Goose Creek

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

March 16,  2011

Meeting audio and review

Three Commissioners in attendance

File 1






End 3.10 minute mark on CD – 744KB

File 2

Commissioner Chris Day provides updated information requested on Goose Creek. Commissioners Wesler and Stonecash silently read through it.

9.5 Minute mark  Commissioner Wesler – Connie do you have anything?

Connie – Seven year old plotter in Land Use Management is not working. State purchasing price for new one is $6,616 another quote from Daycad is $2,454 for same exact plotter.

13 Minute mark  Decision to purchase the new one from Daycad.

Sheriff's letter on mowing contract. Recommends buying mower and snow thrower to have job done by inmates. Estimated cost of $16,000 for purchase. Only concern is possible injury to inmate.

Would have to amend House family contract and remove jail.

April 12 – Victims Rights Ceremony

18.5 Minute mark    Letter from HIT Foundation on ground breaking ceremony March 25 for handicapped duplex. Time 1:00 p.m.  Gratis  – 208 Ada Doty St.

25.2 minute mark on cd  

22.07 minutes – 5.06 MB

File 3

Pre meeting conversations


Executive Session to discuss the possible employment of a county employee.

Executive Session

34 Minute mark   That noise you hear is Commissioner Day using a calculator.

56 Minute mark  Commissioner Day asks Connie for the numbers on the option land.

1 hr 10 minute mark on cd  

44.5 minutes – 10.2 MB

File 4

1 hr.  16 Minute mark   Commissioner Wesler – Evidently we have some additional business.

Resolution #194 amendment to the 2011 appropriations from GIS line health insurance to GIS line equipment $2051.96 (new plotter mentioned earlier)

Resolution #195 authorizing the expenditure of $2054.96 for large color plotter.


Studebaker Electric of Dayton – $237,450

Urick sp?                                 $287,000

ESI Electrical                           $310,933

King Environmental                  $175,831 with a couple asterisks

Lake Erie Electric                     $234,623

Recess for Lunch

1 Hr. 27.5 minute mark on cd  

17.32 minutes – 4.01 MB

File 5

1 hr.  30.75 Minute mark   Back in session at 1:15 with Tish Plaugher


1 hr.  32 Minute mark   EXECUTIVE SESSION

1 hr.  35.3 Minute mark   Addendum # 3 to turf maintenance agreement with House Family lawn care. Parcel 4 (Jail) removed from agreement.

1 hr 42. 6 minute mark on cd  

15.03 minutes – 3.44 MB

File 6

Follow up to Goose Creek discussion from Monday.

Commission Day explaining timelines to Commissioner Stonecash from a meeting held Thursday March 10, with Frank Leon. Timelines are subject to a little change.

1 hr.  43.6 Minute mark   Operations to begin at Goose Creek by spring of 2013. This probably pertains to (water and waste water plant)

OWDA loan 4.6%

1 hr.  52.75 Minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – So right now we're looking at how many dollars? Today? If we were to move on with Frank

Commissioner Day – If we were to move on with Frank it would be $483,390 is what has been approved for the planning portion of the water and waste water.

1 hr.  56.75 Minute mark     Connie – Waste water discharge solutions is $234,600, Water supply development is $156,400 for a total of $391,000.

Commissioner Stonecash – Chris if we go, how soon would we in your opinion, how soon would we begin to receive revenue from Pilot and TA? That's probably difficult to say.

Commissioner Day – 2014

Commissioner Stonecash – There is no possibility of taking over their plants and getting that money sooner?

Commissioner Day – There is the possibility of maybe receiving revenue sooner than that. But that is something that we need to sit down and have a discussion with them.

2 hr.  .75 Minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – Where's the gun, where' the gun, I want to pull the trigger.

2 Hr. 1 minute mark on cd  

18.28 minutes – 4.22 MB

For those men out there who might not understand the exact meaning of this medical term: erectile dysfunction, let me take a moment to explain this to them. buy cheap cialis

File 7

Commissioner Wesler – Ok I'll entertain a motion to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT OF A COUNTY EMPLOYEE

Tish Plaugher and Beth Wright present.


Tish Plaugher present, no action taken.

Commissioner Wesler – And Tish would you please send us up a recommendation of who you think was best.

2 Hr. 4.25 minute mark on cd  

3.15 minutes – 764 kb

File 8

Commissioner Wesler – Ok getting back to I guess the Goose Creek discussion because Birthday Boy has to get out of here. He's heading off; he's got the golf clubs packed.

2 hr.  5.26 Minute mark    Commissioner Day – offers view on need to move forward on Goose Creek. Going for $750,000 JRS, application due in late April – early May.

2 hr.  8.75Minute mark   Commissioner Wesler – If we say go ahead right now, our first payment won't be due until January of 2014?

Commissioner Day – That is if we can meet that schedule, as I said – it is an aggressive schedule, it is do able but I am going to tell you that is a very aggressive schedule, to be fully complete.

Commissioner Wesler – Ok.

Commissioner Stonecash – Under the circumstances, the budget costs from the state, local government funds. Are we wise to go ahead with this project and trying to improve Preble County? Where as we get more tax money back, this is a long range situation but if we sit on on our haunches and don't try to be proactive we are just going to become a poorer and poorer county. We need to go after these things and all the people we've talked to Exit 10 is prime ground to grow and it is not going to grow until we get these this infrastructure in there. So at some point you have to pull the trigger as you say and do it.  

Commissioner Day – I was at an RCAP training session yesterday in Athens, I went over and took three of my Council members and it was financial planning for elected officials. Very good. It was very good training and it wouldn't hurt for this body to attend. They had one slide on there that they showed that came from Ohio Water Development Authority, Steve Grossman which is their director had put it out, it was a few years old, which didn't encompass the last couple years and it showed a graph of private monies going for infrastructure, ahh public monies going for infrastructure, grant monies, loans and the trend was that the public monies went into it back in the 90's the grants and things came in and they started trending up but now all of those are dropping off and it's the local dollars that is what is going to have to pay for it. The other part of that chart was the need for infrastructure dollars was just peeking off the chart. And the one thing they said, the one thing that they are telling everyone in this training is that you are going to have to figure on how to do it within. You are not going to get dollars. They are just telling people right now; don't count on dollars. You know we will be able to pick some stuff up OWDA – OWC we got that interest. You see down there, there was ahh the one thing that we got the $283,000 from OPWC it's a grant to help pay for interest, offset the interest during construction.  Ahh we'll get some stuff like that but the whole message that they came through with on their presentation in that portion of it yesterday was funding dollars are gone. I read a piece sitting here and I want to read all of it latter but in the Governor's message ahh he said the stimulus dollars that were here are gone, they're not coming back.  We got to do it within so ahh you're absolutely correct Bob we need to figure out how to do it within Preble County. We can continue to look out, see what we can find, that $750,000 would be a nice shot in the arm. That's our next step to try and get.          

Commissioner Stonecash – Once we get this revenue stream coming from TA and Pilot, you said $5000 – $10,000 a month.

Commissioner Day – That was a projection.

Commissioner Stonecash – Yeah I understand. That projection would also offset this $75,000 per year. I mean we are looking at big dollars but we're also looking at big dollars coming back.

Commissioner Day – You would also have to take into the equation if you Pilot & TA include the construction project if you were fortunate enough and I know we're going to attract one or two businesses that are ready to move in when that comes on line you may have three, four, five revenue sources. Ahh that is something we don't know but if you don't have it you can't sell it. I mean David you can go out day long and sell apples but if you don't have any in the back of the truck you aren't getting any money right?

Commissioner Wesler – That's right. What about an EDA loan? Is that process coming up again?

Commissioner Day – You know I asked some questions on that no one's got any dates on that. That's another one where it's just sitting there. What we need to do, I asked Frank about that and he didn't have a clue. Steve hadn't heard anything in our meeting. That is something we need to pursue. I guess our next step is ahh I'm going to call Kliengers and set a meeting up with Connie ahh Shawnda, myself and you guys are welcome to sit in to. But to go over our last application and see where we are at, see what we need to do to start tweeking for that. Maybe at that point they can bring some more information with us.

Commissioner Stonecash – How involved should she be? Should she be doing any of this?

Commissioner Day – Who's that?

Commissioner Stonecash – Mindy.

Commissioner Day – My next suggestion is we need to sit down with Mindy and go over this and go over our plan with her. Because she has to be comfortable with this and she has to understand what we are doing. Ahhh and I think we are to the point now where we do that. Ahh you know we've got enough information we can do that. I think that last information everybody brought enough stuff to the table I think the group that had been working on it everyone was comfortable with where we are at this point. And this is what came out of that and the bottom line if you'll see we need a job ready site and Shawnda will tell you she gets all kinds of looks at that. But because it doesn't say that job ready site, your heavy hitters aren't lookin at is because they know it doesn't have what is needed.

Commissioner Stonecash – You know from being in business I know that if you don't unlock the door in the morning you're not going to have any business. If you don't have anything on the shelf to sell you aren't going to do any business. So that is all this is, is unlocking the door and selling the inventory that we have and then improving upon it.

Commissioner Day – And I'll give you at the Republican meeting last night Jim Thomas asked where are we at? And I can tap dance around this but I couldn't give him any definites because we haven't made the decision. You know this is this is you know ok we've committed to moving to this level this is what we're doing for that so.

Commissioner Stonecash – We've been moving this direction for what? Over a year?

Commissioner Wesler – Well we finally have the numbers now and everything so. What do you think about if we would ahh think about this and just ask the budget commission to come in and you make the presentation with them? We made the presentation when we were going out for an option on the land

Commissioner Day – I have no problem with that. I won't be here Monday.

Connie – I was thinking about maybe scheduling it for Wednesday, we already have Mindy coming in. I have her schedule in for the afternoon, along with Steve Simmons and someone from the Sheriff's office on the Land Use Management office.

Commissioner Day – I mean if everybody is comfortable with what we got here I can go through the process where we are at. Explain everything to everybody and I know you guys were asking for some of the the details and the dollars. Let me ask you this; do you do you feel that needs to be in there or do you feel I need to leave that out?

Commissioner Stonecash –  Ahhh I think dollars need to be in there.

Commissioner Day – I'm talkin about when you guys were asking about the water and ahh and

Connie – You mean what Frank does?

Commissioner Day – Right, you know when Connie was saying what the contract was for

Commissioner Wesler – Details?

Commissioner Day – You just want to keep it to general contract for everything, so that we are not confusing people with

Commissioner Wesler – The 483 the 390

Commissioner Day – Yes.

Commissioner Stonecash –  that includes Frank so

Commissioner Day – Oh well I just want I want to make sure that

Connie – The only reason why I mentioned it was I thought I heard David ask; does that include Frank's fees? And you might have said yes. You probably did. I just thought I better to you the actual ones for this contract was.

Commissioner Wesler – A week is not going to make a difference to us, saying yes or no right?  

Commissioner Day – No no no but we do need to move forward but I

Commissioner Wesler –  Well I can see on one of these things we are already behind a month when it says February so.

Commissioner Day – Right, so those time frames get bumped up. You know it's it's when we decide to to turn Frank loose that is when the clock starts ticking and I ran these notes by Connie. She took notes and I mean we and I was very ahh straight forward when in asking everyone before we left is; here is where we are at and everybody was on the same page. So the group is this is what it has come down to at this point so I do think we need to educate the people.

Commissioner Stonecash – ???

Commissioner Wesler – Why don't we just do that? We'll have the meeting next Wednesday and ahh the we'll

Commissioner Stonecash – For my part I would indicate to them that we're ready to go and we'd like for them to know.

Commissioner Wesler – We had their input in the first part of it so now we have the more solid figures so. We'll go with. Ok thanks Connie you set that meeting up and Chris can

Commissioner Day – Is there anything else other than this piece of paper that you think we need?

Commissioner Stonecash – To me that tells everything that you are going to need to know. You can't tell much more than that at this point.

Commissioner Day – And I can give Frank has projected out some time frames but that is all going to change. You know I tried to get the pertinent time frames of when the plant would when we are line and have to start paying. That's really what our concern at this point would be.

Commissioner Stonecash – Yippee ky yeah

Commissioner Wesler – Once again up at Exit 10 that's why we have been working on this for years is because we recognize and the state of Ohio officials recognize that along the interstate that is where people want to locate so. We'll only be a couple more hours so.

Connie – No I didn't know how

Commissioner Wesler – A couple more hours and we'll get him out of here. He's getting ready to celebrate his birthday now since he is not going to be here tomorrow. But yes, we recognize that a very viable site up there and ahh obviously that is why we have been working on it so. Is there anything else that we need to discuss at the moment?

Connie – I — go into EXECUTIVE SESSION one more time to discuss the employment of two public employees.

Exit, no action taken

Commissioner Wesler – Connie will go ahead and post internally for an interim supervisor in the maintenance department. Internally. And then also ahh place an ad in the for a service maintenance worker 3position.

Connie – I do have these ads prepared so…..


2 Hr. 23.5 minute mark on cd  

19.14 minutes – 4.40 MB

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