Defiance of Wage Increase Freeze Grows Under Weak County Commission

What started out a few years ago with the Preble County Engineer passing out raises at a time the Commissioners had frozen pay for General Fund employees is now a spreading budget eating cancer.  It now infects REA (Real Estate Assessment), Clerk of Courts through Certificate of Title and the Engineer’s Department.  Basically any department that has access to a funding stream beyond that appropriated from the General Fund is doing a shell game with funding to offer raises.  This cannot help but cause morale problems among employees not getting raises.  It should also raise a chorus of disapproval from the taxpayers. What we have here is a growing trend and lack of acknowledgement about the current economic crisis that faces a good bit of the populace in a county with almost 10% unemployment, foreclosed homes and declining personal income.  The most recent figures on the budget deficit facing the State of Ohio have put the total at ten billion – that’s $10,000,000,000. All those zeros are only surpassed by the human zeros passing out raises while cutting back on services.  The Auditor claimed she could no longer afford to carry the full expense of GIS but somehow is able to pass out raises once the County Commission takes on more GIS expense. The county roads are not kept up to the point they were a few years ago, but as you brave the snow covered county roads on your way to the job you are thankful to still have, our County Engineer passes out raises. The Clerk of Courts, who not long ago had to borrow money from the county, now passes out raises.

There is no argument that many of these employees are working very hard. There is an argument, though, that they are not working any harder than the many employees and citizens not getting raises.

There is a question about the actions of those perpetrating this shell game given the huge deficits nationally and at the State level.

Last but not least, there is a question of County Commission leadership that not only lets it go on unchallenged, but watches it get worse each year out of fear over confrontation with those responsible.

At the annual CCAO Winter conferences a couple weeks ago, other county Commissioners told how their counties worked together with an awareness that everyone was in this together. Here in Preble County we do not see that. What we have is one party rule with a lack of political will to challenge leadership in the name of party unity while the taxpayers are held hostage.  It is two years until the next election and if the economy does not do a dramatic and historic turn around, this lack of political responsibility will only cut back service further while the benefit packages of county employees grow. This should be unacceptable, but the gamble is obviously that voters will re-elect the same at the expense of needed change.

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

December 20,  2010

Meeting audio and review

Three Commissioners in attendance

File 1








End 5.09 minute mark on CD – 1.17 MB

File 2





RE: AUTH. PAYMENT – SHERIFF ($283.55; $168.00); CERT. OF TITLE ($313.38); BLDG. MAINT. ($381.12); VETERAN’S SVS. ($24,986.00)











Commissioner Wesler – Estimated unencumbered balance as of January 1, 2011 – $1,700,000.

Property taxes $1,684,810. Other sources of revenue $7,198,118 for a total of $10,582,928.

Connie – second one has the additional amount in Victim Witness and Health Department.

15 minute mark     IX. CORRESPONDENCE & REPORTS



Letter read into record.



17 minute mark    Mindy Robbins running late.

19 minute mark    Commissioner Stonecash – letter from Preble County Sheriff. Quote from Eaton Computer for five computers $7,956.90. Request to waive the requirement for three quotes as Eaton Computer provides all the IT work at Sheriff's office.

Decision to check with the state on price first for an additional quote.

21.5 minute mark     Connie – I also checked with Abbey Nolan from the library. There were no other applicants and they are the ones that sought the individual that they recommended to us. That group seeks their applicants out; people don't apply according to Abbey. So, I didn't know if the Board had anyone else in mind that you would like to suggest?

Commissioner Stonecash – No that scenario was explained. I have one question; Are all those positions filled by this Board?

Connie – Ahh no.

Commissioner Stonecash – Just the one?

Connie – no ahh, let's look here. (Reads info)

Commissioner Stonecash – My only comment would be; If we indeed have four positions that we are asked or are required to fill, that we ahh on proper consideration by all three of us ahh that they be filled that they send up a request and say we have an opening. Not that they send up a name that says; here's who you have. If it is our responsibility, then let it be our responsibility. If that is the desire of this Board, that's my thoughts.

Connie – I believe there are going to be two openings, Judy White from Camden is going off and so is Carolyn Ulrich from West Alex. So we will be getting another request from them soon. I think she told me in January…..

Commissioner Stonecash – You guys have any thoughts on it? Are you happy with the various Boards sending up a name and saying here is who we want or do we want to go to the little extra time and work and appoint people that we want.

Commissioner Day – I guess I look at it as ahh if they want to submit a name to us for consideration that's fine but I think that's our call.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well that is what I am saying. Most of these Boards send us a name and say here it is. They build the Board around their needs, which is partly what they want to do anyway. Can you hear me, what I am saying or am I just talking to myself.  (Loud)

Connie – No I hear you.

Commissioner Stonecash – David, what do you think?

Commissioner David Wesler – It goes both ways. A lot of times we want recommendations because we have we don't know who might be interested. Other times you get somebody who you question what's their real motive or intent for being on that Board.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well in this case they sought her out so ahh that is their wishes but somehow I'd like to relay to the Boards if they need ahh never mind.

Connie – I imagine they're receptive if we have anybody that is interested in this interested in sitting on this Board. I think they would be receptive.

Commissioner Stonecash – Oh I know Abbey is a wonderful gal, wonderful lady. Ok anybody wish to act upon that or

Connie – I would have to prepare a resolution Bob. I just didn't know if you had anybody in mind.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well that's been the problem in the past. We say these things and then we don't come up with anybody.

Commissioner David Wesler – Oh I wouldn't say that. It's at the last minute, we just got that letter the other day and it had the recommendation. If we had been told a few weeks before that we could have come up with a name. I guarantee you I can always come up with somebody.

Connie – …if you want me to place an ad in the paper I mean I can do whatever.

Commissioner Stonecash – What do you think gentleman? Do you want to go on with it or do you want to come up with a name?  To be honest with you we haven't been good coming up with names.

Commissioner Day – I'd say ahhm

Commissioner David Wesler – ..for the library board, I don't think I would know anybody else at this moment without inquiring with another library board member. Or outside the city here, somebody who would serve.

Connie – Those Trustees that have been on that Board – Carrie White Jr., John Abrams, Susan Langley, Barbara Collins of course Carolyn Ulrich, Judy White and Phyllis White.

Commissioner David Wesler – What was the very first name?

Connie – Carrie White

Commissioner David Wesler – Are they all related I wonder.

Connie – Carrie White is from West Manchester and the other two White's are from Camden.

Commissioner Stonecash – Alright well, you guys happy with that or want to move on.

Commissioner Chris Day – You got somebody that

Commissioner Stonecash – I don't have anybody that

Commissioner Chris Day – I don't have anybody at this point like I said

Commissioner Stonecash – How long are the terms? And if you don't know off hand that is ok.

Connie – They might be seven year terms

Commissioner Stonecash – Wow

Connie – I believe they are seven year terms.

Commissioner Stonecash – What are you doing for the next seven years would you like to serve on the library board?

Marty Votel –  Seven years, gosh ahh thanks for the invitation.

Commissioner Day – He will have to get his planner out and check.

Marty Votel – Yes that is right.

Commissioner Day – sure

Commissioner Stonecash – We will talk about it after awhile.

Connie – Ok

28.25 minute mark on cd  

23.08 minutes –  5.29 MB

File 3


Marty Votel on Health Department budget.

Melissa Wallace requested increase in funding.

31.5 minute mark     Contributions from political subdivisions………

39 minute mark     Collectively the subdivisions contribute $115,000 annually and it has been that way for at least the last decade.

Melissa Wallace would like to see that go up $20,000

39.5 minute mark     Mary Votel mentions David Wesler email on LGF.

40 minute mark    Budget Committee turned down Health Department request for increase funding.

Katie Worthington checking on DD & MHRB.

43.25 minute mark on cd  

15.01 minutes –  3.43 MB

File 4


Cash balance as of December 17, 2010 – $2,450,520.83

Tax Map and $11,000 for OSU Extension payment.

LGF was down

Interest was up

44.25 minute mark    Connie asks about sales tax.

Mindy should be in today, she has been notified that it exceeded the estimate. maybe 25 or $30,000.

48.25 minute mark      As of Friday there were still $318,000 in encumbrances out there.

50 minute mark on cd  

18.19 minutes –  1.54 MB

File 5

Commissioner Stonecash – Do you have anything else Connie?

Commissioner Wesler – The Miami Valley RC&D Council is comprised of a nine county area. David is the Commission representative on it, Louis Jones is the Soil & Water rep, and Dr. Mark Ulrich is the community member. Four meetings a year, held in Wilmington. They need to have the commission rep restated.

Commissioners decide to reappoint Dave Wesler and wish him Merry Christmas.

54.5 minute mark on cd  

4.32 minutes –  1.03 MB

File 6


Tish Plaugher

58.5  minute mark    Met with Paul Ersline the interim Superintendent at TVS and he is interested in getting recycling containers back.

1 hr. 1 minute mark       Policy that week postponed.

Commissioner Stonecash – question on citizen memberships (two positions).

1 hr. 5 minute mark   Tish has noticed a lot of old tires in New Hope & New Westville.

Discussion of targeting townships with free tire disposal and how it might lead to people expecting it instead of paying current nominal fee. (I agree, it reminds me of doing town clean-up). People will sit on tires.

Tish – according to EPA, you can only bring in at most 10 tires at a time.

1 hr. 12 minute mark     County spending $19,000 – $20,000 a year on tire removal. Charged $125 a ton. Liberty Tire. Price going to $150 a ton next year and probably $175 for 2012.

1 hr. 19 minute mark       Use of Facebook with website & email.

1 hr. 22.5 minute mark     All EPA correspondence with recycling office is to go through Commission office first.

1 hr. 25.5  minute mark on cd  

31.01 minutes –  7.1 MB

File 7


1 hr. 27 minute mark    Meeting starts – Kyle Cross.

1 hr. 28.75 minute mark     Environmentals complete on College Corner Rd at Hueston Woods are done.

1 hr. 34 minute mark     By 2017 all signs will be the new ultra reflective with upper and lower case letters. This includes all signs but  park brown signs. Federal issue.

1 hr. 42 minute mark     Steve Simmons mentions Mayor monthly meetings and lack of funds for new signs in townships.

1 hr. 44 minute mark     Prices Creek Bridge in April – May.

Ground water monitoring for State Fire Marshall and BUSTER. Underground storage tanks.

1 hr. 48 minute mark    Excess equipment disposal. Use of an Internet site.

1 hr. 54 minute mark     Would love to crack seal in March when the cracks are really wide.

1 hr.  55 minute mark on cd  

29.30 minutes –  6.75 MB

File 8


John Jones

Waste up in November a lot of it has to do with IAMS shutting down.

1 hr. 56.25 minute mark      Leachate is running on track with previous totals.

They try and divert water as much as possible.

1 hr. 57.5 minute mark     Force main to Lakengren – preparing for PTI submittal. (Looking at midsummer)

1 hr. 58.4 minute mark     Talk of hauling some of the Leachate to Lakengren prior to completion "themselves".

Hauling contract has provisions in it that United Wastewater will haul to any location for 5 cents a gallon. If they would do that the Landfill would have to rent a tank at Lakengren in order to store that leachate so they could feed it into their system. This would give them an opportunity to make adjustments to see how their treatment process will be affected by the leachate before we get the force main operational and want to use that continuously.

John Jones"The other alternative that I have been exploring is renting a semi tanker and using a tractor from the Engineer's office. That has turned out so far it looks like the cheapest alternative. Basically we could haul them about 10,000 gallons a day, five days a week. We would be saving compared to our current set-up compared to our current set-up we would be saving about $6,000 a month and just treating 10,000 gallons a day, five days a week over at Lakengren."  

Steve Simmons – And there the thing is it gives Lakengren an opportunity to feed that into their plant and workout any hiccups or details that they need to before things start pumping 10,000 gallons a day.

2 hr.  minute mark    Commissioner Wesler – United Waste Water at 5 cents that is more than what they charge now to take it to Cincinnati for the trucking cost..

John JonesThe trucking cost is increased if they take it to a different facility but then they are losing the revenue on the treatment side. So, I think that is why they bumped their trucking cost up a small amount.

Commissioner Wesler – How much would the tank be?

John Jones – The tank figured out to be $30 a day for a tank to sit at Lakengren. Plus you have mobilization fee you have demob and then the cleaning cost that is involved since it stored leachate. I have heard some different costs on a semi trailer. So far the one I have heard that is promising was $800 a month.

2 hr.  1.75 minute mark    John Jones – The contract for 2011 we added language, I believe it 30 day written notice that we can cancel their hauling contract. There us language in there that if we to haul some leachate to Lakengren ourselves we can do so. I received their contract back without any revisions on their part. So they have agreed to those terms for 2011.

2 hr.  3.25 minute mark    Discussion on having a trailer sit there as a cheaper option than renting a tank.

Steve Simmons on saving 30,000 – $40,000.

2 hr.  4.5 minute mark     January 3, cutoff date for some man hole and gravity line work. There is a contract. Could seek construction.

2 hr.  5 minute mark        Need for soil from other areas (Camden road). May have to take some crop land out of production.

2 hr.  12.5 minute mark        Gas to Energy discussion. On megawatt of power mentioned and options to market it. Carbon credits, renewable energy and marketing it.

Wednesday, January 5, 11:00 a.m. meeting.

2 hr.  15.5 minute mark     Waste gasification. Burn 750 tons for electric generation. Richmond is supposed to signing an agreement for RP&L. Construction next August or September of 2011.

Montgomery County also in running as they want 1500 tons a day capacity.

2 hr.  23.5 minute mark     Assessment discussion, need to have some place in between Richmond and Montgomery County.  Possibility of taking all of Preble Trash and doing away with the assessment.

Currently there is a facility in eastern Kentucky.

2 hr.  27 minute mark      Sewer District 2. Funding to be extended to 30 years, this would lower expected bills from mid $90 to mid $70.

Verona in the $74 range.

2 hr.  33.75 minute mark    Sewer District 3 is running fine.

2 hr.  33.5 minute mark       Steve Simmons – John were you going to bring up about the we are talking big picture here a little bit. Which way get some thoughts and ideas from you. We're talking about those future projects that 2013.  2013 the building goes, so we got to be thinking about the building to be constructed next year. Ahm not this year but 2012 we've got to get plan and all that other sort of stuff done this year.  Big picture thing. We know that we've got some funding secured for Goose Creek and you know we were talking about the wastewater and were talking about the water. John and Commissioner Day over there are only licensed operators in the county. If we get anything going up there we are going to have to have a full time operator. Because of the requirements that all these plants. What's the requirements for a class two?

Commissioner Day – 20 hours. Somebody has got to be there five days a week. 20 hours total.

Commissioner Wesler – Chris just went to class this last week so he has to know all of this stuff.

Commissioner Day – That was all part of it, I actually sat next o Mr. Barnes. He's keeping his certification. I can tell you they are really going to start pushing that.

Steve Simmons – So with that and like I say I am talking big picture I am talking out there a little bit. I think we need to plan for this, we need to; it will require a full time person once Goose Creek gets going.. Ok so it requires a full tie person it going to require you know how all that it is it is going to require office space blah blah blah. What are your thoughts or where do you want to put this person or this department? Because it will only get bigger, do we want to take a look at something at Goose Creek or do we want to take a look at something down here in this building? Or what's people's thoughts about how we see this playing out in the next five years?

Commissioner Stonecash – Are you saying .. number one we start training now, number two where would they be housed and tree under whose jurisdiction.

Steve Simmons – Yeah like all that stuff. So that as we move forward our decisions reflect those goals. We don't need to know that today but

Commissoner Wesler – Down the road give that a little thought I guess.

Commissioner Day – I think that, this is my opinion. Whatever direction we need to do and you know up there obviously we are going to have to have some office space to keep things legit to keep things records on site things of that nature. But I think long term they need an office where everybody that is I guess in the environmental area needs to be under one house so that all this stuff can be continually coordinated. Ahh because it is all going to boil down to as Setve said, eventually we are going to have to have a sanitary engineer.

Steve Simmons – A full time one you think?

Commissioner Day – Someone in that capacity.

Commissioner Wesler – Ahm with Pilot and TA who does theirs now and how often do they have to come in?  Under old rules, I understand

Commissioner Day – Who's doing theirs; I don't know who is doing theirs now.

Commissioner Wesler – Do they just have someone come by when they need

Commissioner Day – That could be

Steve Simmons – Isn't Gary doing the

Commissioner Stonecash – I think Wagner does the Pilot maybe he does TA.

Commissioner Day – and right now they are probably on unless they applied for a class A. Which that is 10 hours three days a week. I believe.

John Jones – Class A is two days a week. But you had a class?

Steve Simmons – (chuckling) He was in a restroom break during that time.

Commissioner Day – ahhh unfortunately it has changed in the last few years.

John Jones – It is very eco and it is hard to keep up on it.

Commissioner Day – I've got a chart that I can go get.

John Jones – and it may have changed since I took the class.

Commissioner Day – But they are a lower classification. They maybe a class A facility, probably are. But guess my thoughts is, regardless ahhm we need to have whoever is doing that to have a spot where-ever our landfill and the rest of these facilities are at. Because it still has to be coordinated and we need to what is going on. That's my thought.

2 hr.  40.25 minute mark     Steve Simmons – Give it some thought, we got some time but when you are talking big picture – five- ten years, where do we see ourselves with all this stuff.

Commissioner Stonecash – So you're looking at 2012 now to erect a building?

John Jones – Yes

Commissioner Stonecash – Down here

Steve Simmons – Doing the planning next year.

Commissioner Stonecash – We've got to look far enough into the future to make sure that building is going to accommodate

Commissioner Day – Another area that Steve I am sure is they are pushing is that they haven't gotten there is storm water management. I mean you are going to have to have somebody that is certified to monitor ditches and all that and it is going to come down to that. ….. You're going to need redundancy if someone is gone you have to have back up.

Steve Simmons – and just from my stand point of course I would like John to be the full time landfill manager. Cause there is no way he could do all this other stuff to. Which means like you we gotta have a training person by the time that goes online.

Commissioner Stonecash – You don't get that overnight do you?

Steve Simmons – No

John Jones – Ah right now I have my class one and given the limited amount of time that I could go and do those things that took me three years. The hour requirement for the class two I think I figured it up once it was going to take another eight – nine years at my current rate that I am at the waste water plant to obtain enough experience to get that class two license.

Discussion on time requirements for certification.

2 hr.  45.75 minute mark    Steve Simmons – When is your time table thinking about maybe trying to get Goose Creek online?

Commissioner Day – The thought was 2013.

Steve Simmons – With the lone that means we have to get something up there 2012?

2 hr.  47 minute mark   Steve Simmons – In fact another thing I 'd like to do is on this plan is get that waste water hooked into this force main line.

2 hr.  48.3 minute mark on cd  

53.21 minutes –  12.2 MB

File 9

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok at this time we'd like to  RECESS until 1:00.

2 hr.  48.75 minute mark     Commissioner Stonecash – Something about the Vets and the line item freeze.

Waiting on David.

2 hr.  52 minute mark     Commissioner Stonecash this came about when Mike asked about using some inmates to mow the grass and other duties that he might find useful.

2 hr.  53.5 minute mark on cd  

5.08 minutes –  1.17 MB

File 10


2 hr.  53.75 minute mark     meeting starts – Scott Galloway.

2 hr.  58 minute mark     refers to paper report on costs to county.


3 hr.  38.25 minute mark on cd  

44.46 minutes –  10.2 MB

File 11

Commissioner Day – Well it sounds to me like this is pretty much a no brainer.

Commissioner Stonecash – I think so.

Commissioner Day – What do you think Dave?

Commissioner Stonecash – I think we can go ahead and act on it. Ok let's talk about this a little bit. You ready?

Connie – Yeah

Commissioner Stonecash – We just think that well, everybody having heard what we just did it would appear to me that the county has been liable for some time.

Connie – We've gone through this two times. This is our third.

Commissioner Day – Can I ask a question? Why was this never pursued before?

Connie – Well it was the other departments didn't want to keep track of the hours on their volunteers. That is probably what the main thing was.

Commissioner Stonecash – It seems like that is a small concern for

Connie – and the Board didn't

Commissioner Day – One incident

Connie – I know this

Commissioner Day – It is going to be astronomical and this pretty much it is pretty cut and dry once it there is an incident the Bureau of Workers Comp

Connie – mmmh I've got the agreement and I've got the resolution, ready to go.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well unless these gentlemen disagree lets listen to the resolution.

Connie – Ok I'll have it on for Wednesday but I am going to go down and get Katie's signature on the agreement.

Commissioner Stonecash – Oh the other thing we have to discuss is just what the Sheriff's Department brought up. The $1600.

Connie – What's that.

Commissioner Stonecash – The premium. That just comes under us.

Connie – Well we paid Workers Comp anyway…… so there is nothing additional for them.  It is in our line item.

Commissioner Stonecash – That is good they just need to know that. Because they will have a concern.

Connie – No, they don't pay workers comp we do.

Commissioner Day – Can ahhh, I guess the next thing we need to do is, can you identify who this would affect an

Connie – yes

Commissioner Day – And we will have to come up with a cover letter or something to get to those departments to keep track of their volunteers.

Connie – I've got the letter ready to go.

Commissioner Day – To me this is pretty much a no brainer.

Commissioner Stonecash – That is what John said.

3 hr.  41 minute mark     Commissioner Wesler – And I am not going to disagree with that but there was two times and I don't think you or anybody else was really on Board with this is that correct?

Connie –  Ahh I think

Commissioner Wesler – We had concerns

Connie – Yeah we had concerns and I think ahh also we had a different we didn't have Scott Galloway sitting out here either telling us he seems to, we had Mr. Preston. Remember him.

Commissioner Wesler – Yeah.

Connie – And I think that when he said that it would increase our premium for Workers Comp I think that also deterred some individuals. This meeting here it's just    

Commissioner Wesler – It wasn't too much money for what's done but with the 19,000 hours at the Sheriff's Office. I don't know if you guys heard but cause I don't see them out that much. I remember the Ag Society asking at the Fairgrounds for volunteers. Mike Simpson said no we don't have the time to be able to watch them down there. But yet Joe said that out of the 19,000 hours 90% of it is the laundry, meals, stuff right inside. So

Connie – he said it was inside?

Commissioner Wesler – 90%

Commissioner Day – And that is the equivalent of a about nine to ten ahh full time employees.

Further discussion

3 hr.  43 minute mark    Commissioner Stonecash – What else do you have?

Connie – I do have a letter here from Steve Simmons on a rate adjustment for Chad Hoke. Did you want to discuss that?

Commissioner Stonecash – Ahh yeah

Connie – His current rate of pay is 17 and the Engineer would like to adjust him to $17.57

Commissioner Wesler – and you were going to talk to Larry Long about the meeting Bob and I were at up there to Columbus. But I guess he is on vacation is what I understand and garbled I would like to get some clarification on it. Those funds that are outside the General Fund.

Connie – But this one here is you know is we have to approve this every year from this point on.

Commissioner Wesler – Right, for Chad.

Connie – I do have the Engineer's rate adjustments as well.

Commissioner Wesler – I guess I am also thinking that that would fall in line with REA and the ahh

Connie – Clerk of Courts?

Commissioner Wesler – Yes but not because they sit up there at the conference about ahh remember they said the Health Department? People like the Health Department maybe MHRB maybe DD Boards don't apply because they have their own levies.

Commissioner Stonecash – That is what Marty just told us this morning.

Commissioner Wesler – Yes he did.

Commissioner Stonecash – But at this time can we move that back to Wednesday? For those two pieces of paper?

Connie – Yeas

Commissioner Stonecash – Until we get until we talk to Larry or

Connie – Well Larry will not be in until the first of the year.

Commissioner Stonecash – Or Brad or Carol

Connie – Brad? would like to call Brad now?

Commissioner Stonecash – Somebody up there will have see if Cheryl has more information.


Commissioner Stonecash – I saw somewhere that one of the counties Montgomery was involved about Coroner's services. Which is something that is a big topic right

Connie – That is a big topic.

Commissioner Stonecash – While David is missing there ahh

Commissioner Day – What are you doing?

Commissioner Stonecash – Oh so is she.

3 hr.  47.25 minute mark     Commissioner Stonecash – you know $1,600 that is just ahh for what coverage you get. You know there is no reason we couldn't use one here for some duties. All that would be changing all the time so. Maybe not.

Connie and David still out of chamber.

3 hr.  50.8 minute mark     Commissioner Stonecash – Is Camden running that line from Southwest District?

Commissioner Day –  I don't think yet. I thought they were supposed to start it by the end of this month. I don't know the status I have not heard anything.

Commissioner Stonecash – Me neither.

Commissioner Day – Where did they go?

Commissioner Stonecash – I don't know. David went to get a phone number. I hear him.

Commissioner Day – nahh he didn't. What I ask I guess what's he wanting to freeze?

Commissioner Stonecash – According to Larry Long we can freeze a line item to his payroll. Or anyone's department that has decided on their own to go outside the General Fund to give their people raises and I guess I want to say ignore our request.

3 hr.  52.50 minute mark     Commissioner Stonecash – So in saying that we can only freeze those line items or we can't do that. I think that is something that none of us were aware of. That we have the power to do that.

3 hr.  54 minute mark    Commissioner Day – I think I will walk down to the end of the hall.

Commissioner Stonecash – We will take a break.

Connie – Is David in there?

Office noise from 3 hr. 54.25 to 3 hr. 58.75

4 hr.  2 minute mark on cd  

23.45 minutes –  5.43 MB

File 12


Commissioner Stonecash – Did you think that was running short?

Commissioner Wesler – Yeah I would say so.

Connie – Did you watch 60 minutes last night? They had a show on about the local government.

Commissioner Wesler – They did?

Connie –  ahh ha, they are real concerned.

Commissioner Wesler – You talking about nationwide?

Connie –  Yeah

Commissioner Wesler – You mean they were concerned about governments in general?

Connie –  The federal government is giving all it can give. So now it is trickling down finely. You should have listened to that program it did not sound pretty at all. Not at all.

Commissioner Wesler –  California is broke and ahh Ohio

Connie – That is exactly what they were saying. All these states are in that same and it wasn't a good picture at all.

Commissioner Stonecash – We noticed that if you watch the new whether it be TV or newspapers it is all over the world. They had to bail out Ireland, Spain and Greece..

Commissioner Wesler – France.

Commissioner Stonecash – They are all close to being a disaster.

Commissioner Wesler –  I think Japan is starting a little bit. India is taking everything away from them.

Commissioner Stonecash – Isn't that kind of ironic, a few years ago Japan was now somebody else is and it all seems to come around.

I didn't realize they use the inmates as much as they do.

Discussion on inmates and if Eaton requested them, the city paying there officers to watch them or the county.

Commissioner Day – If the responsibility lays with the Sheriff's Department you should probably have them watch them.

4 hr.  7.15 minute mark    Commissioner Stonecash – Ok we have a letter here from or pertaining to Goose Creek Crossing.  Attention Dan Osieki RS Environmental specialist.

Proposed non transient non community water system.

Phone call

We will come back to this momentarily.

Connie is tranferring a call from "Brad".

4 hr.  8 minute mark    Brad and Cheryl on speaker phone.

Discussion on looking at line items and freezing them.

Brad – "The commissioners are the appropriating authority so it solely within your legal authority to determine what the line item appropriation is going to be for personnell services, for salary purposes and every other line item that is within within the budget for any department or division or omnibus with-in county government that you appropriate money for.  So you are the appropriating authority, you can set at the same level that you have the previous year. You can increase it, you can decrease it, you can again use your power as the appropriating authority.

Commissioner Stonecash – And we can also to that to the Engineer? You probably answered that

Brad – Yes, to the best of my knowledge just because most of the Engineer's is spent out of the gas tax fund and the license tax fund. That doesn't change your power to set the appropriation. So yes you can appropriate a set amount. You can trace the amount from year to year if you so desire. Yeah you could decrease it. The amount that you appropriate is of course going to be based on to some degree revenues or to a great degree is going to be based on the revenues that are generated within those particular funds. Within the roads and bridge funds as they are typically referred to. But you know you could you know you could appropriate less than the full amount though that might ahh create some controversy with the Engineer's office. But you are the appropriating authority.

Commissioner Stonecash –  The Health Department is outside of our jurisdiction is that correct?

Brad – To the best of my knowledge that is correct yeah. They are outside of your jurisdiction.

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok (chuckling)

Commissioner Wesler – Once again, this came up at our southwest commissioners and engineers meeting and somebody was talking about freezing the outside the General Fund departments and I know here in the county ahh we have always said well it is the Engineers department or it is REA or it is the Title Office and it is their money let them do what they want. But up there I heard several Engineers say well hey we go right along with whatever the Commissioners do, so does the Auditor with REA, so does the Clerk of Courts with the Title Department. And that just got me thinking you know here our morale is as you know all around the state is down pretty low because our General Fund employees haven't had a pay raise in two years. And ahh so for these other funds who are potentially also struggling to go ahead and give a pay raise because the General Fund is not in my estimation seems very, very unfair. And that is where we heard at the conference up there- uhh no  a lot of counties go ahead and not only do their General Fund line items but also the outside the General Fund line items, such as the one's we just mentioned. And ahh so I wanted clarification once again on that to ahh to find out because that day somebody asked Larry about the Health Department and he said well that he thought that the Health Department and some others that had their own levies ahh were immune to what we did.

Brad – Yeah on the Health Department that's that's true. The General Health district you gotta provide the office space, you know.

Commissioner Wesler – Right

Brad – And you got to provide utilities for the Health Department. Beyond that the cost of operating the Health Department, their funding comes from the villages the townships. Ahh and it's a portion of their as I understand it I think it is a portion of their inside millage that is appropriated that's earmarked for those purposes. They also have the Board of Health so they they come up with their own budget and it is not within your purview.

Commissioner Wesler – Ok and that is fine. I think that is what Larry told us up there. I think Chris was unable; he was at another meeting at that time. Bob and I did happen to make it and so we just wanted to get clarification on that but it sounds like even though Larry is not there and your saying the we do have the purview to to control those salary line items.

Brad – Yes you control those salary line items, now again as we discussed it is you control the salary the personnel expense salary line item in the aggregate. The individual county office holder is still the appointing authority for that office and they still hire, they can still hire and fire people within that office and as long as they do not exceed the appropriations and I know this is not your intent. But as long as they don't exceed the appropriation they can make changes within their office as they deem appropriate. Up to and including they could reduce compensation for certain people and increase compensation for others within their line item and those would be the decisions that they would make, not necessarily aah it's not something that you're going to have any particular say over relative to what they are doing in their office, with their own appropriation.

Commissioner Stonecash – Are a lot of the other counties Commissioners exercising this option?

Brad – Well I think I think umm I think you're saying our they exercising to freeze the appropriation?

Commissioner Stonecash – Ahh basically yeah.

Brad – Yeah, I think there are many counties where their either appropriate the same amount that would be ???? or less. Depending on how the General Fund is doing or how many funds of which they are paying the salaries out, how that particular fund is doing. So yes I think that during these difficult economic times I think ???? either freezing it or reducing it they have to as a result of lower than previous revenues.

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok is there anything else?

Commissioner Wesler – No

4 hr.  16 minute markChris you got anything?

Commissioner Day – No

Commissioner Stonecash – We appreciate you ahh taking the time a little time to talk to us.

4 hr.  16 minute mark  Brad – We are more than happy to.

4 hr.  16.9 minute mark on cd  

14.53 minutes –  3.40 MB

File 13

Commissioner Stonecash –  Ok while we are on the subject let's talk about it. You're up.

Commissioner Wesler – Well I guess the thoughts I had since especially since conferences is; We asked every other elected official to hold their ahh departments where they were last year.  And ahh so I guess who we are talkng about, who this affects is the three I said plus Terry Pendergraft with Veterans Services

Connie – Let me write this down. Ok REA, Clerk of Courts, Engineer and Veterans Service?

Commissioner Wesler – As fall as I know those are the only ones giving the pay raises.

Connie – Mental Health

Commissioner Stonecash –  I don't think we can do anything about them can we? So you are just talking about the few, Engineer…

4 hr.  18.5 minute mark    Commissioner Wesler – I'll say it once again about Veterans Service, that there is an asterisk there because they could spend more money. They only spent I believe 90% of what they could absolutely draw by Ohio Revised Code. So that is a ticklish subject. I know we asked them several years ago when we gave a General Fund freeze to hold the line and they said "No they would not." But the rest of them it seems to me like.  I mean with REA you know Mindy said that she is trying to save the REA Fund and that is why she wanted to put a little bit more burden on us (GIS funding). So being the Auditor you would think that maybe she would know how to hold the line. I am not saying these ladies and gentlemen don't deserve an increase but nobody else is getting one. As I, I just tell people to be happy they got a job.  And so with Chris, Clerk of Courts, they are great ladies I am not saying that. It's just that

Connie – Brad on the phone has something else to add.

4 hr.  20.25  minute mark   Brad – Hi Commissioners it is Brad again. I just wanted to follow up, there is one point that I should probably make as it relates to special funds, special revenue funds and it is going to vary with each fund depending on what the statute specifically says. Let's just take for example the REA fund Real Estate Assessment fund. Yes it is true the Commissioners so appropriate the amount from the REA fund for the purposes of the county auditor doing appraisal process. But there is just specific language as it relates exclusively to REA fund, that if the Commissioners do not appropriate enough money for the adequate administration of the appraisal process then the ahh the Auditor can go to the Tax Commissioner and seek additional compensation to make sure additional funding, to make sure they can actually carry out the process. So when it comes to special revenue funds you almost have to look at the statute to make sure there are no string attached, no conditions that relative to like an example again an REA fund where there are conditions, specific conditions that are established.

Commissioner Wesler – Ok well ahhm we appreciate that Brad. Maybe we will have one of our Assistant Prosecuting Attorney's down to discuss this with them so.

Brad – I mean again there are so many different special funds that the legislature has created. I mean there's for example the Clerk of Courts Administration fund, that used to be General Fund money now it is going into the special fund and then you know you appropriate does that ???? administration fund, if there is excess money at the end of the year that could be transferred back to the General Fund. You can try and get that money back but if the Clerk doesn't go along with you can go over to the Budget Commission and then they make a decision. My point is that these special funds there is often times unique statutes that apply only to that fund that may dictate how easy it is to get money transferred out of it or you know control the how much is being spent by the particular office holder for particular purposes.  There are limitations that are set by statute for specific funds. unlike the General Fund where it is almost entirely in your ????. So some care has to be taken when you are dealing with certain funds you have to look at the individual statute and see if there is any kind of restriction. You mentioned the of course our conversation was about the County Engineer that is governed by 315.12 of the revised code and that statute says:

315.12 Office to be maintained partially from motor vehicle taxes.

(A) Two thirds of the cost of operation of the office of county engineer, including the salaries of all of the employees and the cost of the maintenance of such office as provided by the annual appropriation made by the board of county commissioners for such purpose, shall be paid out of the county’s share of the fund derived from the receipts from motor vehicle licenses, as distributed under section 4501.04 of the Revised Code, and from the county’s share of the fund derived from the motor vehicle fuel tax as distributed under section 5735.27 of the Revised Code.

(B) Where employees of the county engineer are temporarily assigned to perform engineering and plan preparation work on a bond-financed project, their salaries and expenses for such work may be paid from the proceeds from the sale of such bonds, instead of from the fund as provided in division (A) of this section, from whence their salaries and expenses are ordinarily paid.


Brad – Now there is a bunch of AG (Attorney General) opinions that basically say …. up to 100% of the cost of the Engineer's Office can be paid for in the general operating cost of the office expense. Compensation and so on can be paid from motor vehicle tax and gas tax fund. So again you have those unique statutes where you almost have to look at the individual statutes and see whether or not there is any additional verbiage in there that might shed some light as to how that particular fund is treated. Generalizations are nice but again when you are dealing with all these special funds you almost have to look at each special fund and just make sure there are no more there is no additional statutory prescription or requirement — things that they might impose on you. Just general advice, I wanted to condition what I was saying to make sure see the larger picture.

Commissioner Wesler – Ok well thank you very much Brad. We appreciate it.

4 hr.  25 minute mark  Brad – Ok well have a good holiday.

Commissioner Wesler – Well should I walk down and see if Katie..

Connie – I can call her.

Commissioner Stonecash – Yeah ask Katie to come down and give us her thoughts.

4 hr.  26 minute mark     Commissioner Day – Well I guess I am looking at some of these, I think that probably all of them have alternative methods of getting additional funding if we deny it.  Ahhm I understand what you are saying but ahh it sends a message out there to some of these people that aren't getting raises but ahhhm you know that is all these individual elective officials that is there call ahhm you know if you look at Veterans Services like you said they could come back in here tomorrow and say we want the entire amount.  This raises the obvious question of why Veterans Services is not spending the entire amount on the Veterans for whom the funds were intended instead of reminding the Commissioners about the returned funds in the same conversation they ask for a 3% raise for department employees?

Commissioner Wesler –  Ok, I said there is an asterisk beside them. I am willing to you know.. you are only looking at two in there and the Board gets a nominal increase.

Commissioner Day – You know ahhm REA I don't know all the methods that she's got get money but I am assuming that since it is under her, she has probably got ways to exercise her rights to get additional funds above and beyond I am sure the Engineer does to.  I have not looked at those. Certificate of Title ahhh there is probably also methods in that.  I guess I don't know if it is worth the…. I don't know if it is worth the battle or not.

Commissioner Wesler –  Well I saw Jack Evans the other night. Do you guys know Jack and I just asked him; How's the budget looking and he said "Well we are down to having a carry-over of 7.5 million" and he said "everybody wants a piece of that pie." This the carry-over that used to be $13 million, it is now down to 5.5 and he said they cut out 18% this year. 18% that is a big chunk and he said people weren't happy but he talked about various elected officials wanting them to open up that 7.5 million, they're rich and open it up and give increases and all like this. He said ahm I think he might have said they are giving a small increase this year but they are not real sure what they are going to do. They talked about giving a onetime stipend to everybody or giving a modest pay increase but he said whatever he said all the other outside funds follow the Commission lead. He said they call them up and say how much you giving this year and they say we are giving the same whatever you are giving if any. He said they have never had a problem with that he said they have extreme cooperation with all of them.

Connie – there is no answer in her office.

4 hr.  30 minute mark on cd  

13.03 minutes –  2.98 MB

File 14

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok we have a letter here from, anything else we want to talk about on that? Right now I don't see going forward until we get a talk to Katie.

I have a letter from Dan Osieka sp??  Goose Creek Crossing.

Letter read into record. Requesting 12 month extension.

Unknown voice – Grandpa give me some money.

Contact – Steve Canter  PE at the Environmental Engineering service – 513 934 1512

Letter noted accepted.

4 hr. 33 minute mark    Unknown voice – Give me some money

Commissioner Stonecash – Please state your name

Unknown voice – B— Stonecash

Commissioner Stonecash – and your purpose for being here?

B— Stonecash – money


Commissioner Day – You work in the Courthouse don't you?

4 hr. 36.5 minute mark    Connie – Children's Services, I want to let you know where we are here. Last year it ended up with a cash balance of $236,391 and they brought in $211,000 in receipts in December of last year. Right now we are at $118,000 and they have only brought in $6,800.

4 hr. 38.25 minute mark    Connie – a letter from Steve Simmons on Tax Map.

Commissioner Stonecash – I think we stand with the way we stand with the way we treated everyone else. I don't see that we can do anything different at this time.

Commissioner Wesler – I agree with that.

Commissioner Stonecash – What else do you have?

Connie – So I need action on this.

Commissioner Wesler – I'll move that we keep Chad Hoke at the same salary he was at last year and to be consistent with where we have been, he will remain at $17.17 and —- employees.

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok I'll second that. Any discussion?

Extended quiet.

Commissioner Day whispers 2 1/2 %

Passes 3 – 0.

Commissioner Stonecash – Connie anything else?

Connie – I think that is it

Commissioner Stonecash – Ok can you update us on the Sheriff's —- it's in the process of being fixed.

(grease trap)

4 hr. 43.3 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – Ok on the Veteran van they do have the new one. The old one is ready to come over here.

Decision to sell van.

Commissioner Stonecash – Question on furniture.

4 hr. 45.75 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – David and I attended the retirement of the four ladies at JFS.


4 hr.  46.5 minute mark on cd  

16.33 minutes –  3.79 MB

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