I just received this as an email. I have one correction; the May primary will be held on Tuesday, May 6 not May 5th as stated in the press release.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — After nearly two months of research & advocacy in Ohio's 8th Congressional District – capped by hosting a forum & straw poll on February 22nd for the Republican candidates registered to challenge Speaker John Boehner – the Tea Party Leadership Fund has announced its decision to endorse educator J.D. Winteregg in the May 5th primary. (should read May 6).
"We've undertaken a long, deliberative process in deciding who to throw our weight behind to unify conservatives behind an alternative to John Boehner. It was a tough decision with two great candidates, but in the end, there's one man left standing, and that's high school teacher J.D. Winteregg, who is a credible challenger to the Speaker of the House," said Rusty Humphries, spokesman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund's Primary Boehner campaign.
"As John Boehner has risen to the heights of power over 25 years in Washington, he has forgotten his roots, his promises and the people of the 8th district of Ohio. We will never give a free pass to politicians who ignore the will of the people, their district and his own party by betraying their commitments to control spending, protect our borders, all while cutting benefits of our military veterans while fighting to preserve benefits for members of congress and their staffs," added Humphries.
The endorsement letter provided by the Tea Party Leadership Fund is pasted below.
About J.D. Winteregg: J.D. Winteregg currently teaches at a local high school, and as an adjunct at a nearby university. He and his wife live in Troy, where they are fixing up a home in the historic district. He earned a B.A. in International Business and French from Ohio Wesleyan University. He also has a M.Ed. in Foreign Language Education (Wright State University), a M.A. in French (Ohio State University), and he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Foreign and Second Language Education (Ohio State University).
The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC is dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training, and supporting Americans who share the Founding Fathers vision of America as a beacon of liberty, free markets, and hope throughout the world.
J.D. Winteregg is on the right.
Dear Mr. Winteregg,
It was neither an easy process nor an easy decision of who to support in the effort to unseat Speaker of the House John Boehner. We sent our team into the district on multiple occasions to meet with the challengers and people in the district. We have put up billboards, radio ads, social media and more to get grassroots interest and support. We have had personal meetings, town hall discussions and debates to determine whom the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC would support in this uphill but most important battle.
In the end our decision came down to who had the energy to run a winning ground game, the steadfast commitment to our core, Constitutional values and the support in the district to win. While we are faced with two exceptional candidates in this race, we have chosen to support you.
I am pleased to inform you that the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC has endorsed you in the coming May 6 Republican Primary against Speaker of the House John Boehner. The constituents of Ohio's 8th District deserve better representation than they have received from Mr. Boehner over the past two decades.
We believe your candidacy and election as a committed, Constitutional conservative is critical to the Conservative movement and our Country's Future. On behalf of the 200,000 – and growing – members of the Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC who have signed a petition urging the defeat of Mr. Boehner, we look forward to standing with you.
Rusty Humphries