Landfill Leachate

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

October 11, 2006

Meeting audio and review

File 1

3 hr.   16.3 minute mark     Landfill tonnage reports

3 hr.   17.75 minute mark     Leachate

3 hr.   18.50 minute mark     Tom Barnes –  I attached a separate spreadsheet regarding leachate and I don't know if you are interested or not but just a comparison since we from year to year of you know it has got a price and the total gallons and actual cost since 1997 when we started collecting leachate. I don't know if that is really interesting information but I …

Bill Withrow –  It is because I am sitting here thinking Steve told us some time ago that if Camden could process it would cost $600,000 to run a line and we have already spent a $1,600,000.

Tom Barnes –  mmhmm.

Bill Withrow – That's what keep running through my mind.

Tom Barnes –  Right

Steve Simmons –   And we can get into that latter but when we find out about our PTI and get that through and stuff like that. I told Wes yesterday, that is the next project we want to be starting. But it is no use getting that strated until we find out exactly what we are doing with the PTI.

Jane Marhsall – now wait a minute, why?

Steve Simmons –  Because, if you have more trash you have more, you may have more leachate.

Jane Marhsall –  So your sizing the line because that is the only reason. Just for sizing is what you are talking about.

3 hr.   20 minute mark     Tom Barnes – While we are talking about that you know, part of what Malcom Pirnie needs to know at this point in time is they're preparing the documents for the submittal is ahh. They have to do one of two things, they either have to design it to go to a force main somewhere or we have to size bigger tanks ahh collection tanks. So they need a little direction which way to go as far as how they are going to design this stuff. Steve and I both indicated to Wes that we would like to see it go to Camden.

Unknown –  Yeah I agree

Tom Barnes –  So I think that is what they are going to work towards

Dave Wesler – Ok

Tom Barnes –  Now when we do it I think that's what you kind of relating to.

Steve Simmons –  Yeah Yeah we will do it., unless something comes up. It's Camden's intention and our intention is to do it.

Jane Marhsall –  Camden had the capacity?

Steve Simmons –  We just kind of need to feed it slow and that would give them a ?????

Bill Withrow –  And you have , you  have explained the process of how you intend to do that. Feed it slow?

Steve Simmons –  Yeah, Tom has been in contact with them Camden people about it

Tom Barnes –  Yeah if you I don't know if you were here when we did the trials ? We actually hauled some leachate down, we took 6000 or 6500 gallons down and just wooshed it

Jane Marhsall –  and that didn't work well.

Tom Barnes –  That didn't work while. So the next time we fed it slow and they had no problems what so ever accepting that. I think the first time ahh what really caused the problem was they were just hauling and hauling down there and they actually sucked a bunch sluggish stuff off the bottom of our tanks because there are a lot of solids that collect in our holding tanks and I sucked them dry and they got a big slug of nasty stuff that caused a little bit of an upset when that hit the plant.

Bill Withrow –  it gave the bugs some heart burn

Tom Barnes –  yeah I think that might have been part of the problem the first time that is why we went to t the option B which was to feed it real slow and see if that caused a problem. So, which it didn't. I am optimistic that they should be able to handle it.

Steve Simmons – Do we know how gallons a minute that they can handle?  Because that may come in with a force main tanks and all that other

Tom Barnes –  That may change with the new leachate calculations per modification. I wish I could remember that , I didn't know you were going to ask that but I did know at one time

Steve Simmons – We may have to just

Jane Marhsall – You mean you can't

Tom Barnes –  No not always, there are a lot of things going around in it.

Bill Withrow –  If I remember correctly the plan was to introduce it into their system just above Camden at their sewer line?

Tom Barnes –  Yeah at the most northern part of the collection system that we can access.  

Bill Withrow –  and the was the way you were going to introduce it into there was to down size the pipe?

Tom Barnes –  I thought we talked a couple different things. I thought we were talking about running a force main to the point that we could drop into gravity and let gravity flow it down whatever section of 127 that

Steve Simmons – I think it ought to be a joint venture between us and Camden because they can possibly extend their sewer north as far as they want to. And my recommendation at that time was if, it is probably going to cost more to put in the sanitary than it will the force main and then they would pay the difference to run the sanitary as far as they wanted to run it. Which would then open up developable ground or whatever want.

Bill Withrow – They're at the mobile home park now? That is as far north as they go?

Steve Simmons – Right. Right there at ahh

Tom Barnes –  Jerry Harshes

Steve Simmons – So

Bill Withrow – Are they on both sides of 127?

Steve Simmons Let's see you know, there is a perfect place to me for heavy commercial – light industrial even heavy industrial between the railroad and 127. That makes more sense to me than anywhere in the county.    With the railroad being right there so they got water fairly close and if they can their sanitary on up the hill and that should open that up for it.

Tom Barnes –  I have already had questions as to when we were going to do this because there are property owners interested in some development there on the east side of 127 just north of the park so…

Bill Withrow –  Yeah that land has been speculated for the last ten years.

Tom Barnes –  Yeah so there interest in it anyway but hopefully here in the near future we will be able to get started on that.

Steve Simmons – we could pay approximately half. You know we'd have to pay say we have to pay for electricity, probably pay for the construction of it. But 5-6-7 years

Bill Withrow – If you save $80,000 a year even with interest

Jane Marhsall –  It'll pay off easy.

Bill Withrow – In 7-8-9 years it would

Jane Marhsall –  It would help Camden in the process.

Steve Simmons – Yeah cause they'd be getting the revenue from treating it.

Jane Marhsall –  and any additional that they could get from the neighbors. A win – win.

Tom Barnes –  Well currently we are paying 4 cents just for treatment. We might as well pay Camden the 4 cents cause

Jane Marhsall – Sure

Steve Simmons – keep it in the county

Jane Marhsall –  and you think that they could do it for about that?

Tom Barnes –  Oh I would think so yeah

Jane Marhsall – and still make some money at it?

Tom Barnes –  Yeah

Steve Simmons – The normal had been about three or the average had been about three.

Tom Barnes –  I had heard as low as 2 cents depending on what facility you are talking about and then their plant process with that. But then you know we're looking at how many gallons are we producing? A couple million gallons at roughly 4 1/4 cents a gallon for trucking. You know that would all be savings that we could apply towards a deal like the installation of the force main itself.

Tom Barnes –   Plus see we still have to take care of leachate for thirty years after its closed.

3 hr.   26 minute mark     Tom Barnes –  So today you are looking at 60 years that we are going to be hauling leachate. If we were to get the modification an additional 20 years

Bill Withrow – Believe it or not I won't care in 60 years.

Tom Barnes –  I am pretty sure that I won't either. We just don't want them talking bad about us.

Steve Simmons – Of course they will anyway won't they.

Bill Withrow – Ok anyway a little bit on the PCSD #3

3 hr.  16.3 minute mark on cd  

10.23 minutes – 2.37MB

End – 3 hr. 26.75.

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