Preble County Commission meeting – March 16, 2005

Preble County, Ohio


County Commissioners


March 16, 2005


Meeting audio and review


File 1


3 hr. 50.25 minute mark on cd

8.32 minutes – 1.95MB

End – 3 hr. 58.25.

3 hr. 50.25 minute mark   Tom Barnes: The next thing was that I had was on the leachate. I don't know if there is anything outstanding that you need to look at. I just thought you would be curious to know where we're running for the year..


Dave Wesler – When is the test? The test in Camden?


Tom Barnes – Ahh it is taking place right now. They started Monday ahh they hauled two loads down there Monday. They drained our tanks and they came back up today and they hauled another load down. I spoke with ahh one of the operators down in Camden plant they were up, they grabbed some samples Monday when they were dumping down there and they sent those off to Belmont Labs for analysis. Basically checking the DOD sp?? which is the organic content of it and the ammonia content of it. Because they said there was a noticeable difference in the amount of oxygen in their aeration tank after their plant after the leachate hit their system. It wasn't anything that caused a problem but there was a significant decrease in it. So they are just kind of monitoring it , they said they would be willing to do this for two – three – four weeks whatever we felt was necessary to get a true test of how it is going to affect the plant. Steve and I kind of talked about this, if dumping the leachate into has an effect on their oxygen levels in their treatment plant then maybe we could come up with some type of a pretreatment system, whether it be aeration or something to help them out. In the long run it would still be cost effective I believe to pre-treat and then pump it down to Camden. Just because we are going to save four cents a gallon on transportation, which could even be higher in the future the way fuel prices are going. So you look at the life of the landfill plus the 30 year post closure period I think it would be well worth our while to put in some type of pretreatment to be ship it down there in..


Bill Withrow – And I assume you would pump that at a slower rate than you would dump the truck. Right?


Steve Simmons – Well we're trying to put in there about the rate we would be pumping it now.


Bill Withrow – I see, so you're testing that type..


Tom Barnes – When we sent a truck down there he'd been kind of timing it and he's been dumping off around 6500 gallons and it usually takes him about an hour and fifteen minute to an hour and thirty minutes to dump it off. Which I is still probably a little bit quicker than we would be pumping it down there if we had a pumps you know set up on a float system where we could ahh make it a little bit more equal throughout a twenty four hour period. So, but it is more realistic than the what we did the first time.


Dave Wesler – Yeah


Ken Moreland – gravity flow line or do you have to pump it?


3 hr. 53.25 minute mark    Tom Barnes – I think it would have to be a pump line or a force main so far down and then that would be more or less up to us at what point we would want to terminate the pressure line and go to a gravity line and that would have a lot to do with the development.


Steve Simmons – What I was thinking Ken was you know that area between 127 and the railroad is prime heavy industrial ground and that if the Camden City fathers felt fit they could run.. we could make a part of this project running with gravity from there where they area at at Gary Harshes sp?? running it up as far north as what we could for what they wanted to do. We would pay for the force main cost and then they would pay for anything additional when it came to the gravity. Then that way ahh they could go clear up to the top of the hill if they wanted. Then that would allow them to be able to if they get water out there to be able to allow them to put their heavy industry there and that would be a win for them.


Ken Moreland – That's where I was coming from.


Steve Simmons – And it is a win for us


Ken Moreland – and has there been discussion on that to a certain extent?


Steve Simmons – We were at a Council meeting when …was that last spring now or


Tom Barnes – It would have been about a year ago yes.


Steve Simmons – It was about a year ago when we presented this I would think


Ken Moreland – So you would be looking at, you are going to have to digging the trench anyway. So instead of putting the small line which is a force line you would put a larger gravity fed and they pay the difference of that so that is kind of what you were thinking?


Steve Simmons – Now you know I… blessing on this.


Bill Withrow – Well a gravity would start just about the old Stowe sp?? farm. Which is on the right before you go down over the hill. Right next to where the guy built the new building on


Ken Moreland – Right across from the new Garrett house.


Bill Withrow – Yeah


Steve Simmons – Yeah you could probably get all that gravity down to Camden


Bill Withrow – That is my old stomping ground.


3 hr. 55.25 minute mark Steve Simmons – That is perfect heavy industrial between 127 and the railroad. That is the most prime ground in the county I think we got for heavy industrial.


Ken Moreland – How close can you put a water line to a sanitary line?


Steve Simmons – Ahhhh what is it ten feet?


Tom Barnes – It is ten feet horizontal and I think three feet vertical.


Steve Simmons – two or three feet


Ken Moreland – You know if we had the equipment there already digging they could do that. If you already got the equipment there yo dig this trench, you move over and dig that trench they could put all of that in..


Tom Barnes – I think it would be.. put one on each side of the road in order to allow for that separation.


Bill Withrow – They did not do that when they ran the sewer did they? Back two or three years ago, when they ran it north to the


Steve Simmons – No they had the sewer down along the railroad tracks at seven mile I think, didn't they?


Bill Withrow – Ahh it actually went up old 227 and correct me if I am wrong. Did that go all the way to the trailer park?


Tom Barnes – Yes, they went through that what is the street there that Camden Coil


Bill Withrow – Barnetts Mill


Tom Barnes – Then they went through that subdivision there on the north side


Bill Withrow – Well I know for a fact that to Barnetts Mill road that they was on the east side of 227.


Tom Barnes – That's right and then it goes all the way up to..


Bill Withrow – It was extremely deep.


Tom Barnes – Yes


Bill Withrow – Extremely deep. They told me the footage but I don't want to repeat it because it might be more or less than I thought.


Steve Simmons – What I really wanted to do to is instill in their mind that have you know thought about the category of the land use? There, I wanted to get them thinking about the higher level level of land use with heavy industrial instead of just allowing housing to go in there. You know they get more tax money from the industry going in there


Ken Moreland – Definitely


Steve Simmons – So if that makes sense to everybody if you see anybody from Camden just kind of keep pushing that so that they don't put housing


Bill Withrow – Well we had a tour of a business in Camden that is hooked on to that sewer, his take on it is they area anti business down there. I don't agree with that. I think anybody that is in government is not anti business but that was just one person's take on it. He owns said look across the street at that mess we got over there and nobody will make them clean it up. Well..


Steve Simmons – You got to crawl before you walk.


Bill Withrow – Yeah


Ken Moreland – I think where it is at where they are coming from they think they are anti if they are not doing something for the existing businesses.


Bill Withrow – I agree because..


Ken Moreland – I think they are from what I know is their long term look I think they realize the need for future in addition. I do think there has to be a median, you have to help the people the people you have there to keep them to. But, I don't think they are being anti industry but they may not be focused on their existing industry as much as they should be.


Bill Withrow – Well I would say that is accurate.


Tom Barnes – Well I'll move on to my next agenda item..

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