Economic Development Update – Bed Tax Discussion as Israel & Jefferson Pass the Tax before the County

These posts are usually but a brief noting of issues and events that serve as an online notebook to be cross referenced with the Agenda Data Base and aid in future searches of items of interest. As such, it is always best to listen to the audio files provided. The commissioners feel that if you just read the notes you may be getting misinformation. I do not agree with them, but you have now been advised of their thoughts.


*** This is the afternoon part of the June 20, 2011, meeting that was not on the cd I picked up last Friday and the reason given was there was an audio issue.  The audio on this cd sounds fine.

File 9 opens with Shawnda Combs giving her economic development update. She covers the previous weekend’s Bridges Bikes and Blues. Apparently my taking the time to add the Bridges Bikes and Blues event information to my websites was not considered sufficient support. This website draws twice the 60,000 hits of the Preble County Region Site and the information did not post itself.

On the bright side, the Economic Development Director gave a tour of sites in Preble County and actually mentioned an area on Rt. 40 and close to the state line. I am sure she has done so before, but I visited the Commissioners this morning (June 27) and they felt I did not credit them for pursuing economic development at areas other than Goose Creek.  My issue is with the amount of money and time devoted to Goose Creek.

Next up was Chris Washington who made a nice contribution from the Certificate of Title office account money to be used to help with an expected shortfall in funds for gasoline at the Sheriff’s Department. It was a very nice gesture.

The day closes with a lengthy discussion on the transient/bed tax. Commissioner Stonecash went so far as to introduce a resolution (as expected) to pass the tax before a hearing can be held. That resolution died for lack of a second. Bob also took some shots at me as he felt that I had gone behind their backs on the issue. That is a little hard to fathom because when I attended an Israel Township Trustee meeting in May, both he and the economic development director were there. We did not discuss cookie recipes; the subject was the bed tax and representation. I did not think to call them in advance and they sure haven’t called me about their plans. The irritation had to do with Israel Township holding an emergency meeting that morning and passing the tax at the township level. This allows Israel Township to keep half of the 3% that is collected in Israel Township for their General Fund; it also allows them to draw up a contract and name a CVB (Convention and Visitors Bureau) with any in county CVB. Bob announced that Israel would be giving that half or as mentioned here, $35,000 to the county. Jefferson Township had previously passed a similar measure but without an intent to enforce or collect, essentially what the City of Eaton was announced as doing on the front page of the June 8, 2011, Register Herald – levy with no intention to collect it.

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

June 20, 2011

Three Commissioners in attendance

File 9


Success of Bridges, Bikes and Blues.

4.5 Minute mark   JRS application turned in on time.

6.5 Minute mark   Fairfield Inn very supportive. Coupon deal.

$500 donation from Hueston Woods and two free overnight stays at Lodge

Debbie Hornbrook offered support.

Commissioner Stonecash – So the Fairfield Inn and Hueston Woods were the only ones who offered

Shawnda Combs – Debbie Hornbrook did.

Commissioner Stonecash – I'm sorry, Debbie Hornbrook were the only facilities that offered support

Shawnda Combs – Support right. They were very supportive, very grateful for that. Hotels and things like that they don't drive traffic. I think that is something that needs to be said. It's events that drive traffic people don't come and want to visit a community because you have a particular hotel. They come to a community because you have a festival or have a zoo. Or you have an event or museum something to see or do. That is what drives people to stay overnight not the reverse. The mere fact that you might have a festival that may not have the hotels listed or something along those lines it is not a bad thing. Without that event happening people wouldn't necessarily want to know where they could stay. This event we had many many people call the Historical Society, my office were coming from somewhere and saying where can we stay and obviously since we had sponsorship from some from a few, we told them first and we have many other place to stay in the county but these are our sponsors and we would like for you to take advantage of it so. Without those types of events it makes it a little hard for us to drive traffic to businesses.

12.5 Minute mark   I took ????? out this morning, Dave knows that. We met at Goose Creek, I gave him a grand tour, I took him down to Bob Smith's property outside of New Paris on Rt. 40 and many other areas out 35 and showed him all of the attributes of Preble County that we are marketing in the region so that he understands when they work with potential companies investing. That not only do we ??? entrepreneurs, we have existing companies that we want to work to get more of those contracts from the base in hope of keeping that money here.       .

Commissioner Wesler – It is to your credit to take two wonderful events and merge them together to make an even larger even better event. So that is exactly what the tourism aspect is all about and I thank you for doing that.

Commissioner Day – on positive comments.

16 Minute mark  Shawnda Combs on niche marketing.

18.5 Minute mark   Chris Washington comes in room "I owned a motorcycle for about 48 hours and realized that two things don't mix, that's motorcycles and alcohol."

Commissioner Day – That is a good call.

Chris Washington – I got rid of the motorcycle the very next day.

End 18.39 minute mark on CD – 4.26 MB

File 10


Commissioner Wesler – Well we appreciate you coming down… it is a very generous offer for you to offer the $19,806. I think you guys would say that we graciously accept that into the General Fund. When and if Mike needs that moved into his gasoline fund we will go ahead and do that $10,000

Chris Washington – Ok.

Commissioner Wesler – Whatever he needs to get him through the end of the year.

Chris Washington – Ok.

Commissioner Wesler – And the other was the pay raise for the salary increase for your ladies according to you know for coming onto our pay plan. We do appreciate that.

Commissioner Stonecash – The 5000 that you offered for raises for the girls poor audio at the Sheriff's Office we can't/

Chris Washington – Well that was, I mean I didn't specify what the money was to be used for. You did. If that needs you know what this breast cancer awareness it has two — on the back of it — I cannot find an American flag with two ???? on the back of it. But anyhow if the Sheriff needs that $5,000 for gasoline, use it for the gasoline. If the Board needs $5,000 for something, a good cause, you are welcome to keep it for that. very generous offer  My question is and I forgot to look at my letter, the $4000 whatever I was that I had figured in for my staff I think that my letter asked that it possibly be retroactive to the first of the year. Is that possible? I believe that is the way that I calculated it.  

Continued discussion on issue, please listen.

26 minute mark on cd  

7.48 minutes – 1.78 MB

File 11

Commissioner Wesler – Connie is there anything else?

Commissioner Wesler – Bob did you have anything.

Commissioner Stonecash – Yes, I do. I want to talk about transient tax. Due to recent developments promoted by people who are a couple residents of Preble County. The fact that Jefferson Township would enact the 3% and Israel Township this morning had an emergency meeting and imposed 3% additional on the people staying at Hueston Woods or any other hotel that may locate in the future in Israel Township with 1 1/2% being transferred to us. I certainly thank them for that 1.5%. The City of Eaton enacted a 3% and I know we talked about a hearing, which is not required. I believe that hearing was talked about because a particular hotel owner requested that and we agreed to talk about that. I was told by Shawnda Combs the morning of May 4th that she planned to ask for a hearing. At no point did she mention a hotel owner requesting a hearing.  I don't see the purpose of a hearing at this time. I would propose that this afternoon we go ahead and pass a resolution concerning transient fees upon people that come to the county for lodging and that we do it for hotels, motels, Bed and Breakfasts.

Commissioner Wesler – In other words, all eligible you are saying?

Commissioner Stonecash – All eligible facilities that houses people to stay in Preble County. I recently went to Mackinac Island, Michigan. Pricing a room did I ask how much tax was on there? No.  I think 95% of the people don't ask. It is an assumed fact that you are going to pay a tax. The benefit of this money coming into Preble County at Hueston Woods and the Fairfield Inn are already, have already been recipients of benefits of this sort of thing. Just this weekend with the motorcycle event Bridges Bikes and Blues they participated. Both of those entities provided special packages for people coming into Preble County because they realize the benefits of such a program. The longer we wait because there is one individual causing a lot of problems in Preble County. The only thing we have done is give him a stage to tell untruths, which he has already done. The results that could come out of such a transient fee are just kind of exciting. And the fact that Preble County is alive and well and if you look at the recent event Saturday with the Bikes Bridges and Blues, a lot of dollars came to Preble County.

Commissioner Wesler – mmhhh (affirmative)

Commissioner Stonecash – A lot of people stayed at these particular motels. In fact Whispering Oaks also offered a package to folks. So those people realize the benefits of money spent from a Visitors Bureau. And yes it would take a person to be hired to man such an office on a part time basis. But the publicity that could be put out there and bring people to Preble County is something we have never seen. There are a few people that don't want it to happen, a former commissioner is one of them but I think it is important that we move ahead. Let's do it and keep Preble County moving forward. Everything in Preble County is positive, the Preble County Development Partnership, Goose Creek has got support from folks all over. The State of Ohio, the nation, we are on the right track. So at this time I'll stop and let you guys discuss.

Commissioner Wesler – Chris

33 Minute mark  Commissioner Day – What ahh what would that bring in at this point? Do we have any idea? With the initiation of the other entities going forward with this, what kind of dollars are we looking to bring in? Do we have any idea?

Commissioner Stonecash – I think I was told approximately there was $35,000 from Hueston Woods. With Jefferson

Commissioner Day – Opp. With what they have done today.

Commissioner Stonecash – What their previous history is.

Commissioner Day – That would generate $35,000?

Commissioner Stonecash – 1.5%

Commissioner Day – But I guess by us passing this, if we would pass one now would, what additional would that bring in I guess is my question?  laughing   You understand what I am saying?

Commissioner Stonecash – What Jefferson, what Fairfield will bring us or what Golden Inn brings in.

Commissioner Day – But they already past one so we are not going to get any of that.

Commissioner Stonecash – As of today no. Depends on getting them to reverse their decision.

Commissioner Day – So my point is what additional would we recoup out of that, do we have any idea?

Commissioner Stonecash – Right now about $35,000 as of today. If a motel comes to the City of Eaton

Commissioner Day – We don't get any of that either.

Commissioner Stonecash – next year we get 3%. They passed theirs on

Commissioner Wesler – They are just enacting their base. The first 3%.

Commissioner Stonecash – Did you get one up at Goose Creek?

Commissioner Wesler – yeah

Commissioner Stonecash – Well there is 3% there.

Commissioner Day – So we don't have any idea really what it would bring in at this point?

35 Minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – We are not sure at this point. Previously we thought it would be what? A $113,000? But now the pie has been shared. So maybe, they bring $35,000

Commissioner Day – That's my question.   

Commissioner Stonecash – If they bring $35,000. This up here surely would bring $50 – $70,000 which takes care of the office.

Commissioner Day – I guess I am confused. Israel Township what they did today will create 35 total? 35 for us?

Commissioner Stonecash – For us.

Commissioner Day – So I am a little confused there because then if there was a $113,000 total, that means there bring in at 70,000.

Commissioner Wesler – Right.

Commissioner Day – So

Commissioner StonecashThat is what Lavon told me this morning.

Commissioner Day – So that would have been 43

Commissioner Wesler – Ahh that 113 was based on about year 2007 or 2006, because they run generally several years behind.

Commissioner Day – Correct

Commissioner Wesler – I know Jefferson Township was in the neighborhood of around 30 maybe 35 a year. Israel's was like $77,000 last we heard.

Commissioner Day – So basically

Commissioner Wesler – and you've got the Washington the one up on Goose Creek Crossing that little motel. And then where else,

Commissioner Day – The Deerfield Inn.

Commissioner Wesler – That might be it.

Commissioner Stonecash – Yeah you got the Fairfield Inn or this is Deer.

Commissioner Day – Deerfield Inn.

Commissioner Stonecash – Then you got the one at Goose Creek

Commissioner Day – What about the one in Lewisburg?

Commissioner Stonecash – Is it still open?

Commissioner Day – Somebody is staying there. I noticed cars when I came through.

Commissioner Wesler – I know but did the village or the township enacted the 3%?

Commissioner Day – I don't know

Commissioner Wesler – See they ought to be eligible yeah.

Commissioner Day – That is my point. So if Hueston Woods is say $77,000 your thinking $30,000 there is a 103 so there is 10,000 miscellaneous on the table right now is my point.

Commissioner Wesler – Probably

Commissioner Day – Ahmm so I guess my question is just in my mind do we need to have a discussion with Jefferson and Israel Township on if they are the one that enacted this on what the benefits would be and have they seen that?

Commissioner Wesler – Well I think that is what our informational meeting was going to be about.

Commissioner Day – I guess at this point do we just approach those two entities?

Commissioner Stonecash – Both of those entities have been contacted by individuals that have not told them the truth about on what the money would be spent for.

Commissioner Day – That is my point.

Commissioner Stonecash – And they didn't, my disappointment is that they didn't ahh for lack of a better word; they didn't trust us enough to call one of us and say; hey what is this about? They hurried up and took their own interests.

Commissioner Day – I understand

Commissioner Stonecash – Which Israel needs the money for roads and that sort of thing. I am sure Jefferson is the same

Commissioner Day – Can they use that for that

Commissioner Wesler – No I think that's the first 3 they can use however they want.

Commissioner Day – Right

Commissioner Wesler – That next of the half they have to create their kind of (Convention and Visitors Bureau)

Commissioner Day – See that was I guess

Commissioner Stonecash – Convention and Visitors Bureau

Commissioner Day – I guess I am wondering. My understanding I am under the and maybe I am misunderstanding but I was under the impression. Half of it they can use it for whatever they want, it can go into their general fund. The other half they have to create

Connie – It say here half must be placed in a convention and visitors fund to be spent solely on the operations of any such bureau formed and operating within Preble County.

Commissioner Day – And I guess my point being and I understand what you just said Bob. It would have been nice if they would have come to us but I think maybe at this point do we need to go to them? Sit down with them and say; hey guys here's you know we just had a prime example of what Shawnda and the county and the city have done together. Here is the way this could work, here is how we would like to utilize that money. Have that dollars with the entities that they're the two major players as I see it.     

Commissioner Stonecash – I think that could be done. I would suggest that we go ahead and enact it and go talk to them.

Commissioner Day – I guess my point is

Commissioner Stonecash – They've done it and they can reverse it.

Commissioner Day – But I would I don't see it being yay or nay if we enact it right now because they have already taken action. My point is I would like to go sit down with them and say; here is the things we can do, we want to work with you. We are not trying work against you, here are the benefits. That is just my thought.

Commissioner Wesler – Well I think we need to do that also and that's once again that is that the information meeting was going to accomplish and we would hope that both of those entities would have been there. Will be there.

Commissioner Day – I think we owe it to them to go to them directly, go to their meeting. Sit down and talk to them and say; here is we know what you have done. We just want to give you an example and show you how this will work and what the dollars are going to go for. And dispel you know, I know some of the untruths, we were going to use it in general fund, we were going to use it for salaries, we were yes there will be some of that used for salaries, there is no doubt about it. But that is to hire a person to be the mouth piece to be the person that goes out and finds what their needs are. Generates these rack cards or whatever and you know take some of that stuff before them and say here's how you promote the coupon with Fairfield Inn.

Commissioner Wesler – I guess my thought on let me go back to Israel Township and what they did this morning. They have a great asset with Hueston Woods in their township and they bring in an incredible amount of money that already helps their roads and bridges down there. Ahhm even even if they allowed as they are they have the half of one and half percent to go to Shawnda. That will help her and the tourism person to bring a lot more dollars. I just it is unfortunate that if they would have allowed all of that I bet they would they would see the same amount of dollars come to their township if they would give Shawnda the ability to leverage those to open the county up to more outside people. They would see more business and Hueston Woods would be packed every weekend. Instead of just some weekends now.

42 Minute mark  Commissioner Day – That was kind of my point. Work with them and show them some of the benefits. You know they already have said they are going to give us half. You know, let's go talk to them and say; hey here is what could be done and you know the investment of putting even putting a bridge down there another bridge down there, is going to be another tourist attraction. You know if they if if they are able to get this weekend long event, where do you think all the people are going to stay?  

Commissioner Wesler – mmhh (affirmative)

Commissioner Stonecash – Well I agree with all of that. What is the purpose of waiting? Whatever we do, maybe we should have already been there talking to them.

Commissioner Day – mmhh (affirmative)

Commissioner Stonecash – So what why not enact it and go explain to them what we have done and the benefits of them coming on board. It's not going to matter they have already enacted it.

Commissioner Day – I'd just like to talk to them

Commissioner Stonecash – That's good, we will go talk to them.

Commissioner Day chuckling For the same reason that you are disappointed that they didn't come and ask us.

Commissioner Stonecash – Are you going to go ask them if we do it?

Commissioner Day – No, I just would like chuckling I would like to at least extend the courtesy of going to them and saying here is what this would be used for, here are the plans.

Commissioner Stonecash – That's where we should have been

Commissioner Day – We should have already been there. I don't disagree.

Commissioner Stonecash – We've thought about this for two years. The benefits can be explained. If you do it today or you do it tomorrow. The reason we are behind the eight ball is we screwed around for too long. Mind you that one and half is great. If we got that out of the other one that would run the department. But we need to enact it and move on. Jeff Golden is the reason we asked for talked about a hearing. It has given Jeff the opportunity to if you will go behind our backs and present facts that aren't exactly correct. And the only thing this could do is help his business. It would help all of the motels business. It helps service stations, it helps, restaurants any other shops and restaurants in West Alex. I'd say gift shops, I don't think we have a lot of gift shops. But there are antiques stores in the county, there is any number of businesses that this will help. And Preble County is behind the eight ball, it is time we got on with it gentleman. Do you have a resolution number?

Connie – I've got a number Resolution 373.

Commissioner Stonecash – I would like to make a motion to approve Resolution 373 that permits us to enact a 3% transient fee or tax if you will on the motels, bed and breakfasts, hotels any eligible facility that houses individuals on over night program. To be enacted June 30 is that enough time? Or July 30th

Connie – Yeah

Commissioner Wesler – Do I have second?

Commissioner Day – Nah I'm not.

Commissioner Wesler – OK then it dies for a lack of second then. We will have our informational meeting and then we will have discussions with the folks.

Commissioner Stonecash – Do we have a date for that meeting? I'd suggest that be held in the next three weeks.

47 Minute mark  Commissioner Wesler – Once again I think it needs to be a meeting here and specifically invite the Trustees who this would be affecting. And then have a presentation by Shawnda you know with talking at least about how she ahh on how the tourism tax dollars would be spent. And I think I've got a couple other people that I would possibly like to invite. See if they would help ahh show how it has benefited them to so.

Commissioner Stonecash – You mean invite the people from the Fairfield Inn and Hueston Woods?

Commissioner Wesler – Yes

Commissioner Stonecash – Those people that say they have benefited

Commissioner Wesler – Say that again?

Commissioner Stonecash – I am told and it is not Diane anymore the person from the Fairfield Inn was very happy with what Shawnda has been doing for them. So if they decide and the question goes back again to do we have a date?

Connie – I have a proposed date, it depends all of documents are down at the Prosecutor's office. Ahh and I can move, I can try to move dates up. …July the end of July. I can talk with Katie to see if she can move my request up. She just recently got back from being gone for a couple weeks.

Commissioner Stonecash – I think we've talked about it long enough guys. We either ???

Commissioner Wesler – I don't think that is the case Bob. I've been knowing what the benefit is ever since I was a township fiscal officer and the trustees passed the lodging tax up in Jefferson Township. Yes they have been using it as they are supposed to, as they wish, on roads and stuff. I've always realized the additional 3% that could be imposed was worth tourism and CVB (Convention and Visitors Bureau) that's why with the OGDC there is already the paper work sitting in Columbus. It was right towards the end Bob we had similar events happen like this plus lack of funding for economic development. That is why they just we ceased moving any further on it. But it is sitting up there right now again so I totally agree that we need to implement this but we need to educate the people with our informational meeting that we said we were going to have. If we educate them then hopefully they can understand that this will be a larger benefit to their townships, to their generating money from the lodging tax, to bring people into the county and to stay in this county.

Commissioner Stonecash – You are going to wait to educate them until we have this meeting?

Commissioner Wesler – Ahh I don't

Commissioner Day – Does ahh have a have a CVB?

Commissioner Wesler – No, well no not to my knowledge.

Commissioner Stonecash – How the townships going to institute Israel Township CVB?

Commissioner Wesler – Bob, I have no idea.

Commissioner Stonecash – CVB

Commissioner Wesler –  I have no idea.

Commissioner Day – And my question is kind of two fold, I mean they have to use

Commissioner Wesler – Those additional dollars for a CVB

Commissioner Day – For this

Commissioner Wesler – Right

Commissioner Day – And I guess my point being is that if we create one and they don't give the money to us then they are going to have to do this on their own.

Commissioner Wesler – Right and as Shawnda has told all of us that when she advertises in the Ohio Magazine or something. Collectively all of us together can do it better and reach more people than if we are trying to do it separate. So that's just we need to educate these folks for.

Commissioner Day – Right

Commissioner Wesler – She's got a whole list of things here that the reason of that and ahh

Commissioner Day – And we just got this last week.

Commissioner Wesler – Right

Commissioner Day – And that's something that and some of these thing I didn't haven't thought about. You know that's.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well shame on us I say. Cause we have been talking about it for a long time.

Commissioner Day – Well I have asked the same question on these for a long time. This is the first I've gotten this. This is an area where I understand the benefits. I just don't know where all the dollars how you focus the advertising that's

Commissioner Stonecash – That's why we have an economic development director and a person in this office. It is for us to understand as much as we can it is for them to implement it.

Commissioner Day – I understand that.

Commissioner Stonecash – It is not for us to run.

52 Minute mark  Commissioner Wesler – This Bridges Bikes and Blues was an actual something that a CVB would have already handled. Accept that they would have extended it even further out possibly. Better advertising because they would have had the dollars to do it and brought more people to the county and given more of these ahh packages to the different hotels. So Shawnda did those last weekend is exactly what a CVB does. Once again there is many other events that they can be working on, the Bridges Bikes and Blues was just the first one. Five of them. laughing So ahh, yeah I totally understand what you are saying Bob but The sound of a lot of paper being crinkled can be heard during this statement, along with the laughter.  really ???? informational meeting.

Commissioner DaySighs

Commissioner Stonecash – Did you say you had a date?

Connie – I have mid part of June July or the fourth week of July for dates.

Commissioner Stonecash – So the mid part of July?

Connie – mid I am going to talk with Katie as soon as our meeting is over here and see whether she can move request up for her list of things.

Commissioner Stonecash – In the mean time need to some educating.

Commissioner Day – mmhh (Affirmative)

Commissioner Stonecash – Which should have been done two years ago.

Commissioner Day – mmhh (Affirmative)

Commissioner Stonecash – If indeed we established a CVB then it should have been done at that time. Ok

Commissioner Wesler –  Anything else?


54.4 minute mark on cd  

28.23 minutes – 6.49 MB



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