Preble County, Ohio
County Commissioners
April 27, 2011
Meeting audio and review
Two Commissioners in attendance
Commissioner Wesler on vacation
End 6 minute mark on CD – 1.38 MB
12 minute mark on cd
6 minutes – 1.38 MB
RE: AUTH. PAYMENT – TREASURER ($3,500.00); CHILDREN SVS. ($65,402.85)
RE: PERMISSIVE LICENSE TAX PUBLIC HEARINGS – Monday, May 23 at 1:00 p.m. and Friday, May 27 at 1:00 p.m. Commissioner Day – …citizens are urged to attend.
21.5 Minute mark William Yorke III comes and to the podium to express concern over the citizen unfriendly time of 1:00 p.m. on both day as most people work at that time. Suggests that one meeting be held in the evening so working people have the opportunity to voice their concerns. Expresses concern that Preble County Engineer has not kept up with repairs while giving out raises in opposition to the stated position of the Preble County Commissioners. Asks question of any earmarking in wording addressing the use of these funds for road repair as opposed to more pay raises.
Commissioner Day – Well at this point ahhh to my knowledge there is not but those are questions that we would have to have answered.
Commissioner Stonecash – those are things that would come up in the hearing
Commissioner Day – To my knowledge ahh we didn't get into the details of that during his presentation and like ahh Commissioner Stonecash said the reason for the hearing is so that people can voice their concerns. Ahh I as I alluded to earlier ahhh Mr. Simmons is supposed to get a more detailed ahh summary of things and bring back answers to those questions.
William Yorke III – Will one of these meetings be held after hours then?
Commissioner Day – Well at this point in time ahh do to ahhm time restrictions I think we've got them scheduled where we could get them in. They probably will not be scheduled after hours at this point.
Commissioner Stonecash – … I understand what you're saying, also understand that ahh people work at SILFEX, they work at Bullens, they work at Henny Penny, ahh Parker and there is three shifts.
William Yorke III – But the majority of people work during the day. If you would split the difference, have one and one at say 6:00 p.m. such as you did with the leachate meeting. That would be much more equitable than having both of them where you are going to limit the participation to at least two thirds of the county. I mean after all that is the way Wayne County is planed their wheel tax meetings. One would be during the morning when the early morning business people can come in and one would be held in the late evening when normal working people can come in and voice their opinions.
Commissioner Stonecash – ahh hey right I read that in the Palladium Item yesterday. That their ahh is that ahh I don't have a problem with it.
Commissioner Day – I don't have a problem doing that ahh I guess that ahhm Connie what kind of scheduling issues and things would that create?
Connie Crowell – I don't think there is anything the evening of the 23rd that's the Monday night 23rd. Monday at 6:30 I don't have anything down at 6:30.
Commissioner Day – I don't have any problem changing that to 6:30.
Commissioner Stonecash – I'm ok with it I know you guys have argued that point for a long time.
Commissioner Day – And I appreciate that argument but I also appreciate that if someone feels they need to speak out we all have to rearrange our schedules. I don't have a problem with the meeting but I also ahh like I said ahh; If I need to get something done things of that nature, if I need to attend, I have to rearrange my schedule so if people really want to get here they can get here. That goes double for elected officials and if they cannot handle scheduling a meeting with the citizens they intend to tax then perhaps they need to find another line of work.
Commissioner Stonecash – We have a lot of evening meetings that we do attend. I mean we don't quit at 4:00 and go home. Two or three times every week we are going somewhere in the county to a meeting.
Commissioner Day – So would it be the wishes ahh to move the Monday May 23 meeting to 6:30 p.m.? Is that what you suggested Connie? Would that give enough time to get everybody out of the building and do whatever we need to do?
Connie Crowell – …right I'd have security here that evening to let us in.
Commissioner Day – Have you contacted the Engineer on these dates?
Connie Crowell – Yes
Commissioner Day – I guess we would need to contact him and see
Connie Crowell – I'd have to make sure that he is available on the evening of the 23rd. He did say the 23rd during the day was available.
Commissioner Day – How about if we ahh you want to table this until we can get in touch with the Engineer and we can get back on it?
Connie Crowell – That's fine.
Commissioner Day – Let's table this and take care of the rest of the business and then
Commissioner Stonecash – We'll just have to coordinate everybody to make sure it works for everybody.
Connie Crowell – I am really not certain that we even called roll here. So you had a motion on the floor then you discussed it and then Mr. Yorke came up and spoke so I don't think we even called a roll on this.
Commissioner Stonecash – We haven't called roll
Connie Crowell – So if you want to change your motion to table it
Commissioner Stonecash – I can withdraw my original motion
Commissioner Day – and I'll withdraw my second.
Commissioner Stonecash – Move to table the scheduled hearings on permissive license tax.
Commissioner Day – I'll withdraw my second. Ahh we'll take care of the rest of business here and then we will get in touch with see if we can't get in touch with Mr. Simmons.
Commissioner Stonecash – second my motion to table.
Commissioner Day – second you motion to table.
Commissioner Stonecash – I made the motion he seconded it
Connie Crowell – Right
….Commissioner Day – Alright Mr. Yorke we will see if we can't get in touch with the Engineer, that would be the key factor, when he is available.
William Yorke III – Ok
31.5 minute mark on cd
18.29 minutes – 4.23 MB
A. RES. #294-11-150 – CHAD HOKE – BUILDING REGULATIONS Cost not to exceed $45
B. RES. #295-11-150 – MAGISTRATE OVERMYER & DAWNA JOHN – JUVENILE COURT Cost not to exceed $83.20
34 minute mark on cd
2.31 minutes – 599 KB
John Jones in room with the PTI for the Sewer District 2.
Replacement facility
Hope to start in August
42 Minute mark Mention of a public meeting for the residents to explain the expected the cost. Issue 2 Executive Board agreed to extend the payments from a 20 year term to a 30 year term.
49.5 minute mark on cd
15.3 minutes – 3.55 MB
Connie – I did speak to Steve and 6:30 on May 23 is fine.
Motion to bring from the table
Commissioner Day – Mr. Yorke thank you for your input.
William Yorke III – You're welcome. I have other questions for later after you have done your other stuff.
52 Minute mark William Yorke III – A couple questions I have; Has our current jail been paid off? Has the mortgage been paid on that?
Connie – Yes
William Yorke III – has the sales tax been removed since the jail mortgage has been paid off?
Connie – I know the Budget commission adjusted something.
Commissioner Day – I'm trying to think how that
Connie – I know they made mention during one of our meetings they had adjusted something as to the tax rates because if the full payment of the jail being made.
Commissioner Day – It was something was reduced
Connie – Yeah
Commissioner Day – I don't know the number but we could get that for you. I know we dealt with that when the note bond was retired.
53 Minute mark Commissioner Stonecash – that's just been recent hasn't it?
Connie – Yeah
Commissioner Day – End of last year?
Connie – End of last year.
Commissioner Day – If memory serves me
Connie – They had to the budget commission when it was time to look the rates the tax rates the budget commission adjusted something to reflect the final payment of the jail.
William Yorke III – So the sales tax was at 7.5% and now it is down to 7%?
Connie – I know they adjusted I cannot answer that question. I know they adjusted something on the tax rate.
William Yorke III – Ok and my second question was as I normally do I can't always get to Eaton, Ohio to attend the meeting so like many Preble Countians I listen to the files that are posted on the CitizensforPrebleCounty website on a regular basis. At the recent Preble County Expo I talked to both of the present Commissioners who were there. I mentioned my opposition to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars at Goose Creek and recommended that those dollars be taken and be spent at developing the infrastructure at the Stateline and bringing businesses there and then moving that development east. Reading the succeeding minutes to the meeting Commissioner Stonecash's comment was I were I believe that I just didn't understand something. What didn't I understand?
Commissioner Stonecash – I think you will understand that we are working in every community in Preble County. Shwanda, you are familiar with Shawnda Combs?
William Yorke III – Yes
Commissioner Stonecash – She has been to New Paris Council meetings, she has met several times with Bob Smith. You know Bob Smith?
William Yorke III – Yes
Commissioner Stonecash – Who is very interested in that strip from his campground's to the Stateline and they are working on things. For you to make a statement that we're we're ahh not doing something is an error on your part. She is working very diligently on all parts of Preble County and when I talk it I mean that. We consider every part of Preble County. It is not just Goose Creek, it is not just at 320 and 40 and 70. Its Camden, its West Alex, its Eaton. They are making retention visits which have been quite appreciated by the individual business owners and corporations. In fact we had ahh a report from her Monday which indicated that let's see here I don't see. Shawnda and Mr. Wesler made retention visits to and whoever else in on that retention committee that was able to attend ahh I'm trying to think of the names so give me a second, Arnett Tool, Country Side Inn and there was a couple others.
Commissioner Day – New Paris Antique Mall
Commissioner Stonecash – Yeah I can't where you at on
William Yorke III – I don't believe since Dave's cousin Bill Sweet is heavily invested in Tom Wallace's golf course and the Country Side Inn, I don't think it is going to go anywhere especially since numerous investors including Mr. Sweet just poured more money into the Country Side Inn and bought the lease out from the previous leasee. Mr. Arnett has been there for a while but really the only place in Preble County that large sums are money that are being spent, are being spent at Exit 10. A four hundred and some thousand dollars the amount of money you folks paid for the land from the Kemps would so to enhance the infrastructure development which is already in place at the Stateline. Which enable New Paris to push its water and sewer line out of the village into the township, hook-up with Richmond which is there at the Petro truck stop and push that development along a lot further east. You would see a much quicker return on your investment with a lot less aggravation. You wouldn't have to tunnel the TA truck stop's water and sewer line under 70 risking a partial collapse of the interstate, wrecks, damage, potential spills of
Commissioner Stonecash – There wouldn't be a collapse of the Interstate, I hate to butt in but there is not going to be a collapse of the Interstate.
William Yorke III – Anytime tunnel under anything it can fall in. There is no guarantees on anything is this life.
Commissioner Stonecash – Well we have worked very diligently as you have been following it and you know we've been to the statehouse to see Senator Faber and Representative Buchy and Mr. Zehringer when he was in the Representatives job and the Ohio Department of Development, the Dayton Development Coalition and we have a lot of things working. So it is not like we are sitting on our hands and not doing anything. The problem with economic development is everybody thinks that it is going to happen tomorrow and it will happen tomorrow but tomorrow is down the road a little bit. It takes a lot of planning a lot of hard work
William Yorke III – And a whole lot of money.
Commissioner Stonecash – You know that
William Yorke III – That's true, that's still you would see a lot quicker return on your investment if those monies were going to the Stateline where there is already established infrastructure vs. out in the middle of nowhere where there is very little if any.
Commissioner Stonecash – Do you have any contact with the gentleman that owns the old truck stop?
William Yorke III – ..You mean the Stateline that would be the gentleman in West Virginia? No I don't. I do have his email address though.
Commissioner Stonecash – Have you researched anything on the Truck wash?
William Yorke III – The last I heard was it was the Ohio EPA claimed that it was contaminated after I sent a request of our newly elected then Governor Strickland I got an email back from the State Director of the EPA with his home phone number, his cell phone and pager number and he asked me if there was anything I wanted to discuss on economic development at the Stateline, that I was to contact him and leave the Governor's office out of it. Especially since the Ohio EPA is peeved at the Village of New Paris for them not refusing to turn over their water and sewer operations to the City of Richmond and the American Water Company. They had threatened to sue or fine the village $5000 a day had they not turned it over or gotten a professional water person to oversee water and sewer development. The Pal-Item whole heartedly supported taking New Paris's water system. The Village held a vote on it and they decided to keep it which upset both parties. I have heard vague mumblings that that site after I sent the email to the Governor's office was somehow miraculously cleaned up but that was unconfirmed.
Commissioner Stonecash – There was a bus trip
William Yorke III – Some years ago
Commissioner Stonecash – Five or six years ago that had a bunch of ahh ODOD people and local people. I was fortunate enough to be on that trip and we talked to a lady and I don't recall if she was an EPA rep or whether she was involved with ahh one of the two properties and she indicated that at that time it was clean. I know that there has been some activity or some talk about it.
William Yorke III – I've talked to a number of people and there have been developers out there. If water and sewer lines were to miraculously grow today, I am sure there would be developers out there tomorrow writing rather nice checks to all of the property owners so that they could buy it up and develop it.
Commissioner Stonecash – I think Bob Smith has that all lined up as a matter of fact.
Commissioner Day – Well I think ahh the one thing that you have to understand is that we are looking at every place in the county. Ahhm are we putting money into certain areas of the county? Yes we have made the decision to do that. We just made the decision today to move forward with an existing facility that needs upgraded, that is another part of the county. We're looking at all areas ahh you gotta you know we're in the early stages of economic development here. Shawnda is doing a great job, I know she is working at the Stateline but she is also working around the county. Unfortunately at this point we'll agree to disagree on where the monies should be spent ahh that is a matter of opinion and yours is based upon your knowledge and ours is based upon the knowledge that we have at this time. So I appreciate your input but ahh we're going to look everywhere if there is something that we can do out in the area at the Stateline, I am sure we will be more than glad.
Commissioner Stonecash – Since October 4 is when she became the economic development director, so you have to realize in that period of time that is about eight months ahh been working on a lot of things. There has been a Preble County Development Partnership formed with your leaders of your industry SILFEX, Henny Penny ahh Bullens, the banks, Reid Hospital is involved, Dayton Power and Light, Vectren, all the people that are going to help with economic development are on this Board. It's and so far it has been very successful in the fact that all though it is very young, so things are going to happen but you have to realize as I stated a while ago it doesn't happen right away. There has got to be contacts made and there's got to be plans made. Shawnda is making those contacts ahh there is not much else I can say other than the fact that we're working hard at it.
William Yorke III – Well the money that has been spent would have been better spent elsewhere. If you had taken advantage of already exists that money would go a lot further and to put what you can gain out of what's out at the Stateline vs. what could come out at Exit 10 is a it will be a matter for debate. If you put the money at the Stateline you are going to see a return faster than you will at Exit 10.
Commissioner Stonecash – It is my hope that both areas develop in the near future. I know something's about the carwash that in fact yesterday I was discussing the carwash with some people.
William Yorke III – We will agree to disagree.
Commissioner Stonecash – Well that's you and I agree to a lot that's the great American way. I do appreciate you coming in. I do have a comment
William Yorke III – You do need to speak up when you guys are down here though. It is very hard to hear you when you are sitting down here at the table.
Commissioner Stonecash – We can do that.
William Yorke III – Or you could do like New Paris does now and video tape or digitally record the whole thing and just download it to your website so people can watch.
Commissioner Stonecash – The ahh
William Yorke III – I prefer to listen because you can clean the house while I listen to you guys talk.
Commissioner Stonecash – I don't often get on the whatever the name
William Yorke III – Citizens for Preble County?
Commissioner Stonecash – and your comment about ahh when you asked me about my jaw dropped and my hand was shaking. Please at least tell the truth would you? We had a pretty good discussion.
William Yorke III – Your jaw did drop when you started and you started shaking. I don't know if it was whether or not if it was because was
Commissioner Stonecash – You made the statement
William Yorke III – grumbling about Exit 10 or whether or not it was my pet term for Commissioner Wesler.
Commissioner Stonecash – I am just going to say you made a comment a while back that you could intimidate Commissioner Wesler. You are not going to intimidate me I think you and I can get along very well as being friends that can discuss things but as far as intimidation
William Yorke III – I don't want to intimidate anybody. I am just a harmless little ball of fuzz.
Commissioner Stonecash – I just wanted to bring that up.
Commissioner Day – That being said gentleman; Mr. Golden do you have anything else to bring up? What the???
Commissioner Stonecash – laughter.
Commissioner Day – Mr. Yorke, I apologize.
William Yorke III – You may have to call Jeff Golden and apologize to him.
Commissioner Day – I apologize. LOL
William Yorke III – Ok
Commissioner Stonecash – I do appreciate you coming in. I think that is great that you're
William Yorke III – Like I said I always listen. Fifteen miles worth of gas is a little hard to budget these days.
Commissioner Stonecash – But you don't exactly get the same story. You don't get all of the story I guess. Let me say once again that I have made an offer to the Preble County Commissioners to post their views as a group or individually and the "Commissioners Views" section at the top of this website has had only one taker and Dave was not at this meeting. I post the whole audio, I do sometimes transcribe individual meetings and anyone with an Internet connection can access this site for free and compare the two. Any Commissioner that has issue with my interpretation of events has no one but themselves to blame if they do not take the time to explain or even worse conduct a meeting with poor audio where they do not speak up. I simply do not have time to drive to Eaton and sit in and record an entire day's meetings nor do I have time to transcribe a whole day's meetings. Speak up or shut up comes to mind.
William Yorke III – Well when you guys speak up down here it will be easier. Because your microphones down here don't pick up as well as those up there on your guys. Thank you.
Commissioner Stonecash – Thanks for coming in.
1 hr. 8.5 minute mark on cd
18.39 minutes – 4.26 MB
Commissioner Day – Ms. Crowell do you have anything else?
Connie – It looks like Charlie Biggs is having an exercise on June the 8th.
Representative Buchy to be in town Friday.
1 hr. 12.3 minute mark on cd
18.39 minutes – 4.26 MB