Crimson Contagion – Pandemic Exercise – August 2019

Many of you will recall that after 9/11 there was a lot of talk of the need to better coordinate intelligence and inter agency cooperation. No one wanted a repeat of a latter review that would show there was Intel that might have prevented a future incident. As such preparedness exercises on a variety of issues are run.

The Crimson Contagion Exercise was held August 13 -16, 2019. It was a 12 state exercise, so not a little effort as it was federally coordinated with the states, counties and municipalities involved.    Here is a short video from Yuma County Arizona on the Crimson Contagion exercise their role.

The story below was put out on March 19, 2020 by the New York Times and is worth a read.


This is a link to the Government’s report on issues encountered.  Ask yourself this; had the federal government addressed the issues  raised in Crimson Contagion report, would such extreme measures have been  needed to be taken starting in mid March 2020? Could the human and economic stress have been mitigated by beginning to address issues during the fall of 2019? Would the health care system and first responders have faced less stress? The issue is not so much of having done a great job addressing the pandemic starting in March 2020. The warning signs of what was coming were out there in 2019.  Read the report:

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