The Election – My thoughts.

So was Goose Creek the gift that just kept on drowning Commissioners or was it that the number of people ticked off and voting against the incumbent had reached a tipping point?  Maybe both and then some.

When the first letter of support in the local paper is from a county commissioner association official that lives in Akron; there was a problem.  When that official is touting perfect attendance to CCAO meetings for a commissioner that doesn’t show up for local forums to address the people who vote for him; there was a problem.

When the opposition to a project like Goose Creek could make a better case against the project than the commission could with the commissions own numbers; there was a problem.

I do thank Dave for pushing the electric aggregation as it saves my business money. That is important because the bed taxes he voted for have hurt more than helped.  If Dave truly believed the 13 – 1 return on tax money mentioned on his website then the commission should have jumped all over an offer a private citizen made earlier this year to donate a million dollar softball complex. That complex would actually draw in new money to the county and all it needed was land the county already owns.  Rodney Creech offered support for the project at the Taffy’s forum and I hope the offer is still available when he takes office.

Here is an issue that Republican voters need to consider; the reduction in LGF and CDBG funds has essentially become pork to be passed out to those with connections.  Dave touted his connections and he had a point.  It used to be different and frankly better for county and local governments but it is a reality that Preble County will have to deal with until it changes and it could be awhile.

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This is not just my opinion. Watch the April; New Paris, Ohio, Council video and listen to the woman that handles their grant process say the same thing.  

Not given much notice so far is the mind boggling amount of money spent on this commission race. If there was a credible Democratic Party in this county and they were running a credible candidate the money spent by a Republican candidate’s campaign on the primary and general election may approach or exceed the first year of a commissioner’s salary.  That is going to exclude some very good candidates in the future from even considering a run for the office.

I know Dave wanted Preble County to prosper but in the end the number of people who disagreed on the handling of that issue and other issues voted him out of office.

Congratulations to Rodney Creech and may Preble County prosper in the future.

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