We are happy to announce an anonymous donor is offering a “Christmas in July” match program to get the Holiday Food Baskets off to an early start. We are very fortunate to have strong community support for this program, which enables us to deliver 100+ baskets during the holiday season to seniors in need and shut-ins in Preble County.
Senior News
July 2, 2014
The Preble County Senior Center has a “Christmas in July” Holiday Food Basket match request. Monetary donations that we receive at the Senior Center, from July 1st through August 16th, 2014 for this year's Holiday Food Baskets, will be matched up to $400 thanks to an anonymous donor. Monetary donations enable the Preble County Council on Aging to add items to the baskets like dairy products, meat, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. We appreciate all the community support we receive each year for the Holiday Food Baskets which are delivered to close to Christmas to Preble County seniors in need and shut-ins. Please consider making an early donation so we can receive the match. We will, of course, take donations of non-perishable foods and paper products at any time before the baskets are delivered. Thank you.
A Fun Friday will be held on July 11, 2014 at 12:00 noon at The Gathering Place. The afternoon lunch and entertainment, with a rodeo theme, will be sponsored by the Leland in Richmond, Indiana. Please purchase your ticket at the Preble County Senior Center no later than July 9th. Tickets will not be available at the door.
AARP is adapting to the changing driving landscape by introducing the new AARP Smart Driver Course. This course reinforces their commitment to providing a program that remains relevant and helpful in keeping drivers safe, confident, and mobile. The course will be offered at The Gathering Place from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Wednesday, July 16, 2014. Preregistration is required. Make a reservation for the class by calling Stacey Copes, Activity Manager at Preble County Senior Center, at 937.456.4947 or 1.800.238.5146. There is a $15 per person fee for AARP members; $20 for others. All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion after finishing the class. Take your driver's license and AARP membership card to class.
Tribute artist and singing impersonator Marv Reier will perform on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 from 7:00-9:00 pm. The concert will be held at The Gathering Place. Join us for a Legends in Concert musical journey with Marv, a man with many unforgettable voices. From your favorite Gospel, Oldies, Country and Motown tunes to Rock-n-Roll, Doo Wop, Comedy and Rock-a-Billy, you are assured to be entertained in great style. July’s concert will have a patriotic theme. Admission is $5 at the door.
The Preble County Senior Center’s Weekly Thursday Night Dance, the last week of July only, will have a change of day and venue. The dance this week will be held on Wednesday, July 30th, from 4:00-7:00 pm at the Rotary Station at the Preble County Fairgrounds. July 30th is “Senior Day” at the fair, and individuals age 65 and older will be admitted free to the fair. There will be no admission charge to the dance this evening. Don Pease and Country Ramblers will provide the music. Food will be available for purchase at all the vendors on the fairgrounds. All other weekly dances will be held on Thursday nights from 4:00-7:00 pm at The Gathering Place, 501 Nation Avenue, Eaton.
Senior Care Resources Webinars will be held in the Woodlands Room at the Preble County Senior Center at 1:00 pm on selected Mondays. Reservations are not needed. Everyone is welcome to attend. At the present time, the following webinars are planned:
- July 14th topic is “Hospital to Home Preparation for Seniors” – Professional Caregiver Webinar
- July 21st topic is “Understanding Alzheimer’s and Types of Dementia” – Professional Caregiver Webinar
- July 28th topic is “Understanding the Scams Seniors Face” – Professional Caregiver Webinar
- August 11th topic is “Introduction to Medicare Coverage” – Professional Caregiver Webinar
A representative from Joy Tour & Travel will be at the Preble County Senior Center one afternoon a month to answer questions about upcoming trips planned for the PCCOA Time Travelers. Next date: Wednesday, July 16th from 1:00-3:00 pm. The rep will also be able to take reservations, accept payment for trips and update you on all new fun and exciting trips that are planned by in 2014 and 2015. Joy Tours, based in Cincinnati, is a full-service travel agency as well as a tour operator. They have been in business since 1985.
As we approach summer, with vacations and busy schedules, the Preble County Council on Aging has a serious need for back up drivers for home delivered meals. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday, except holidays, to seniors in Preble County. Back up drivers work two to three hours a day delivering meals in their vehicle to senior citizens. Drivers have a dedicated route, and can work one, two or more days per week, or just one day per month. Adult drivers of any age are eligible to volunteer. Drivers receive mileage reimbursement. If you would like to volunteer, or need more information, please call Ashley Bowers at the Senior Center at 937.456.4947 or 1.800.238.5146.
“A Matter of Balance” Fall Prevention Classes are available at the Preble County Senior Center. This evidence-based program is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn to set realistic goals in increased activity, and to makes changes in their environment to reduce fall risk factors and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance. "A Matter of Balance" classes are held for two hours a day, once a week, for an 8 week period. The cost is $10 per person for the 16 hours of instruction. Register as early as possible as the classes fill fast. Call Stacey Copes, Licensed Master Trainer and Senior Center Activity Manager, at (937) 456-4947 for dates and additional information.
Descriptive flyers are available on all Senior Center trips. Travel information is shown on our website: www.prebleseniorcenter.org and our Facebook pages. Help us share information on PCCOA services, events and activities by clicking on the “like” tab on the following link: www.facebook.com/preblecountycouncilonaging, or on our Facebook page dedicated to the travel program: www.facebook.com/preblecountytimetraveler.