it a county department.
Commissioner Stonecash: Now, you just said you can't do that.
Katie Worthington: Well, I found some AG opinions out there that suggested you could do that, but I have not
really found the explicit authority to do that.
Commissioner Stonecash: And in any case, that's an opinion.
Katie Worthington: It does not mean that there's explicit authority to do it.
Commissioner Day: No one's pushed the envelope yet.
Commissioner Wesler: She said bring it back into her office, I didn't feel like they were going to be splitting …
Katie Worthington: Oh, to their office. I understand.
Commissioner Wesler: They were just going to be…
Katie Worthington: Oh, located in the office, got ya.
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Commissioner Day: I think…
Katie Worthington: That, there's no issue with that, we just need to set up a lease agreement with that.
Commissioner Day: I think that this needs to be totally separate because that gives us, or future boards the
ability if things go afoul to stop the funding of it. And if you don't have any funding for it, you don't have any
entity, bottom line.
Katie Worthington: I would think it makes more sense for it to be a separate organization, not for profit out
there, that is working. They have a little more ability to work with the public, work with different areas that, not
hands tied so much as if it were under a government umbrella, county umbrella.
Commissioner Day: Well, they have a little more incentive to go out and try to get grants dollars and things like
that, which not only would help their office, but help the people that you're trying to promote.
Katie Worthington: I just think you cause a lot more questions and issues if you make it a county office versus
it's a not for profit that you just donate the funds to, but they're taking care of their business.
Commissioner Day: Tom, you're the only business person in here, yours is a little different, David. Just, what's
your, how do you, what's your thoughts on this. How do you feel on, would this be beneficial to you?
Tom Jordan: I think it'll be a good program for the County. Yes. Like I heard before, when you get to the
Fairfield Inn, they don't know where New Paris is at and it is in New Paris. They have a New Paris address and
they don't have a clue. If there was some way we could work with that Richmond Convention Center which is
just a mile down the road, across the line, you know, I don't know it that's a possibility somewhere with being
independent that way, if they can kind of work together. We need to be there to get people kind of across this
way, thatway from the interstate. We got to bring them back into Ohio. So, anything we can do out there…
Commissioner Wesler: There's plenty of tourist ,activities in Preble County, we just need get the word out
Tom Jordan: There is, year round, year round there's something to do in Preble County.
Commissioner Day: And we know it. I know, I go to New Paris quite often. There's several places to eat there,
things of that nature. My wife and I, instead of going to Richmond, you know, if we want to go somewhere
different, we'll go to the different small communities and find those places, but a lot of the residents in Preble
County don't know that.
Tom Jordan: I agree and I don't know if this office will help the Preble County to know, or if this convention
center will help the residents in Preble County, but if it helps bring other people from other communities, maybe
the word of mouth will help the people here to realize they've got something. You hear all the time, people say
you know, I've never been to the Indianapolis 500 that lives in Indianapolis. They might not even know where
the track is, but its, you know, everybody around the area knows because all the publicity and promotion.
Commissioner Day: Now, with your business, do you currently work with any of the businesses up there trying
to help?
Commissioner Wesler: Chamber.
Tom Jordan: What do you, how do you…
Commissioner Day: Trying to help promote the other businesses.
Tom Jordan: Any chance we get, yes.
Commissioner Day: But you're limited basically because of dollars.
Tom Jordan: Yes, definitely. I've heard, uh, groupon, I think the word was …
Katie Worthington: Yeah, I think that's what she said.
Tom Jordan: Sounded like a great idea for our community. Get people into Preble County and get them to
spend all over the County.
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Commissioner Day: Well, I think that's something that, there's a lot of opportunities out there and I for one
don't know, this is all kind of Greek to me, so I'm trying to wade through it myself, but. ..
Tom Jordan: Until I came down here today, I had heard nothing about a grant or something that I could
possibly apply for as a business owner. I wasn't even thinking in those lines. I just wanted to come down and
see what that tax and what kind of committee you guys were talking about setting up to handle money that was
coming in because I did know the amount was roughly $100,000.00 right now that was collected. And I thought
well, I needed to know where that money in this County was going.
Commissioner Wesler: That's correct, with the 3% that the Townships now collect, but since some of the
Townships have enacted taking half of that, you're talking about half of that now, Tom. So, $50,000.00 give or
take, plus some of the other places now
Tom Jordan: Right, but then the total income from that would be $200,000.00 going into that budget, right?
Commissioner Wesler: No.
Katie Worthington: No.
Tom Jordan: So, what, what, okay, I'm sorry. What is that, say it was $100,000.00 this year…
Katie Worthington: The Townships can collect this, a 3% tax under two different statutes. If they do it under
the one statute, let's call it (B) statute, they do it under the (B) statute, then the County can go ahead and we
can pass our (A) Statute for 3% so you'd have 6% total. Or, the Township can do this 3% (B) and then they
have a 3% (A) they can do. Well, if they do that 3% (A), half of that money goes toa Convention and Visitors'
Bureau and then the other half, they keep for their general fund, roads, what-not, what they need to do.
Tom Jordan: Okay. Okay.
Katie Worthington: If I recall correctly, once that happens, the County can't collect on top of that. Once they
put their (A) tax in, we can't collect another on top of that.
Tom Jordan: And all Townships already had that?
Katie Worthington: I don't know. I don't think so, I don't think so. I think somebody might have only put in 1%
or 1 'Y2[%] when they did it. There are a couple (inaudible).
Commissioner Stonecash: Jefferson now, (inaudible) had a 3%, they just enacted another 3[%], but 1 1/2 % of
that will have to go to a Convention and Visitors' Bureau, hopefully the County's, this particular Convention and
Visitors' Bureau would realize about $50,000.00. The rest of it's going to Jefferson Township.
Commissioner Wesler: Or Israel.
Commissioner Stonecash: Yeah, but on this case I just used that as an example.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay. So, anything else, Tom?
Tom Jordan: I don't think so.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay, well thank you very much.
Commissioner Day: Did, I guess my only question is, to research the effects it might have on the non-for
Commissioner Wesler: Well, as Katie said, it could be adjusted or some amendment made.
Commissioner Day: And we want to make that. ..
Katie Worthington: Retro?
Commissioner Day: Yeah. Can we go back, if we've already imposed a tax, can you go back and, you can't
forgive that. You can probably just change it from that point on.
Connie Crowell: I think you can.
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Commissioner Day: Can you.
Katie Worthington: If you did it, you would state that this was retroactive. This was the intent, this is the way
you want to do it.
Connie Crowell: The Auditor has that authority.
Commissioner Stonecash: (Inaudible) Is that correct?
David Maynard: Yeah, we're a 501 (c)(3).
Commissioner Stonecash: With the State of Ohio?
David Maynard: Right. Yeah. We've been, since 1978, a 501 (c)(3).
Commissioner Stonecash: That shouldn't cause a problem.
Katie Worthington: It's not whether his place is 501 (c)(3), its whether the people coming in there are tax
David Maynard: So basically, you're saying that if I get a group in, let's say I get a business that stays
overnight. That's for profit business, they stay overnight, then I need to charge them a tax, a bed tax because it
is a for profit company, it's not.
Commissioner Wesler: You charge them sales tax currently right?
David Maynard: We, I don't get very many groups like that at all, I'm just trying to think, at this point, every
group that I think I have is either a church group, a school or youth group or something like that.
Katie Worthington: If GE decided to come in?
David Maynard: If GE or P&G or something, because we are going to start a corporate training program at our
facility, hopefully this fall, in which we are going to be advertising to P&G and all these big corporations and we
are going to offer them an overnight stay, as we do the corporate training program. So, my question would be
is if they stay overnight, then I need to charge sales tax and a bed tax. Is that correct?
Katie Worthington: Yes.
David Maynard: And then where does that go? Where does, how do we, where does the money go?
Katie Worthington: The bed tax comes to the County, in which they collect quarterly. You just keep track of
your records, (inaudible). The sales tax, you'll need to talk to the Ohio Department of Taxation and see how
that would work for you.
David Maynard: Well, my financial director can look into all that.
Connie Crowell: And the Auditor's going to be sending out a packet of information.
David Maynard: And we'll get that at the camp then?
Connie Crowell: Right. There's already a certificate of exemption in here.
David Maynard: Okay.
Connie Crowell: We just have to get clarification on what we've talked about today.
Commissioner Wesler: Okay. Thanks.
David Maynard: Thank you.
Commissioner Wesler: This meeting, public hearing, we didn't have to have a public hearing, but we chose to
have one. I think we've got almost everything we need as far as the…
Technical difficulty, recording skips from 15:35:32 to 15:37:22
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Commissioner Stonecash: No, they expect to pay it. They pay it all the time.
Katie Worthington: It'd probably still be less than going somewhere else.
Commissioner Day: But they know that's just part of doing business.
Katie Worthington: But they had a representative from a local college that was there in town, but these are just
things to think about.
Commissioner Wesler: That'd be good.
Commissioner Day: Is Van Wert, is that the board that had like 30 people on it?
Commissioner Stonecash: I believe you might be right. They had a big group.
Katie Worthington: You have a board of directors and then you have members too.
Commissioner Day: A lot of these were non voting members and they said typically, they only get like 10 to 12
people that show up for meetings, but they have a wide range, they cover the entire spectrum of what's out in
their area, so if it's an area where their interests are at, they show up for that and hopefully give their input.
Katie Worthington: I'm sure you can get, from my understanding it would be that organization that would make
the changes to it.
ATTESt,~,61 ~
Fran Clark, Deputy Clerk
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4 hr. 26.5 minute mark on cd
1hr. 2.35 minutes – 14.3 MB
Noticeable audio hum.
4 hr. 28 Minute mark Mention of OHPO.
Discussion on evening meeting at National Trail.
4 hr. 30 Minute mark Commissioner Stonecash – Have you talked to Shawnda about her not going on and on and on all night long?
Commissioner Wesler – Yeah
Further discussion on evening slide show.
4 hr. 36 Minute mark Ok we are still on
4 hr. 37 Minute mark Audio humm stops.
4 hr. 37.5 Minute mark Chris Day leaves Chamber.
Between meeting noise.
4 hr. 45.5 Minute mark Commissioners happy Senator Faber is coming.
Commissioner Stonecash – That's terrific that he is coming. You got Buchy and Faber both ???? do any better. Anybody that argues with what is going is just doesn't get it. I attended the evening meeting and most of the citizens who spoke, argued against taking the county into debt, sewage concerns and that there were better areas in the county for development. Representative Buchy was very supportive of Goose Creek but my memory is that Senator Faber spoke about his support for the Farm Bureau and not Goose Creek. I regret that I did not tape the evening meeting. My thought was the Commissioners would do so as they were all three in attendance, they did not. I suspect what was and was not said will be a matter of debate because of no audio record existing.
4 hr. 46.6 minute mark on cd
20.12 minutes – 4.62 MB