Fort St. Clair is in Preble County. The Fort St. Clair dog show no longer is. If you have a business that benefited directly or indirectly by the long running Ft. St. Clair Dog Show being held at the Preble County … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2019
The Preble County Commission meetings are recorded to audio and available upon request for 15 cents per cd. Anyone that listens to the audio or looks at an agenda will hear or read: VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES NOTE RECEIPT OF … Continue reading
This is the audio for the December 16, 2019, Preble County Commission meeting. I was told there will be no audio for the December 18 meeting due to an equipment issue with the recording. I recommend listening to the actual … Continue reading
Preble County Commissioners December 11, 2019 Three Commissioners in attendance File 1 2 minutes 16 sec. I. OPEN MEETING II. CALL OF ROLL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. PRAYER V. PUBLIC COMMENTS VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES NOTE RECEIPT OF & … Continue reading