Rodney Creech Reponds to Wesler Flyer Post and My Answer

Yesterday at the end of my post about the Wesler flyer I added these comments that contained a short audio file from a whole video:


…I am bringing it up as it was raised again in an ad by the Creech campaign that appeared in this week’s Register Herald.  Rodney decided three years ago to run for commissioner.  In 2012 (just two years ago) the last public battle was fought over Goose Creek. There were a couple of public forums and in August a major meeting at National Trail on the project.  There were letters to the editor, four of the six candidates for the County Commission in the Spring Primary were against the project and in the fall campaign three of the four candidates had positions against it.  There were plenty of opportunities for anyone and everyone to speak out publically at the time  – for or against the project. Scroll over to the 6 minute 35 second mark of this video or listen to this short audio file of what was said on March 17, 2014.  A person who knew they were running for commissioner at the time should have taken a public position at the time and helped one side or the other.


I received the following response on a Facebook from Rodney Creech and I am sharing it and my response here: 


Rodney's response:


Why didn't I come out about Goose Creek 3 years ago?

What you will learn about me is that I am not one to speak out about something until I have all the facts.

I have been attending the PC Commissioner meetings now for 16 months. I am now up on all the issues and understand this county very well.

Three years ago I was just getting involved and getting my feet wet on the issues of Preble County. It was just two years ago when I decided to run for County Commissioner.

I hope this answers your questions about why I didn't speak on something three years ago when I didn't have all the facts.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to call my cell at 937-313-2690.

Thank you,


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My response:


Good to hear from you.  I fully understand that it takes some people longer than others to learn and understand things. The good news is that it is not uncommon for the voters of Preble County to elect them to the county commission. At the Liberty Group meeting you mentioned three years ago for getting involved with the county and commented that whatever you do, you get heavily involved with.

The first article on Goose Creek and Preble County to show up in the Dayton Business Journal was July 10, 2006. The first rejection of a JRS grant was reported on January 22, 2007. I am happy to learn that almost eight years later you now feel “up on all the issues”.

Two years ago (2012) there was plenty of time to get up to speed as the final push began on Goose Creek during the 2012 primary season.  The summer of that year had multiple public meetings announced in the local press and attended by many. The issue here is that you are also running on your association and membership in the Preble County Development Partnership which supported the then County Commission on Goose Creek.

On March 3, 2010, the Preble County Commission received ten recommendations from Kleinger’s  – the developers paid for with a $250,000 grant from the Dayton Development Coalition that was part of that $730,000 mentioned on your flyer and in the Register Herald ad this week.  Recommendation #9 Take a step back and reassess whether you as a county are ready to move forward with construction of the water and sewer and tower. It is truly a financial decision for the county at that point of whether or not you move forward.

The articles of incorporation for the Partnership with the state of Ohio were stamped March 18, 2010.

Correct me if I am wrong but my records show you held the initial seat reserved for a Township Trustee Representative at the creation of the Partnership. Eventually you moved into or were considered for the Commission Representative seat that was held by Mr. Ulrich until spring of 2012.

In April 2011 the Preble County Farm Bureau sent a letter to the commission stating their objection “to use of county general fund money without signed contracts from prospective businesses planning to locate here”. It was in the local paper.

The January 25, 2012, Commission meeting had discussion on the previous night’s Partnership meeting and a presentation on Goose Creek (just prior to the 29 minute mark on the audio record).

The May 23, 2012, meeting has Chris Day noting that the previous day he attended the Partnership meeting and they asked for an update on Goose Creek.

On June 11, 2012, there was a meeting on Goose Creek at Taffy’s sponsored by the Preble Chamber and covered in the local press.

In August 2012 there was a large turnout at National Trail for a couple meetings that merged into one very large one.

The point being Goose Creek was the biggest and most involved economic development project at the time. Goose Creek was an obvious discussion topic with the Preble County Development Partnership which oversees the Preble County Economic Development Director.  One of us is obviously making too much of your association, knowledge and how heavily involved you were with the Partnership.  Your acknowledgment of an inordinate amount of time needed to get up to speed appears to mean either I owe you an apology or the Partnership may have a two tiered membership where one group makes decisions while the other may get metaphorically handed coloring books and told to sit in the corner.

Jeff Golden

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