Landfill Tonnage Reports – Plan to Ship Leachate to Camden

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

January 17, 2007

Meeting audio and review

File 1

1 hr.   34.5 minute mark     Landfill tonnage reports

File starts at 2 hr.   37 minute mark     

2 hr.   38.75 minute mark     Wes – … we do know right now that the existing storage tanks out there don't have the capacity but we are going to say in the PTIs just so everybody knows… in the PTI we are saying we have "X" amount of contaminate right now which is 4.5 days of containment. However in the next two years, in the next planning period we are going to be constructing a lift station and it is going to go down to Camden. So everybbody understands that when it come to leachate handling we are not going to have we have no intention of putting another tank out there or two tanks.

Jane Marhsall – We are not worrying about hualing anymore, we are going to pump it.

Wes – We're going to pump it. But that is the answer so that if there is a ??? that comes back from Rus that says ok when do you plan on putting that lift station in, or a condition of the approval is ok that within 18 months you have to have that force main in. Ok but everybody knows that's that could be a stipulation of the..Ok he thought we were doing that before I am just saying that could be a good example.

Tom Barnes –  So does that mean that on that subject we need to open up conversation the village real soon in order to make sure that everybody

Jane Marhsall – The last thing we want to happen is put all of that in there and get to the point where the time frame is coming and then oh well

Tom Barnes – We changed our minds

Jane Marhsall – Or we are fighting about language or money or

Bill Withrow – Their receptive with leachate?

Tom Barnes –  They were and I have not talked with them in the last year or two.

Bill Withrow –  The council has changed

Tom Barnes –  Yeah and with different people so we don't what effect that has.

Steve Simmons – Would it help to have a little Memorandum of Understanding between the county and village on that?

Bill Withrow –  and we have determined that their system is able to handle it.

Jane Marhsall –  In small doses.

Bill Withrow –  and they have determined that and it benefits the area by the sewer connection because it extends their sewer on out and makes it more developable.

Tom Barnes –  a source of revenue

Steve Simmons – Is this something that maybe we could have Dick work on our input and stuff? Has it reached that point or

Jane Marhsall –  I think that we ought to have somebody we need somebody in this room ought to have a conversation with Camden before we go down quite that that road. So we have

Dave Wesler –  Well you guys have had several conversations  

Jane Marhsall – There has not been any recent ones.

Bill Withrow –  Do you know Gary Rust? He's a new member well he's not a new member he is President of Council this year. Which is different than a Mayor.

Tom Barnes – I do know the Village has done a lot of work on changing valves and installing water meteres in different locations down there and its my understanding that their water usage has been cut in half. Which would open up even more capacity at the waste water plant. I think that is a positive thing.

2 hr.   42 minute mark     Steve Simmons – Well lets lets say that the village is ready to entertain a proposal reacy to entertain a Memorandum of Understanding. Do you want to try and go ahead and try and do that or wait or

Jane Marhsall No I think wait, we have waited long enough.

Bill Withrow – Regardless of wheter you get the PTI

Jane Marhsall – This is still something that we want to

Bill Withrow – we still got to get rid of our leachate and if I remember our conversation you fellas indicated that it would be less money per year to pump it down and pay for treatment than to haul it

Dave Wesler –  Well that is where the MOU comes in because

Jane Marhsall – That demonstration has happened

Tom Barnes –  With that we can do it at anytime. Once we have that memorandum of understanding then uhh

Bill Withrow – it would be in the best interests

Dave Wesler –  The thing is if they would like 10 cents per gallon

Tom Barnes –  Yeah that's true that's true that's true

Dave Wesler –  You don't want to get the line in and then leachate increase signifigantly

Tom Barnes –  We have to get our negotiations finished and get those prices

Steve Simmons – Ok

Wes – That's a good example that's  just another example that of just those are the kind of things that maybe that is the kind of thing that we will have fo next month. Maybe not a copy of the whole six volumns of the PTI but more these are the things that you need to understand or in responding to in answering.. There will be forms and applications …..  a fee that will have to be provided. I will tell you that right now we got the volumn capulation as of Monday or actually last Tuesday she ran this. You got 4,044,000 cubic yards plus or minus, it's just a tad under what we had figured back in 2004 and it had to do with the  ??? around the one road, we lost a little bit but it is still 55 – 60 years at 40,000. Tons a year, that's 55 – 60 years and that's

Tom Barnes –  Total life

Wes –  Total life of the landfill and use 1200lb's per cubic yard.  If we can up to 15 that is just going add time to it. This new vertical has 55 – 60 you can actually have

Steve Simmons – Oh Ok

Tom Barnes –  and your compaction rate

Jane Marhsall – What was the number again?

Steve Simmons –  4,044,000

2 hr.  44.5 minute mark     everybody talking at same time

Bill Withrow – During our conversations with —– Camden it would save money in the long run

Tom Barnes –  Transportation costs for the life of the landfill of over 4 cents per gallon. So if you multiply 4 cents a gallon times the number of gallons we are going to generate and figure over the next 50 years it will more than pay for itself. If you look at the number of gallons we have put out in the last 10 years

Bill Withrow –  I looked at it . Do I remember correctly that the estimates cost including the pumping station was around $600,000 +?

Tom Barnes –  That was an estimate we did probaly 3 or 4 years ago so it could be more because of inflation and material costs and so forth. How much that has gone up I don't know but still it's going to be a savings over a period of time.

Bill Withrow –  Yeah and we definatly have to move on it.

Wes –  So that's, I mean we're coming here and we can walk through this -???—- everythings coming together.

Steve Simmons –  I think the Commissioners want to meet with us next Tuesday, 8:00 or quarter after something like that at the landfill.

Tom Barnes –  We're just going to look through the drawings and look for things.

Bill Withrow –  Well we'll put it on our schedule to — anything we can do to help. Talk to the city for one, I'll talk to Mr. Groh's attorney and we will talk with Dick Sargent three and see which direction he is which he is going to want to go on both cases. He should be a player in both scenarios

Dave Wesler –  We need to do that within a couple weeks, you talk to him pretty soon ask him

Wes –  We will be talking to him

Dave Wesler –  We need to talk to him and ahh and get this thing hammered out.

Steve Simmons – we've got the contract but

Jane Marhsall –  We did do the legal agreement this morning

Wes –  There is four different ways they do the volumn calculation…..

2 hr.  48 minute mark     Steve Simmons –  We'll work on getting Camden. That process going.

Wes –   Yeah I mean we're coming here today with all good news. We really don't have anything to say that is nothing is about money.. water right now. The decision at Celina was very good. I mean it's for our side obviously if it went the other way…

Tom Barnes –  As far as what the Board needs to do —- to keep everything rolling.


2 hr.  53.5 minute mark     Discussion of March 14?

16.38 minutes – 3.8MB

End – 2 hr. 53.5

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