July 15, 2009
Preble County Commission meeting:
13 audio files for a total of 53.78MB
File 1 Opening
8.01 minutes – 1.83MB
File 2
Dr. Wright of OSU Extension on speaker phone, Pat Holmes in chambers for conference call and meeting with county commissioners.
Preble County becomes first county in Wright's area to not make payment for services rendered. Preble County possibly unable to make second quarter payment and already into third quarter. Wright "You would be the first county that I have ever worked with that, where they didn't pay for the services rendered. That would be the first time." For an explanation of what that means for Preble County scroll over to the 22.50 minute marker.
Closing of office possible if second quarter payment not made. State will be billing Preble County for second quarter.
41.31 minutes – 9.50MB
File 3
Comments after OSU meeting by Commissioners
1.36 minutes – 378K
File 4
20.01 minutes – 4.58MB
File 5
20.01 minutes – 4.58MB
File 6
20.01 minutes – 4.58MB
File 7
20.00 minutes – 4.57MB
File 8
Chris Washington (Clerk of Courts) on speakphone with County Commissioners. Mention of legal action over budget cuts. Clerk facing problem of keeping up with paper work required of his office.
13.01 minutes – 2.98MB
File 9
$50,000 still owed to Commissioners from previous advances to Title Department
Department still paying overtime to keep up with workload.
20.00 minutes – 4.57MB
File 10
20.00 minutes – 4.57MB
File 11
15.58 minutes – 3.65MB
File 12
Clerk of Courts – Chris Washington in Commission Chambers for more discussion on budget
24.06 minutes – 5.51MB
File 13
10.36 minutes – 2.42MB
The audio files will remain up for only a limited amount of time. If they are needed please email.