Commission Uses “Work Sessions” – Stonecash “I don’t want to talk on that damn thing” then Executive Session?

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

April 21, 2010

Meeting audio and review

All three County Commissioners in attendance.

File 1










End 2.49 minute mark on CD – 661KB

File 2



3.5  minute mark       Bid awarded to Rumpke (only bid).

4  minute mark       Dave – contract should have been done by January 1.

4.5 minute mark       Bob – Resolution 241-10-144 County Auditor and (United Healthcare) health insurance.

Connie reads resolution.

8 minute mark       Motion passes 3 – 0

Resolution 242-10-144 Proclamation honoring Penny Moore on her retirement.

10 minute mark       Resolution honoring Bev Pearson on his retirement.

13 minute mark       Connie February 2010 sales tax came in over Mindy's estimate by $26,912.

13.6 minute mark       Chris – move to adjourn.

Bob – We could run out to the Country Club, play nine and come back. File 2A


Chris – Let's go.

14  minute mark       May 8,  Eagle Scout ceremony at St. Paul United Methodist in New Paris at 2.30 p.m. for Lucas Allen Stall sp??. Dave does not think he can make it. Bob says one of them will be there.

15.5  minute mark     May 14, Statehouse meeting with Wes Riel sp??.

17 minute mark     Bob Sheet from Duane on income and expenditures.

19.5  minute mark      Dave – On May 28, conflict between Township meeting and Sheriff.

End 22 minute mark on cd  

19.36 minutes – 4.48 MB

File 3

22  minute mark      Bob – Mr. Day.

Chris – Yeah

Chris and Dave went up to Soil & Water this morning.

Soil & Water Discussion.

Need $49,000 from county by mid May to get match.

Question on different budget years. County runs January through December. Soil & Water July though June??

Decision by May 10.

34.5minute mark      Dave – talk of closing doors in October.

39 minute mark      Bob –  "Just answer this answer this give me a straight shot guys. Why should we give them extra money to hire a part time person when we can't let Brenda have a person back or Jeanie have a person back? That's the real question."

41  minute mark      Bob – Has there ever been any consideration for them to try and reduce their expenses through finding a less expensive place to locate?

41.6  minute mark      Chris – I can get a hold of BJ or whomever up there and find out about the match, I don't have a problem doing that. 

Bob – And without hiring a part time person it is only going to slow their process down. Is that a correct statement?

Chris – The one thing, yeah it is. The one thing that I did ask what the current status of their ahh operation was and ahh they they felt that they were on track to do about what they did last year…. 30 some projects…

44.5  minute mark      Chris not ready to give them the $12,000.

Commissioners gave the following over last two years:

2008 – $141,000

2009 – $89,000 and lost three employees.

Chris feels that the $89,000 should support two people.

50.5  minute mark      Chris – One of their programs brought in $200,000 to the county this year.

End 53 minute mark on cd  

30.57 minutes – 7.08 MB

File 4

53.5 minute mark      Bob – Well… We can't go into a work session can we? Can we go into a work session?

Chris – Hmmm?

Bob – I don't think so but I'm gonna try.

Bob – "We've discussed economic development at length ahh we've got a couple things to research how we proceed. I think this afternoon's meeting is important at that point the October 28, meeting (he means May 28) becomes extremely important. I've talked to a couple parties that are involved to get their take on things. Which a still contemplating so.

Chris -Well, I don't have my notes, I'd have to go back and retrieve my notes. Ahh but yes we want to have some discussion we just ahhhh I need to go back and get my notes. I've got some stuff back there. Do you want to discuss that or do you feel we're not ready to discuss.

Bob – Well my whole concern is and I have talked about it is. It's not whether we're ready or not we have discussed it we've hashed it. We have to be ready. It's time to be ready. Whether it's premature until after after this afternoon, I don't know.  Intermittent back ground laughter or chuckling going on in the back ground through out this last exchange (by commissioners). But I know that we need to be ready. Time to move on guys.

56 minute mark      Bob – I'm going to leave it at that. I think we talk to OSU and then go from there.

Chris chuckling


Bob – (whispering) "I don't want to talk on that damn thing"  File 4A  

Chris – laughs

Bob – "It just, it just creates problems for us."

Chris – (more laughs) You think?

Bob – I think. And this needs to be a discussion.

Chris – uh uh (negative) (more laughs)

Bob – Well and Connie is looking into it. To get some information.

Chris – Hey, right there.

Bob – You're right you're right.


Bob – I just have concerns about that. I want to see that department; I want to see Soil and Water succeed. I don't want to see them close. Nice subject change lol THE TOPIC WAS NOT SOIL AND WATER.

Chris – And I understand your concerns of hiring somebody. We've got people here that, I understand the importance of Soil & Water.

Bob – I do to

Chris – but there no more important than some of the offices that are here in this building.

Bob – that's right.

57.75  minute mark      Dave – "Well if you're not ready to discuss it right at the moment at some point today I'd like to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss discipline of a county employee.  

Bob – Ok, whenever you are ready, we got time.

Dave – makes motion to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION

Bob – seconds the motion.


Chris chuckles.


1 HR.   0 minute mark      Employee evaluations.

Chris & Bob attending the safety awards luncheon.

1 HR.  1 minute mark      Bob – "That's at the Country Cl…" audio goes dead as they RECESS until 1:30

End 1 HR. 1.25 minute mark on cd  

8.21 minutes – 1.91 MB

File 5



Matt Appenzeller & Donna Farrington – District Manager of Fairfield Inn of New Paris also in room. Gary Wagner Mayor of Eaton also in attendance.

1 HR. 3.75 minute mark      John Conglose starts meeting.

1 HR. 6.5 minute mark      Explains the way Van Wert County gets money from hotel motel tax. Funds Nancy Bowen's job.

1 HR. 11.5 minute mark      Noble County also uses OSU Extension (covered previously)

1 HR. 14.25  minute mark      Dave – on city (Eaton) doing well and may not need any help. County needs help.

End 1 hr.  22 minute mark on cd  

20.46 minutes – 4.75 MB

File 6

Meeting continues.

1 HR. 22  minute mark      John Conglose explains how Huron County paid for economic development services (none from Hotel Motel tax).

1 HR. 25  minute mark      OSU would like a three year commitment because it takes a while. Training involved.

1 HR. 37.25  minute mark      John explains the four areas of OSU Extension.

End 1 hr.  55.75 minute mark on cd  

It can provide on line levitra relief to disorders caused due to kapha and vata imbalance in the body.
33.46 minutes – 7.72 MB

File 7

1 HR. 56  minute mark      Matt Appenzeller Executive Director of Preble County Chamber of Commerce.  

Questions for John Conglose.

2 HR.    minute mark      OSU used to have 26 people doing this and the number has dropped to 11.

2 HR.    1  minute mark      Examples where using OSU Extension did not work out.

Another was in Cuyahoga County.

Another with funding problems.

2 HR.    3.5 minute mark      Dinah Farrington District Manager of Fairfield Inn of New Paris.

End 2 hr.  3.5 minute mark on cd  

7.45 minutes – 1.77 MB

File 8

Meeting continues.

2 HR.    5.5 minute mark      Dave – on charging for office space.

Bob – on where most offices are located.

John – mentions nice table.   

2 HR.    10 minute mark      Dinah Farrington on Bed tax.

Bob – feel free to contact us again.

Dinah – Our problem is we got Richmond and people staying with the Fairfield because of lower tax price.

Bob – I don't even consider that.

Dinah – People ask

Bob – The one response I would have is we get things rolling and this person is able to attract companies into that area it’s a different story. You got new customers.

Dinah – Once there is a more level playing field between Richmond and Preble County, which I think is awesome.

Chris – If you are a destination place??? Recreational… shop

Dinah – But right now at the Fairfield there are business clients who stay with us because ….. audio issue .. if they can save a few dollars then they make that change.

Chris – And I understand that.

Dinah – the other thing is those people that we're getting…. We have four people from South Africa they are here all year, they rotate every three months. They work with Auto Car in Hagerstown and they want to do things locally. When we tell them about things like last fall the pig roast they want to go to that, they want to do all sort of new stuff. We send a lot of people over this way. I try and encourage our staff to try and send people into Preble County to do things and eat at the Tea Room. As opposed to going to Applebee’s in Richmond or something. …. I hope I can be helpful and participate and not just be here to say please don't raise the tax on us. I'd like to be helping as part of the solution to figure out how we can all get what we need, more business in the area.

Chris – That's the bottom-line

Bob – That's what we are trying to get

2 HR.    15.5 minute mark      Dinah – I think we have weathered through some pretty tough times here the last couple years. At least for us business is beginning to look up a little. I hate to say that out loud and jinx it. I've been noticing through our corporate clients that we didn't lose anybody but it did drop off a lot last year.

End 2 hr.  16.5 minute mark on cd  

12.59 minutes – 2.97 MB

File 9

2 HR.    16.5 minute mark      Bob – Do you think this is the opportune time to talk about this or do you want to look at the facts and talk about it later?

Dave – Well when is the Chamber Foundation one?

Bob – the 28th. If you make it David, I think it is very important David t I think that you do go. I think it is important that we are all three there. I think that whatever you’re feeling on what we just heard I ?? got some good information and we may be opened up some new areas for us. New thoughts. Do we still have some old thoughts yeah. But sometimes we gotta. I see a great opportunity here myself. But the one thing you wanted to hear, that you did hear was that they contract

Dave – laughing I just saw you pointing, I didn't know if you were pointing at Connie or me.

Bob – is that the contract is mostly with the county. How that is shared, I think it is shared.

Chris – When is it all with the County?

Bob – Well,

Chris – Period.

Bob – Yeah but we have to involve everybody and by doing that you still have a Board. That Board the ED person is still keeps the Board updated

Chris – and I understand what you are saying.

Bob – They are responsible.

Chris – Well the that that you have to I mean whatever Ohio State that person is employed by Ohio State. The agreement is with the county and Ohio State

Bob – Correct

Chris – Period

Bob – Correct

Chris – Now that can be a Board that that would work in giving guidance and things like that. But ahm anything you gotta make sure everybody is well aware of where everybody is at on this. Because I mean that person is an employee of Ohio State, that person will be worked for Dr. Wright.

Bob – Yes

Chris – Period

Bob – mmmmm not Period I mean he answers to a Dr. or whoever that other guy is.

Chris – Keith Schmidt Dr. Schmidt

Bob – That's right and ahh those things we have to consider.

Chris – We have the option if you enter into that we have the option to quit paying and that arrangement eventually goes away. But it is the one thing everyone has to understand is the same situation no matter how they paint is that we have with ahhh Pat (Pat Holmes local OSU Extension office)    and Nikki and everybody else.

Bob – Well and one thing it does is take it does take most of the politics out of it. You're never ever gonna take politics out of it.

Chris – Well

Bob – It's gonna be there I don't care who we are.

Chris – Unfortunately that is kind of a, it doesn't take the politics out because the contract is with us.

Bob – I know and I say you are never gonna take it out but what it does allow us to do is to build if you will like my scenario or not it gives us a chance to build a sand box.

2 HR.    20 minute mark      Bob – It gives everybody the chance to get in and play in that same sand box.


Bob – And I said if you don't like my scenario. That's putting it about as simple as you can put it. And that hasn't happened in the past. We have as you noticed today there are people that are interested enough to get in that sand box and play. Is that right or wrong. Keep it simple stupid. Bob laughs. I just did. But let’s digest this a little bit. See what some other people's thoughts are maybe. You guys agree or disagree.

Chris – Oh I think we need to make a decision and I think that ahh we need to have a discussion with the Chamber, The city of Eaton if we're gonna try to be a partner with them we need to throw things on the table and talk them out Period.

Bob – And that's exactly what October 28th (No, Bob it is May 28)    

Dave – You missed the CIC in there to.  One of the few times and the first for this meeting that the CIC has come up. Why is that?   At some point we need the CIC involved.  At some point? The question is why have you three have not involved them by now. Frankly this raises questions as to just how much you really want anyone involved other than for a political show of togetherness that has nothing behind the curtain.    

Bob – Ahh pause I don't think we disagree.

Chris – I mean I guess

Bob – The CIC is ahh is in need of a lot of change.  Well, now there is a true show of colors.

Chris – what ahh at this point what purpose would that serve?  Et tu Brute?   

Dave – they are still the Community Improvement Corporation  Yes they are. Good grief let this be lesson to all on both the ability to work with others and the back stabbing these guys are about.

Chris – But what purpose would that serve?  Well let's see, how about that public show of bringing all the players together to move forward on Goose Creek? You remember that?

Dave – well they may as well be here from the start.  Really? This is pretty far along have any of you called Charlie Pennington? YET?

Bob – It can grow and be better.

Chris – Well, I guess at this point I go back to my original question. What purpose would it serve?   I'll take that as proof this is far along and they know it.

Dave – they'll be involved. We’ll need involvement from them at some day, so they may as well be involved now.  They should have been involved a long time ago.  It is once again called the Community Improvement Corporation.

Chris – Well, I understand. I am well aware of what it is but I go back to my original question. At this point until this is up and running they don't serve purpose.

Bob – At some point they need to be a player.

Chris – And I don't disagree

Dave –  ??? The chamber if we go this model.

2 HR.    23 minute mark      Bob – You guys got copies of the proposed membership of the Board?

Chris – Ahh you're talking about..

Bob – The Foundation Board

Dave – I don't know that I do.

Chris – Yeah its   

Bob – I thought I gave you one

Chris – It's back on my desk .. No here it is.

Bob – It's not much different than Van Wert's actually. If you expand they have for instance. Everybody becomes

Chris – there was 21 people

Bob – 21 yeah, 10 people on a permanent Executive Committee

Chris – Two from the County, Two from the City,

Dave – I don't have that.  

Chris – Two from the County, Two from the City,

Bob – I'll try and get you one. I've got one in there somewhere.

Chris – Lets see

Bob – One from the Mayor's Association

Chris – Township

Bob – Villages

Chris – Chamber

Dave – This is just for the Foundation?

Bob – Yeah the Chamber seats three people at that I think. Which their raising all these funds.

Chris – And then they pick an Executive Committee.

Bob – Well its set the actual seat to an Executive Committee is already set.

Chris – I thought they picked an Executive Committee.

Bob – Unless I am getting the two mixed up but now there is a ten seat permanent committee. That we have a seat, the city has a seat, the Chamber has a seat, I forget the breakdown exactly. I thought when you had a copy of that list the people that's part of it

Chris – What's that

Bob – My God I feel bad

Chris – its back on my desk I thought it was in here but. It's back on my desk.

Bob – Ok, at any rate before we close up we did receive a 2009 Special Award Certificate to the Commissioners for their outstanding effort in safety without a lost time accident.


End 2 hr.  26 minute mark on cd  

9.48 minutes – 2.24 MB

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