Preble County Commission meeting audio from February 21, 2007

Preble County, Ohio


County Commissioners


February 21, 2007


Meeting audio and review


File 1

1 hr. 14 minute mark Landfill tonnage reports


1 hr. 14.5 minute mark Tom Barnes – Leachate, the only thing I can say about that is we've been froze up or were froze up for a week now. That pretty well shut it down from about the ahh well there is almost two weeks in there. From the 2nd all the way up until last week. We were basically locked up so we got that situation corrected and actually there really wasn’t that much back up so.


1 hr. 15.25 minute mark Tom Barnes – I did talk with Terry Dir ?? about the force main down to Camden. We discussed that in our last meeting and he said he said that Camden is still open to having that force main run down there, that they have a lot of questions. They said may even he was going to talk with the waste water plant operators and they may even want to do another test. Like we done before, where we haul some down there and feed it into their system. Because it has been 2 or 3 years so ahh he had some reservations as to what if they do this for a couple years and it doesn't work out is there some way they can get out of it. They don't want to see us put a lot of money into it and not to be able to fulfill that obligation you know several years down the road. He says he was talking about a Memorandum of Understanding that needs to be gone through pretty thoroughly between the county and Camden before we were going to enter into some type of agreement that you know that if the leachate did create a problem with their plant ahh who would pay for the necessary pre treatment of the leachate. Little things like that, that he is concerned about. But they are


Jane Marhsall – Could we do a longer test if you will instead of shipping the leachate to Timbucktu or where ever it goes just ship it to Camden?


Tom Barnes – We


Jane Marhsall – I mean on a regular basis? To see, so they can see how it is and what it does to their plant?


Tom Barnes – I am sure we could, I don't know what your thoughts are on that Steve but I'm sure we would be willing to do whatever it would take to satisfy


Jane Marhsall – I mean I think a longer term test woould might allevaiate their fears instead of just one time.


Steve Simmons – Cause we're talkin about what we're going to do with this stuff for the next hundred years.


Jane Marhsall – Right


Dave Wesler – Certainly somewhere around the State of Ohio that accepts, we need to talk with Malcolm Pirnie or Eastman Smith and get their take on it.


Tom Barnes – Right. Ahh you know Wilmington for example, they have their own landfill and they have their own waste water plant and there adjacent to each other and their leachte goes directly into the City of Wilmington's waste water treatment plant. I am not sure what their flows are compared to Camden. I know Camden has a lot of FLOINI sp?? so of course when it rains their flows go up and and of cource when it rains are flows go up so. It might come down to the amount of storage capacity that we have in order to be able to feed this at a slower rate into their system. These are all things I think need to be addressed. Inflow and infiltration.


Dave Wesler – what is FLOINI?


Tom Barnes – Inflow and infiltration.


Bill Withrow – Would they have to address that situtation..let me rephrase that. Shouldn't they address that situation now before they strat to explore tanking this?


Tom Barnes – With the INI situation? Well every waste water system has it.


Steve Simmons – Including ours


Tom Barnes – Including others haha


Bill Withrow – I talked to some people about that particular situation


Dave Wesler – In other words what you are saying is we could possibly put in a little bit bigger storage tank and absolutly before a big rain have the thing pretty well empty and if we have to hold it for a day or two or whatever, we can and release it slowly.


Tom Barnes – And until their flow subsides enough that they can handle ahh more volumn. So you know, I don't have the answers for all of this. I think it is something that we need to look at the Village needs to look at


Dave Wesler – This is still worth why I absolutly understand Camden's concern and


Tom Barnes – Right Right


Dave Wesler – But I think this could be a win win situation


Tom Barnes – I think so to.


Dave Wesler – So


Tom Barnes – And that's how I approached it.


Dave Wesler – Who was it you said you talked to down there?


Tom Barnes – Terry Dir?? I don't know his official title is he like… I don't know.


Steve Simmons – I don't know but he kind of handles the public service end of things.


Tom Barnes – Right


Steve Simmons – Down there


Tom Barnes – He's like over water , streets he seems to know everything about everything so. He's the guy we dealt with before when we set up the test to a put the leachate into their system so.


Steve Simmons – He's a pretty god guy


Dave Wesler – Well whenever you guys feel it's ahh it's good to do this test again and have a conversation with them


Tom Barnes – Well he's he's in contact with their wastewater operators and he is going to get back with me if their comfortable with what we've done in the past or whether they want something further. It may take a conversation with Malcom Pirnie to see if we need them involved in any of this you know from past experience from other facilities. I don't know. We need to do what we can to make them feel comfortable doing this


1 hr. 20 minute mark    Steve Simmons – Either Wood or Hancock does that to


Tom Barnes – There is a lot of them a lot of them do that. I was thinking Wood


Steve Simmons – Wood could be Wood


Tom Barnes – I don't remember exactly. But it is not uncommon for this to go to wastewater plants.


Dave Wesler – Ok


Tom Barnes – So moving on Malcom Pirnie. I don't know there is a lot of things going on. Just today I found out a little while ago that tree and back people are down there now.


Steve Simmons – The tree and back?


Jane Marshall –


Tom Barnes – Oh the Environmental the wild life the fish and wild life and this has todo with the environmental to see if we have any Brown Bat habitat.


Ends – 1 hr. 20.75 minute mark

6.52 minutes – 1.57MB

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