Preble County Commission meeting review from June 22, 2009

Preble County Commission

June 22, 2009

Preble County Commission meeting:


Preble County, Ohio, County Commissioners

June 22, 2009, 20 audio files for a total of 79.46 MB

File 1   opening –

 21.00 minutes – 4.80MB

File 2   County Auditor Mindy Robbins (General Fund Financial Update)

Poor quality audio 

19.05 minutes – 4.37MB

File 3  Steve Simmons

18.49 minutes  – 4.30MB

File 4  Budget cuts discussion. Sheriff Simpson on department savings with utilities. Discussion  about Lakengren & Camden over leachate line. Dave Wesler mentions conversation with Ken Moreland.

20.03 minutes  – 4.58MB

File 5  Continuation of leachate discussion. Dave Wesler mentions Commissioners Corner. Commissioner Dave Wesler on meeting with Ag Society about concrete issue with Pork Festival. Discussion on the two groups being able to work together.

19.59 minutes  – 4.57MB

File 6  Connie on funding for Extension, Soil & Water, Drainage, Dog Kennel & Victim Witness.  Dave Wesler on more research needed of what homes are receiving aid from county but still spending money on cell phones and cable TV.  Reports complaints about  county picking up Attorney fees for some families.

19.59 minutes –  4.57MB

File 7   Sheriff Simpson and discussion of being mandated to prisoners, mandated to keep peace in unincorporated areas, serve papers..

20.00 minutes – 4.58 minutes

File 8    Discussion of Sheriff Departments in other counties are handling financial crisis.  Darke County had started with a 10% cut earlier in year and will do another 10%

Audio files on cd delivered were in two files. Files 1 – 8 in first file and 9 – 20 in second file.

File 9  Dave Wesler on discussion with Keith Faber about previously mentioned 80hr furlough still being in budget. Save county $150,000 in courthouse. Involves General Fund, may not impact union agreements. Use for July 1, through December 31.

20.00 minutes  4.57 MB

File 10

19.59 minutes – 4.57MB

File 11  Conference call with Sharon Shute about Children’s Services financial picture. She reports costs are down. The Commissioners ask her to anticipate balance by end of December. She will have to get back to them, plans to do so today.

20.01 minutes   – 4.58MB

File 12

20.01 minutes    4.58MB

File 13

20.01 minutes    4.58MB

File 14

20.01 minutes   4.58MB

File 15  Bob Stonecash on elected officials pay, Connie reports Judges get only $5000 – $600 ou of General Fund.  

Mention of reverse echo (explains meeting’s poor audio)

20.00 minutes  – 4.57MB

File 16  Discussion between Deb and Bob about audio problem. Deb was not hearing  Chris real well.

8.00 minutes – 1.83MB

28 minutes of office noise removed.

File 17   Citizen in chambers asking  Commissioners for signature on petition to represent Eaton on Fair Board.  Ask Bob something about a voting pass??  Citizen “Try and get a little financial integrity”. Chris Day “They could use all the help they can get right now”

1.19 minutes  – 312 KB

File 18 Dave Wesler mentions he will share discussion with Chris later, when we get a chance??  Bob mentions an across the board 10% cut.  Dave 10% cut for everybody? Bob, “ I am saying everybody”

19.28 minutes  – 4.58MB

File 19 Chris Day mentions budget figure of $9,125,342.25 cuts would include 18% – 20% from judges.

20.00 minutes – 4.57MB

File 20 Mention of OSU & Soil & Water coming in, Connie mentions three individuals coming in. Chris mentions budget of 8.597??

Bob asks if Dave is going to discuss his meeting that went an hour and a half.   Bob asks anything else.  Dave says  “Bob there’s, just one more thing .” 

 6.28 minutes – 1.48MB

The audio files will remain up for only a limited amount of time. If they are needed please email.


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