Business and Professional Women of Preble County: Scholarships for 2022

The Business and Professional Women of Preble County are offering two $500 scholarships.

For details and to download a .pdf of the application click the image below or this link:

Business and Professional Women Scholarships for 2021

The Business and Professional Women of Preble County are offering two $500 scholarships.

For details and to download a .pdf of the application click the image below or this link: Mary Garrett & Rebecca Ferguson Scholarship Application (2021).pdf

Crimson Contagion – Pandemic Exercise – August 2019

Many of you will recall that after 9/11 there was a lot of talk of the need to better coordinate intelligence and inter agency cooperation. No one wanted a repeat of a latter review that would show there was Intel that might have prevented a future incident. As such preparedness exercises on a variety of issues are run.

The Crimson Contagion Exercise was held August 13 -16, 2019. It was a 12 state exercise, so not a little effort as it was federally coordinated with the states, counties and municipalities involved.    Here is a short video from Yuma County Arizona on the Crimson Contagion exercise their role.

The story below was put out on March 19, 2020 by the New York Times and is worth a read.


This is a link to the Government’s report on issues encountered.  Ask yourself this; had the federal government addressed the issues  raised in Crimson Contagion report, would such extreme measures have been  needed to be taken starting in mid March 2020? Could the human and economic stress have been mitigated by beginning to address issues during the fall of 2019? Would the health care system and first responders have faced less stress? The issue is not so much of having done a great job addressing the pandemic starting in March 2020. The warning signs of what was coming were out there in 2019.  Read the report:

Why No Preble County Commission Audio?

I stopped putting the County Commission meeting audio online last week with all the news on public places. In order to pick up an audio cd of the commission meetings a person possibly has to stand inline, then go through a scanner and then be scanned with a wand.  I don’t want to catch some thing, my wife does not want me to catch something, my kids say stay in.

Years ago, I advocated for the audio of county commissioner meetings to be put on their website which according to a former assistant clerk could have been done with ease. Still no audio.

Nine years ago I started putting video of the New Paris Council meetings online and asking why the county commissioners can’t do it.  Still no video.

Your knowledge of what happens at the Preble County Commission meetings should not be filtered through the local paper or what an individual commissioner tells you.  It is the 21st century and you should be able to listen to or watch a meeting on video and make up your own mind.

I hope all of you and your families get through these trying times.  Best of luck to all of you.

Jeff Golden