Commissioners – Conveyance Fee Increase For Economic Development
Poggemeyer engaged for development of a quadrant at St. Rt. 127 & U.S. I-70 (Goose Creek)
June 24, 2009
Preble County Commission meeting:
16 audio files for a total of 60.73MB
File 1 opening – 4H awards
9.10 minutes – 2.10MB
File 2
Soil & Water Board of Supervisors (Additional Funding) they didn't get it.
15.25 minutes – 3.52MB
File 3
Terry Parks & Gary Wagner for Lakengren Water Authority. In chambers to express their thoughts that the Landfill leachate should go to Lakengren by prior agreement. Agreement could mean $10 million to Lakengren over 80 years. Discussion by Commissioners afterwards appears to show that according to a Katie Worthington review of MOU language that the Commissioners have the option if they wish. Mention again of sending out RFP's (Request For Proposals) from Camden and Lakengren.
22.35 minutes – 5.16MB
File 4
17.48 minutes – 4.07MB
File 5
Dr. Wright from OSU Extension (Phone Conference Call) Discussion of possible state cuts and impact on number of educators. Chris Day asked about the county's account balance. Dr. Wright will get him that info down to the penny.
13.13 minutes – 3.02MB
File 6
Connie on increasing the conveyance fee by 1 mill. She has prepared a legal ad for review. Hearings to begin August 12 and second public hearing August the 19. It is subject to referendum. It will be on all real property as well as manufactured homes or mobile homes resold. The increase will be from 2 mill to 3 mill total.
Receipt of legal ad was noted by Commissioner Stonecash and seconded by Commissioner Wesler.
Commission Day called for discussion
Commissioner Stonecash commented "It (economic development) needs to begin in Preble County, and this is one way we can fund economic development."
Commissioner Wesler commented that "This is the way a lot of other counties fund economic development. I believe most all the other elected officials support us in putting an economic development office in place. When Matt Appenzeller talked to us at his place, telling us what he did when someone brought this up, he said he would whole heartily support it and write a letter of recommendation supporting it."
Connie "So when you look in the code as to this conveyance fee. It is for enforcing an administrative tax and providing additional General Fund revenue for the county. So your saying that, should this be successful in passing and bring additional funds into general funds and whatever our plans are for economic development we might use some of those funds.
Bob: "I, my"
Connie: "To assist in the funding"
Bob" Thats.. (unrecognizable comment)
Connie: "I guess we just have to be careful in… I don't want to say the word earmarking but I am going to say the word earmarking, revenue in general fund." But, I know that is what the discussion has been and what maybe what other counties have done. I just had to, but that is what your goal is right?"
Dave: " Yes"
Bob: " That is correct"
Connie: "Good, the additional funds could help with some of the expenses to get it off, to get it started off at least?"
Bob: "Yea, hopefully one day it will be self supporting."
Connie: "Correct, well yea, I would think it would be."
Chris: "That's why you wouldn't want to earmark it. We have the authority to designate where it goes. Unfortunately as you get into earmarking, that is earmarked there for life, until you rescind it and then re do it. I guess what Connie is trying to do, is err us on the side of caution. Is, we have the ability to appropriate that money as we deem fit."
Connie: "Correct"
Chris: "As you stated Bob, if we get to the point where economic development is self supporting, which I think we can. I think there are some other things going on out there that's maybe going on that can maybe assist us. Then we can use those funds elsewhere without having to go back through the process. Which, she's trying to say. I guess the best case scenario is in two years that economic development is self sufficient and standing on its own. And we wanted to utilize that for an Administrator or whatever, we don't have to go back in and tear that apart."
Bob: "Simple"
Connie: "Exactly"
Chris: " I mean that's what she is alluding to. Unfortunately, I've been through this and once that money gets earmarked, you can't use it for anything but that. Sometimes, you build up a chunk of money that's a carrot hanging out there, that you can's do anything with."
Connie: "Right"
Dave: "ummhhh"
Chris: "Obviously we are not in those times, but in times like now it would look very bad if we had for instance a million dollars hanging around and every says lets use that money. Well we can't, we only use it for this, so, that is what she is trying to tell us.
Bob: " So noted"
Chris: " Ok" I've just seen it happen before.
Bob: "I understand"
Dave?? "Do we need to act on this resolution then?"
Connie: " No, I can't remember if I have called roll on this or not"
Chris: "Clerk, please call the roll"
Connie: Commissioner Stonecash?
Bob: "Yes"
Connie: "Commissioner Wesler?"
Dave: "Yes"
Connie: "Commissioner Day?"
Chris: "Yes"
14.00 minutes – 3.20MB
File 7 .
18.02 minutes – 4.13MB
File 8
Sheriff Simpson on problems facing department with low staffing.
9.00 minutes – 2.06MB
File 9
Sheriff on Court House Security. Connie on department employees not knowing how bad things are (financially in county). They have only heard rumors.
27.29 minutes 6.29 MB
File 10
Executive session and break for lunch
9.02 minutes – 2.06MB
File 11
Doug Born, Poggemeyer (Economic Development Update)
Poggemeyer engaged for economic development of a quadrant of St. Rt 127 & U.S. I-70 (Exit 10). Sewage and water treatment to be done on site. Time frame mentions of maybe January – February based on getting into September cycle and no hold-ups with EPA.
30.12 minutes – 6.91MB
File 12
Dave – brief mention of an email from Sheriff Simpson.
7.30 minutes – 1.71MB
File 13
Conference call with Ken Moreland of Camden about leachate. Bob, mentions previous nights Republican meeting and hearing they needed to talk. Chris mentions Lakengren representatives coming in earlier to express the views of Lakengren. Ken, not prepared, will come in for what he described as a 45 minute presentation. He would like a couple days advance notice to inform Camden Council members in hope they can attend.
11.00 minutes – 2.51MB
File 14
17.32 minutes – 4.01MB
File 15
20.01 minutes – 4.58 MB
File 16
23.12 minutes – 5.31MB
The audio files will remain up for only a limited amount of time. If they are needed please email.