Preble County Republican Party Central Committee Endorsements
My sources tell me that Tuesday evening the County Republican Central Committee endorsed:
David Wesler for Commissioner (reportedly by three votes over Rodney Creech)
John Kasich for Governor
Lavon Wright for County Auditor
Stephanie Garrett for State Central Committee (Louis Deem of Lewisburg has strong Tea Party support)
Bill Beagle for State Senate – District 5
John Boehner for the Ohio 8
I am going to take J.D. Winteregg and Eric Gurr (to a lesser extent) to task for not even showing up. Both are challenging Boehner and have attended several forums in hopes of gathering support. Winteregg is a teacher at National Trail and still did not show up to at least try. I can somewhat understand Gurr as his supporters felt sandbagged at the recent forum in Eaton.