Preble County Auditor Report for April 25, 2016 Budget Commission Meeting

This is the budget report presented by Preble County Auditor Lavon Wright to the Preble County Commission today. I would like to thank Lavon once again for her commitment to transparency in government. 

I would like to draw your attention to the Budget report posted last year on April 29, 2015. The General Fund Balance presented that day showed $4,022,564.07 at the end of March 2015. For comparison at the end of March 2016, the General Fund Balance was put at $4,652,086.11. This year’s balance at roughly the same time is $629,522.04 higher.  This is worth noting because you the taxpayer were sold on the need for an increased tax levy last fall for Children’s Services. The voters passed that levy for the children based on a claimed need but this $629,522.04 increased balance calls that into question.  Everyone should be happy that the general fund is healthy and in record territory. What needs to be remembered is that the General Fund is mostly made up of taxes and fees you have already paid. Consider that the next time the county wants to increase a tax.

Also take note of the yellow box down in the left corner of page 2. This is the revenue and expense report for the Economic Development department. On August 24, 2009 when the one mill tax on real estate transfers was levied for this effort the county was to make a $100,000 in-kind contribution each year to help finance it. This was to break down to $88,000 per year in financial aid and $12,000 in office space provided in the annex across from the court house.  I received a question last time on why the expenses for 2013 – 2014 – 2015 clearly show more than that was spent. It has to do with the Port Authority and this was covered back on August 2, 2013 and August 14, 2013.  I share the concern of others that if the county is losing money/sales taxes because a company runs their construction through the Port Authority so the funds can be funneled back to the Preble County Development Partnership (PCDP) then you the taxpayer could actually be paying more than the $88,000 in financial aid. When this effort started back in 2010 the county commitment to financing was for a five year period at the end of which it was hoped the PCDP would be self financing. The agreement was renewed for three more years August 10, 2015 with no review. Commissioner Robertson did raise questions and a review should have been done. 

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