This is the video of the third and final hearing on adjusting the commercial rates at the Preble County Landfill. Years ago there was a political battle on the leasing of the landfill as a possible mega landfill and the people of Preble County did not want that. However the cost for trash haulers was so high at the Preble County landfill that local trash was being trucked out of the county. That led to “flow control” which required Preble County trash go to the Preble County landfill. The cost still remained too high for trash haulers to bring out county trash to Preble County and the difference in operating costs from a shortfall of tonnage required a landfill assessment. The rates at the time were set based on the landfill getting 42,000 tons a year but that has dwindled over time. The combination of recycling, businesses leaving or closing and rising rates has seen that fall to 29,000 tons and it continues lower. This has resulted in Preble County having an extremely expensive and inefficient landfill as the same amount of workers could handle double the current tonnage. Over two years ago Commissioner Wesler asked for a plan to bring in out of county trash to offset the falling local tonnage. These hearings are the result and an attempt to hopefully eventually lower or eliminate the landfill assessment that every property owner in Preble County pays.
Will this new rate schedule attract the needed trash and resulting income to make up for the shortfall?
I asked that question and you can listen to the answer.