New Paris Council Video of February 2, 2015 – Time for Video of County Commission Meetings?

This starts the fifth year of the New Paris Council video project which started with the February 7, 2011 meeting.  The last four years of those videos can be found on  It would be nice if the Preble County Commission provided the same type of transparency.  I know that issue has had the support of Commissioner Robertson but it takes two commission votes to make it happen.  The cold hard truth is that there is usually no one in the morning County Commission meetings as it is inconvenient for working taxpayers to attend.  Having the commission meetings on video would remove that as a reason and also be a convenience for school teachers trying to engage school students on how government works.  It is time for Commissioner Day & Commissioner Creech to follow the New Paris Council lead and join Commissioner Robertson in support for video of County Commission meetings. Unless of course they like keeping the public in the dark.

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Preble County General Fund Report from February 9, 2015

Posted below is a copy of the General Fund report  for February 9, 2015 provided to the Preble County Commission by the Preble County Auditor.

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New Proposed State Budget – Preble County Schools

The new budget proposed this week by Gov. John Kasich and its impact on Preble County Schools.

Eaton Community Schools City

Preble County

FY 2015 (current) $9,264,302
FY 2016 $10,190,732
FY 2017 $10,766,585
Change 2015-17 $1,502,283
Percent Change 16.2%


Tri-County North Local SD

Preble County

FY 2015 (current) $4,125,476
FY 2016 $4,092,571
FY 2017 $4,103,260
Change 2015-17 ($22,216)
Percent Change -0.5%


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Twin Valley Community Local

Preble County

FY 2015 (current) $4,166,051
FY 2016 $4,085,706
FY 2017 $4,006,165
Change 2015-17 ($159,886)
Percent Change -3.8%


National Trail Local SD

Preble County

FY 2015 (current) $5,384,892
FY 2016 $5,454,056
FY 2017 $5,552,022
Change 2015-17 $167,129
Percent Change 3.1%


Preble-Shawnee Local SD

Preble County

FY 2015 (current) $7,727,957
FY 2016 $8,134,349
FY 2017 $8,364,625
Change 2015-17 $636,668
Percent Change 8.2%

Electric Aggregation – Would You Attend an Evening Commission Meeting? – Tension Over 911 Commission Committee Seat

The first meeting I reviewed was the Bill Bradish – Palmer Energy – CCAO Electric Aggregation update.

This primarily dealt with Jackson Township coming up for renewal and the process of bringing its new contract into alignment with Jefferson, Monroe and Dixon which were the first to have passed it. The idea is to get as big a group of entities together for marketing and achieving the best price for the consumer and small business.  Mr. Bradish will be attending the 6:30 p.m., January 19, Township Trustee meeting held at the Engineer’s Office in an attempt to get more townships to put this on the ballot and increase the size of the pool of electric users for the best deal possible.  This is something that the townships and all villages need to pursue. It puts money back in your pocket that would go to the electric company.

File 6 Has Commissioner Robertson reporting that she has been asked once again about the possibility of the commission holding an evening meeting once a month.  It was tabled but the feeling I was left with was Commissioners Day & Creech were against it. Commissioner Creech stated if they were to do it should be done soon because he did not think anyone would show up when it warmed up.  Listen to the audio and form your own opinion because I had the feeling he gave poor answers.  Connie reported this had been tried before and a few people showed up at the beginning and after a while no one attended the meetings. That is pretty much the issue with the morning meetings that are held when most people work.  Times change and I feel that once every four years it should be tried again if only so the commission can say they tried it. If you the taxpayer would like to see an evening meeting call 456-8143 and say so.

File 8 gets into a troubling exchange that ends up removing Commissioner Robertson from the 911 committee that is investigating the feasibility of merging the dispatch centers of the county and the City of Eaton.  Commissioner Day states his intent to take the lead by replacing Commissioner Robertson who was voted on to the committee last year in a 2 – 1 vote (Robertson & Wesler for and Day against). This time around Commissioner Day has the support of Commissioner Creech as they voted to remove Robertson.  This was the second time in one meeting that the two commissioners from the same area of the county voted together. If you believe it was in the best interest of the county then no problem.


Preble County Commissioners

February 4, 2015

Three Commissioners in attendance

File 1








3.01 minutes – 709 KB

File 2


Listen to the audio – Not reviewed.  

37 minute mark on cd  

34.04 minutes – 7.79 MB

File 3


Listen to the audio – Not reviewed.  

53 minute mark on cd  

16 minutes – 3.65 MB

File 4


Jackson Township – agreement expires in April.

The low bid was from First Energy Solutions (2018) and the original three townships were Jefferson, Monroe and Dixon townships along with New Paris which withdrew after a village lighting agreement was made with DPL energy.

Low bid in 2013 for Jackson was DPL Energy and it was for two years – expiring this year (April).  DPL did not win this time but will be given a second chance.

Suggests putting Jackson on a plan that comes up for renewal at the same time as Jefferson, Monroe and Dixon.

This would be a November ballot issue for townships and villages that want to put it to a vote.

March CCAO webinar mentioned.

1 hr.  4  Minute mark   Provides the results of bids for Jackson to Commission. These are not the final bids.

1 hr.  8.5  Minute mark   Commissioner Creech asks if 11 of 12 townships join would there be a better deal. The response is that pooling of areas brings better prices.

Bill Bradish mentions Greene County just went countywide.

1 hr.  15  Minute mark   Bill mentions that in the next week or so Jackson Township residents on the plan will be receiving letters from the "incumbent" electric provider that if they do not renew before the date they will go to a higher rate. He says "The bottom line is don't do anything".  Should tell Jackson Township Trustees so they can deal with probable questions from residents.

1 hr.  22 minute mark on cd  

29 minutes –  6.64 MB

File 5




Commissioner Day – Connie do you  have any additional items?

Resolution 121 – Retirement of Judge Dues. Started January 5, 1981 in the Prosecutor's office.

1 hr.  25  Minute mark   Document from Prosecutor's office covering Mary Bullen et all vs. Preble County Board of Appeals. Note receipt.

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Has to do with a proposed zoo over by Lewisburg. Project was turned down with local residents were opposed. Commissioner Creech estimated that 40 – 50 people were against it, at least.  Commissioner Day asks Connie if there is a time line and she says she does not have one.

1 hr.  27.5  Minute mark    Glenwood – after Commission reply owns the problem.  Commissioner Day & Creech are ready to do it. Commissioner Robertson has an issue with forcing this on residents and offers reasons. Extended discussion on topic.  Commissioner Creech does not feel EPA will change – fight county cannot win.  

Commissioner Robertson – Strong arming people is wrong.

Commissioner Day offers his views.

Listen to the audio – worth listening to.

Low income area and fear of the possibility that 240 homes could be compelled to tie in but problem persists because the source was outside the area.

Passes 3-0.

1 hr.  50 minute mark on cd  

28.02 minutes – 6.41 MB

File 6

Celebration on Friday for Judge Dues.

Darke County Commissioner lunch on Friday. Dayton Development Coalition meeting?

1 hr.  51.4  Minute mark    Commissioner Robertson mentions that another person has asked if the commission could have an evening meeting at least once a month.

Commissioner Creech – I sure don't have a problem with it but I think I have meetings three nights a week….. I'll have to check this off as an answer Rodney might rephrase in a better way as his answer here comes off poorly.  It is my opinion that having meetings associated with being a commissioner are secondary to the positon. People have not had the opportunity to attend evening meetings in a while and more than one opportunity for attendance should be given. I know and the commission knows that people do not usually show up for morning meetings as most work. If after three or four evening meetings are held there still isn't any attendance then I agree with suspending them but a chance should be given for more community involvement.  

Commissioner Day – We have discussed that over the years….. what I would consider another poor answer.

Discussion on topic. Listen to the audio.   

Some better answers from Rodney.  

1 hr.  59.5  Minute mark    Connie mentions that this has been tried before – a few show up and after a while no one was showing up. This echoes concerns voiced by Day & Creech and I feel that times change and I believe an evening meeting once a month for a few months is worth a try. If the past is repeated and no one shows then move on but this should be tried every couple years or so at least every four.

2 hr.  2.5 minute mark on cd  

12.30 minutes – 2.86 MB

File 7

Commissioner Creech – DPL initiative, fairgrounds might qualify for another grant.  This would be a good thing.   Mentions an email. Rodney had also been assigned to the Ag Committee through CCAO and Justice & Public Safety Committee. Mentions L.R. Kimball report.

2 hr.  5.8 minute mark on cd  

3.22 minutes – 790 KB

File 8

Commissioner Day wants to take over the lead since he is President this year. He is speaking about the 911 committee that Commissioner Robertson has been on – he wants to take her place.  

Commissioner Robertson takes issue and states she was voted onto that committee last year.  Commissioner Day continues to claim she was there as President.  Let's be clear here – this is a three person commission and any financial expenditure has to pass with a majority vote. Switching now sure looks like a political move.

Listen to the audio – this is a contested issue from what has until now appeared to be a peaceful commission.

Commissioner Robertson would like a vote.

Commissioner Creech says he plans to be involved in it and plans to be heavily involved in it.  Plans to attend all the meetings then mentions missing next Tuesday – new commissioner training.  He finds himself caught in the middle of this but appears to support Commissioner Day.   

Commissioner Robertson – I think there should be a good reason to replace me on this board other than you being President. I don't see a reason at all to replace me on this board on this committee. Unless you have a good reason that you want to state on the record.  

Commissioner Day – I just would like to take the lead.

Commissioner Robertson – There is no good valid reason to replace me on this committee.

Commissioner Day – I as President will take the lead on this and move forward.

Commissioner Robertson – No you can't do that. You voted as a Board to place me on this committee.

Commissioner Creech – Maybe we just go back to that meeting and see what was said. I'm not taking sides here and if we have a vote I'll vote I don't care but let's go back to the meeting and see what was said and if it was voted because they were the President then that is it and if not I don't like being I'll do whatever but… heck neither one of you do it and I'll do it…  Listen to the audio – please.

2 -1 vote to replace Commissioner Robertson on the 911 committee with Commissioner Day.  Day & Creech in favor and Robertson against.  

If you listen to only one file of this meeting – this should be the one.

2  hr.  14.5  minute mark on cd  

8.40 minutes – 1.98 MB

File 9

Commissioner Day – The CCAO is scheduling some regional meetings. It came as an email. March 30 regional legislative session..,..

Commissioner Creech and Connie had not received the email.

Miami Valley Regional Planning meeting tomorrow – Chris will attend as Commission representative. Apparently this is also as President and I don't recall Commissioner Robertson being in the position last year.

2 hr.  59.5  Minute mark    


2  hr.  21.1  minute mark on cd  

6.36 minutes – 1.51MB